Title | Abbreviation | Status | Current title |
Hali: the international magazine of antique carpet and textile art | Hali | Selectively indexed | |
Hau: Journal of ethnographic theory | Hau | Currently Indexed | |
Hawwa: Journal of women of the Middle East and the Islamic World | Hawwa | Selectively indexed | |
Health transition review | Hlth Transit Rev | No longer indexed | |
Health transition series | Hlth Transit Ser | No longer indexed | |
Helinium | Helinium | No longer indexed | |
Hespéris | Hesperis-Tamuda | No longer indexed | |
Hesperis-Tamuda | Hesperis-Tamuda | No longer indexed | |
Himal: Himalayan magazine | Himal | No longer indexed | |
Himalaya: the journal of the Association for Nepal and Himalayan Studies | Himalaya J Ass Nepal Himal Stud | Selectively indexed | |
Himalayan research bulletin | Himalaya J Ass Nepal Himal Stud | Selectively indexed | |
Historia boliviana | Hist boliv | Ceased publication | |
Historia mexicana | Hist mex | Selectively indexed | |
Historia y cultura | Hist Cult | No longer indexed | |
Historical diffusionism | Hist Diffusionism | Ceased publication | |
Históricas | Historicas | Selectively indexed | |
Histories of anthropology annual | Hist Anthrop Ann | Currently Indexed | |
History | Hist Afr | Selectively indexed | |
History and anthropology | Hist Anthrop | Currently Indexed | |
History of religions | Hist Relig | Currently Indexed | |
Hombre y ambiente | Hombre Ambiente | No longer indexed | |
Hombre y cultura | Hombre Cult | No longer indexed | |
Home Cultures | Home Cult | No longer indexed | |
Homo: Journal of comparative human biology | Homo | No longer indexed | |
Hong Kong Anthropologist | Hong Kong Anthrop | No longer indexed | |
Hong Kong anthropology bulletin | Hong Kong Anthrop | No longer indexed | |
Huellas | Huellas | Ceased publication | |
Human biology | Hum Biol | Currently Indexed | |
Human biology in Oceania | Hum Biol Oceania | Ceased publication | |
Human ecology | Hum Ecol | No longer indexed | |
Human evolution | Hum Evol | Currently Indexed | |
Human heredity: international journal of human and medical genetics | Hum Hered | No longer indexed | |
Human mosaic: a journal of the social sciences | Hum Mosaic | Ceased publication | |
Human organization | Hum Org | Currently Indexed | |
Human problems in British central Africa | Afr social Res | No longer indexed | |
Human problems in central Africa | Afr social Res | No longer indexed | |
Human relations | Hum Relat | No longer indexed | |
Human science | J anthrop Surv India | No longer indexed | |
Humanitas | Humanitas | No longer indexed | |
Hungarian heritage | Hung Her | Selectively indexed |