Title | Abbreviation | Status | Current title |
Cambridge Anthropology | Camb J Anthrop | Currently Indexed | |
Cambridge archaeological journal | Camb archaeol J | Currently Indexed | |
Canadian Association of African Studies newsletter | Canad Ass Afr Stud Newsl | No longer indexed | |
Canadian ethnic studies | Canad ethnic Stud | Currently Indexed | |
Canadian ethnic studies bulletin of the Research Center for Canadian Ethnic Studies | Canad ethnic Stud | Currently Indexed | |
Canadian journal of African studies | Canad J Afr Stud | Currently Indexed | |
Canadian journal of anthropology | Canad J Anthrop | Ceased publication | |
Canadian journal of archaeology | Canad J Archaeol | Currently Indexed | |
Canadian journal of native studies | Canad J native Stud | Selectively indexed | |
Canadian review of sociology and anthropology | Canad Rev Sociol Anthrop | Selectively indexed | |
Canadian studies report | Canad stud Rep | No longer indexed | |
Canberra Anthropologist | Asia Pacif J Anthrop | Currently Indexed | |
Caribe | Caribe | No longer indexed | |
Carpatica | Carpatobalcanica | Ceased publication | |
Carpatobalcanica | Carpatobalcanica | Ceased publication | |
Central Asian survey | Cent Asian Surv | Selectively indexed | |
Central Issues in Anthropology | Cent Issues Anthrop | Ceased publication | |
Ceramica de cultura maya | Ceram Cult maya | Ceased publication | |
Česká Antropologie: Sbornik Česke spolecnosti antropologické | Ceska Antrop | No longer indexed | |
Český Lid | Cesky Lid | Currently Indexed | |
Chachapuma | Chachapuma | Selectively indexed | |
Chicago anthropology exchange | Chicago Anthrop Exch | Ceased publication | |
China’s ethnic groups | Chin ethnic Groups | Selectively indexed | |
Chinese sociological review | Chin sociol rev | No longer indexed | |
Chinese sociology and anthropology | Chin sociol rev | No longer indexed | |
Chirapaq: boletín informativo del Centro de Culturas | Chirapaq | Ceased publication | |
Chungará | Chungara | Currently Indexed | |
Ciba review | Ciba Rev | Ceased publication | |
Ciba-Geigy review | Ciba Rev | Ceased publication | |
Ciência & trópico | Cienc Trop | Selectively indexed | |
Ciencias sociales y religion | Cienc soc relig | Selectively indexed | |
Cimbebasia | Cimbebasia | No longer indexed | |
City and society | City Soc | Selectively indexed | |
Civilisations | Civilisations | Selectively indexed | |
Clava | Clava | Currently Indexed | |
Collaborative anthropologies | Coll anthrop | Currently Indexed | |
Collection and research | Coll Res | No longer indexed | |
Colonial Latin American historical review | CLAHR Colon Latin Amer hist Rev | Ceased publication | |
Colonial Latin American review | Colon Latin Amer Rev | Selectively indexed | |
COMA: bulletin of the Conference of Museum Anthropologists of Australia | COMA Bull Conf Mus Anthrop | Ceased publication | |
Comechingonia: Revista de Arqueología | Comechingonia rev arqueol | Currently Indexed | |
Committee on Research in Dance news | Dance Res J | No longer indexed | |
Communicationes archaeologicae Hungariae | Commun archaeol Hung | Selectively indexed | |
Comparative sociology | Comp Soc | Selectively indexed | |
Comparative studies in society and history | Comp Stud Soc Hist | Selectively indexed | |
Comunicação: programa de pós-graduação em antropologia social | Antrop social Rio | No longer indexed | |
Congo-Tervuren | Afr-Tervuren | Ceased publication | |
Connaissance des arts tribaux | Art Tribal | Ceased publication | |
Contemporary Japan | Contemp Japan | Selectively indexed | |
Contributions to Indian sociology | Contr Indian Sociol | Currently Indexed |