Anthropological Index Online

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TitleDateReferenceAuthorsCall #ISSN
The network of Angola scholars 1993 Canadian Association of African Studies Newsletter (): 1993 autumn 16-20
  • J C Curto
Reflexions on African history: an interview with Jan Vansina during his visit to the University of Alberta as the Lewis H Thomas distinguished visiting speaker in the Department of History for 1991 1993 Canadian Association of African Studies Newsletter (): 1993 autumn 4-11
  • A McDougall
L'expérience du Rwanda en matière de politique de population 1993 Canadian Association of African Studies Newsletter (): 1993 autumn 12-15
  • F Tallon
Centre for Developing-Area Studies Documentation Centre: the African collection 1992 Canadian Association of African Studies Newsletter (): 1992 winter 15-17
  • I Blair
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