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TitleDateReferenceAuthorsCall #ISSN
The demography of a myth: abortion in Yap 1973 Human biology in Oceania 2 (2): 115-27
  • J H Underwood
Scalp hair colour in Australian aborigines 1973 Human biology in Oceania 2 (2): 105-14
  • A A Abbie
The MN^SZ groups of some New Guinea populations 1973 Human biology in Oceania 2 (1): 27-32
  • P B Booth
  • R W Hornabrook
The inheritance of the Gerbich blood groups: an analysis of New Guinean families 1973 Human biology in Oceania 2 (1): 72-8
  • P B Booth
  • R W Hornabrook
Lewis and secretor genes in New Guinea 1973 Human biology in Oceania 2 (2): 155-66
  • J J Saave
  • P B Booth
  • R W Hornabrook
Right and left dominance of hands and feet in an Australian population 1973 Human biology in Oceania 2 (2): 167-70
  • D Chapman
  • R J Walsh
Leucocyte antigens of aboriginal Australians 1973 Human biology in Oceania 2 (1): 17-22
  • M P Alpers
  • R A Cross
  • T J York
An undergraduate unit in human biology in the University of Western Australia 1973 Human biology in Oceania 2 (2): 97-104
  • D Allbrook
  • L Freedman
Red cell genetic studies of the Toba Bataks of north Sumatra 1973 Human biology in Oceania 2 (2): 147-54
  • B Hawkins
  • E N Kosasih
  • M Elliot
  • M J Simons
Occurrence of the genotype Cde/Cde in Papua New Guinea 1973 Human biology in Oceania 2 (1): 23-6
  • A Kelly
  • A MacGregor
  • R W Hornabrook
A serological study on the occurrence of some respiratory infections in Fiji 1973 Human biology in Oceania 2 (2): 79-96
  • F N Macnamara
  • J A R Miles
  • R Mitchell
  • T Maguire
Present status and future problems of medical care in Japan 1973 Human biology in Oceania 2 (1): 42-9
  • M Nishio
Birth intervals, inbreeding, and reproductive compensation [Japan] 1973 Human biology in Oceania 2 (1): 1-16
  • W J Schull
The population genetic structure of Kiunga subdistrict, Papua New Guinea 1973 Human biology in Oceania 2 (2): 128-38
  • L Y C Lai
  • S Serjeantson
Blood group, erythrocyte acid phosphatase, serum group specific content, haptoglobin and transferrin gene frequencies amongst the Gogodara (Balimo), Kuman (Minj) and Enga (Laiagam) peoples of New Guinea 1973 Human biology in Oceania 2 (2): 139-46
  • A Baumgarten
  • C C Curtain
  • L Y C Lai
  • S Serjeantson
Blood group genetic patterns and heterogeneity in New Guinea 1973 Human biology in Oceania 2 (1): 63-71
  • R T Simmons
Nutrition and age-related changes in the body build of adults: studies in a New Guinea highland community 1973 Human biology in Oceania 2 (1): 50-62
  • G Keig
  • P Sinnett
  • W Craig
Some haematological and biochemical effects of a malaria control programme in New Guinea 1973 Human biology in Oceania 2 (1): 33-41
  • R J Walsh
  • R MacLennan
The distribution of serum protein and enzyme groups among aboriginal populations in Queensland 1972 Human biology in Oceania 1 (3): 207-14
  • D G Jose
  • D R Cooks
  • N M Blake
  • R L Kirk
Anthropometry of Lau islanders, Fiji, with a note on their colour vision 1972 Human biology in Oceania 1 (4): 273-7
  • J A Lourie
Cross-currents: the statistics of kuru 1972 Human biology in Oceania 1 (4): 289-98
  • N McArthur
An investigation of a nutritional enigma: studies on coastal and highland populations in New Guinea 1972 Human biology in Oceania 1 (4): 318-19
  • A Ferro-Luzzi
  • J V G A Durnin
  • N G Norgan
Polymorphisms and genetic affinities of the Ainu of Hokkaido 1972 Human biology in Oceania 1 (4): 278-88
  • K Omoto
The effects of treponematosis and gonorrhoea on the populations of the Pacific islands 1972 Human biology in Oceania 1 (3): 187-206
  • P Pirie
Dermatoglyphics of the Asmat and Tjitak peoples of west New Guinea 1972 Human biology in Oceania 1 (4): 255-8
  • C C Plato
