Title | Date | Reference | Authors | Call # | ISSN | ||
The demography of a myth: abortion in Yap | 1973 | Human biology in Oceania 2 (2): 115-27 | |||||
Scalp hair colour in Australian aborigines | 1973 | Human biology in Oceania 2 (2): 105-14 | |||||
The MN^SZ groups of some New Guinea populations | 1973 | Human biology in Oceania 2 (1): 27-32 | |||||
The inheritance of the Gerbich blood groups: an analysis of New Guinean families | 1973 | Human biology in Oceania 2 (1): 72-8 | |||||
Lewis and secretor genes in New Guinea | 1973 | Human biology in Oceania 2 (2): 155-66 | |||||
Right and left dominance of hands and feet in an Australian population | 1973 | Human biology in Oceania 2 (2): 167-70 | |||||
Leucocyte antigens of aboriginal Australians | 1973 | Human biology in Oceania 2 (1): 17-22 | |||||
An undergraduate unit in human biology in the University of Western Australia | 1973 | Human biology in Oceania 2 (2): 97-104 | |||||
Red cell genetic studies of the Toba Bataks of north Sumatra | 1973 | Human biology in Oceania 2 (2): 147-54 | |||||
Occurrence of the genotype Cde/Cde in Papua New Guinea | 1973 | Human biology in Oceania 2 (1): 23-6 | |||||
A serological study on the occurrence of some respiratory infections in Fiji | 1973 | Human biology in Oceania 2 (2): 79-96 | |||||
Present status and future problems of medical care in Japan | 1973 | Human biology in Oceania 2 (1): 42-9 | |||||
Birth intervals, inbreeding, and reproductive compensation [Japan] | 1973 | Human biology in Oceania 2 (1): 1-16 | |||||
The population genetic structure of Kiunga subdistrict, Papua New Guinea | 1973 | Human biology in Oceania 2 (2): 128-38 | |||||
Blood group, erythrocyte acid phosphatase, serum group specific content, haptoglobin and transferrin gene frequencies amongst the Gogodara (Balimo), Kuman (Minj) and Enga (Laiagam) peoples of New Guinea | 1973 | Human biology in Oceania 2 (2): 139-46 | |||||
Blood group genetic patterns and heterogeneity in New Guinea | 1973 | Human biology in Oceania 2 (1): 63-71 | |||||
Nutrition and age-related changes in the body build of adults: studies in a New Guinea highland community | 1973 | Human biology in Oceania 2 (1): 50-62 | |||||
Some haematological and biochemical effects of a malaria control programme in New Guinea | 1973 | Human biology in Oceania 2 (1): 33-41 | |||||
The distribution of serum protein and enzyme groups among aboriginal populations in Queensland | 1972 | Human biology in Oceania 1 (3): 207-14 | |||||
Anthropometry of Lau islanders, Fiji, with a note on their colour vision | 1972 | Human biology in Oceania 1 (4): 273-7 | |||||
Cross-currents: the statistics of kuru | 1972 | Human biology in Oceania 1 (4): 289-98 | |||||
An investigation of a nutritional enigma: studies on coastal and highland populations in New Guinea | 1972 | Human biology in Oceania 1 (4): 318-19 | |||||
Polymorphisms and genetic affinities of the Ainu of Hokkaido | 1972 | Human biology in Oceania 1 (4): 278-88 | |||||
The effects of treponematosis and gonorrhoea on the populations of the Pacific islands | 1972 | Human biology in Oceania 1 (3): 187-206 | |||||
Dermatoglyphics of the Asmat and Tjitak peoples of west New Guinea | 1972 | Human biology in Oceania 1 (4): 255-8 | |||||
Nutrition in a New Guinea highland community | 1972 | Human biology in Oceania 1 (4): 299-305 | |||||
The effect of work level and dietary intake on sweat nitrogen losses in a hot climate | 1972 | Human biology in Oceania 1 (4): 314-15 | |||||
Fertility patterns among aboriginal Australians | 1972 | Human biology in Oceania 1 (4): 245-54 | |||||
Mushroom madness in the Kuma | 1972 | Human biology in Oceania 1 (3): 170-8 | |||||
Salivary and serum amylase in Australian aborigines and Australian whites | 1972 | Human biology in Oceania 1 (3): 179-86 | |||||
Weak I' red cell antigen in Melanesians: family and population studies | 1972 | Human biology in Oceania 1 (4): 306-9 | |||||
Blood group genetic data from the lake Kutubu region, southern highlands, Papua | 1972 | Human biology in Oceania 1 (3): 229-33 | |||||
The red cell antigen N sup_a in Melanesians: family and population studies | 1972 | Human biology in Oceania 1 (3): 223-8 | |||||
The Gerbich blood group system in New Guinea. 3, The Nadang district, the highlands, the New Guinea islands and the south Papuan coast | 1972 | Human biology in Oceania 1 (4): 267-72 | |||||
The Gerbich blood group system in New Guinea. 2, The Morobe district and north Papuan coast | 1972 | Human biology in Oceania 1 (4): 259-66 | |||||
The Gerbich blood group system in New Guinea. 1, The Sepik district | 1972 | Human biology in Oceania 1 (3): 215-22 | |||||
Biological view of problems of urban health | 1972 | Human biology in Oceania 1 (3): 159-69 | |||||
Lung function and exercise performance of young adult New Guineans | 1972 | Human biology in Oceania 1 (4): 316-17 | |||||
Anaemia on the coast and highlands of New Guinea | 1972 | Human biology in Oceania 1 (3): 234-41 | |||||
A study of temperature regulation in New Guinea people | 1972 | Human biology in Oceania 1 (4): 310-13 | |||||
The Maring people of the Bismarck ranges of New Guinea | 1971 | Human biology in Oceania 1 (2): 121-33 | |||||
Secondary body hair in Australian aborigines | 1971 | Human biology in Oceania 1 (2): 114-20 | |||||
Reflections on kuru | 1971 | Human biology in Oceania 1 (1): 3-9 | |||||
A note on genetic drift in New Guinea | 1971 | Human biology in Oceania 1 (2): 140-3 | |||||
Human biology in the Australian National University | 1971 | Human biology in Oceania 1 (2): 150 | |||||
Anomaloscope testing of the colour vision of a New Guinea highland population | 1971 | Human biology in Oceania 1 (2): 144-9 | |||||
The 'Red-skins' of Lufa sub-district: further observations on the distinctive skin pigmentation of some New Guinea indigenes | 1971 | Human biology in Oceania 1 (2): 103-13 | |||||
Population genetic studies in Australian aborigines of the Northern Territory: the distribution of some serum protein and enzyme groups among populations at various locations in the Northern Territory of Australia | 1971 | Human biology in Oceania 1 (1): 54-76 | |||||
Red cell acid phosphatase polymorphism among indigenes of the Solomon islands | 1971 | Human biology in Oceania 1 (2): 134-9 | |||||
Fertility and marriage in Fiji | 1971 | Human biology in Oceania 1 (1): 10-22 |