  • D C Gajdusek
Nutrition in a New Guinea highland community 1972 Human biology in Oceania 1 (4): 299-305
  • P Sinnett
The effect of work level and dietary intake on sweat nitrogen losses in a hot climate 1972 Human biology in Oceania 1 (4): 314-15
  • E F Wheeler
  • Hamad El-Neil
  • J O C Willson
  • J S Weiner
Fertility patterns among aboriginal Australians 1972 Human biology in Oceania 1 (4): 245-54
  • F L Jones
Mushroom madness in the Kuma 1972 Human biology in Oceania 1 (3): 170-8
  • R Heim
Salivary and serum amylase in Australian aborigines and Australian whites 1972 Human biology in Oceania 1 (3): 179-86
  • B Boettcher
  • F A de la Lande
Weak I' red cell antigen in Melanesians: family and population studies 1972 Human biology in Oceania 1 (4): 306-9
  • P B Booth
  • R W Hornabrook
Blood group genetic data from the lake Kutubu region, southern highlands, Papua 1972 Human biology in Oceania 1 (3): 229-33
  • P B Booth
  • R W Hornabrook
The red cell antigen N sup_a in Melanesians: family and population studies 1972 Human biology in Oceania 1 (3): 223-8
  • L A Malcolm
  • P B Booth
  • R W Hornabrook
The Gerbich blood group system in New Guinea. 3, The Nadang district, the highlands, the New Guinea islands and the south Papuan coast 1972 Human biology in Oceania 1 (4): 267-72
  • A Macgregor
  • K McLoughlin
  • P B Booth
  • R W Hornabrook
The Gerbich blood group system in New Guinea. 2, The Morobe district and north Papuan coast 1972 Human biology in Oceania 1 (4): 259-66
  • A Macgregor
  • K McLoughlin
  • L A Malcolm
  • P B Booth
  • R W Hornabrook
The Gerbich blood group system in New Guinea. 1, The Sepik district 1972 Human biology in Oceania 1 (3): 215-22
  • K McLoughlin
  • L Wark
  • P B Booth
  • R Spark
Biological view of problems of urban health 1972 Human biology in Oceania 1 (3): 159-69
  • S Boyden
Lung function and exercise performance of young adult New Guineans 1972 Human biology in Oceania 1 (4): 316-17
  • H R Anderson
  • J E Cotes
  • J M Patrick
  • J R Adam
  • M J Saunders
  • V F Kay
Anaemia on the coast and highlands of New Guinea 1972 Human biology in Oceania 1 (3): 234-41
  • A Kelly
  • G G Crane
  • R W Hornabrook
A study of temperature regulation in New Guinea people 1972 Human biology in Oceania 1 (4): 310-13
  • A J Hackett
  • A L Hendrie
  • G M Budd
  • P M Woodward
  • R H Fox
The Maring people of the Bismarck ranges of New Guinea 1971 Human biology in Oceania 1 (2): 121-33
  • G Buchbinder
  • P Clark
Secondary body hair in Australian aborigines 1971 Human biology in Oceania 1 (2): 114-20
  • A A Abbie
  • M Muecke
Reflections on kuru 1971 Human biology in Oceania 1 (1): 3-9
  • F M Burnet
A note on genetic drift in New Guinea 1971 Human biology in Oceania 1 (2): 140-3
  • J D Cadien
Human biology in the Australian National University 1971 Human biology in Oceania 1 (2): 150
  • F J Fenner
Anomaloscope testing of the colour vision of a New Guinea highland population 1971 Human biology in Oceania 1 (2): 144-9
  • R G Harvey
The 'Red-skins' of Lufa sub-district: further observations on the distinctive skin pigmentation of some New Guinea indigenes 1971 Human biology in Oceania 1 (2): 103-13
  • R G Harvey
Population genetic studies in Australian aborigines of the Northern Territory: the distribution of some serum protein and enzyme groups among populations at various locations in the Northern Territory of Australia 1971 Human biology in Oceania 1 (1): 54-76
  • G J Tibbs
  • N M Blake
  • P M Moodie
  • R L Kirk
Red cell acid phosphatase polymorphism among indigenes of the Solomon islands 1971 Human biology in Oceania 1 (2): 134-9
  • A Damon
  • J Bloom
  • L Y C Lai
Fertility and marriage in Fiji 1971 Human biology in Oceania 1 (1): 10-22
  • N McArthur