Title | Abbreviation | Status | Current title |
A Néprajzi Múzeum országos Magyar Történeti Múzeum Néprajzi Tára értesít je | Nepr Ert | Currently Indexed | |
NADA | NADA | No longer indexed | |
Nanzan studies in cultural anthropology | Nanzan Stud cult Anthrop | No longer indexed | |
Narodna tvorchist' ta etnohrafiya | Nar Tvorch Etnohr | Selectively indexed | |
Narodna umjetnost | Nar Umjetn | Currently Indexed | |
Národopis Slovákov v Madarsku | Narod Slov Madar | No longer indexed | |
Národopisná revue | Narod Rev | Selectively indexed | |
Národopisné aktuality | Narod Rev | Selectively indexed | |
Národopisný sborník | Narod Zborn | Currently Indexed | |
Národopisný vestník Československý | Narod Vestn csl | No longer indexed | |
Národopisný zborník | Narod Zborn | Currently Indexed | |
National Cultural History Museum Research Journal | Natn Cult Hist Mus Res J | Selectively indexed | |
National geographic magazine | Natn Geogr | No longer indexed | |
Nations and nationalism. Journal of the Association for the Study of Ethnicity and Nationalism | Nations Nationalism | Selectively indexed | |
Native American art | Native Amer art | Selectively indexed | |
Native Americas | Native Amer art | Ceased publication | |
Native Americas | Native Amer | Ceased publication | |
Native South | Nat S | Currently Indexed | |
Natural history | Nat Hist | No longer indexed | |
Nature | Nature | No longer indexed | |
Nature and culture | Nature Cult | Selectively indexed | |
Ñawpa Pacha | Nawpa Pacha | Currently Indexed | |
Near Eastern archaeology | Near east Archaeol | No longer indexed | |
Néprajzi értesítő | Nepr Ert | Currently Indexed | |
Nevada archaeologist | Nevada Archaeol | No longer indexed | |
New Arabian studies | New Arab Stud | Ceased publication | |
New diffusionist | Hist Diffusionism | Ceased publication | |
New Internationalist | New Internationalist | No longer indexed | |
New Mexico historical review | New Mex hist Rev | No longer indexed | |
New scholar | New Schol | Ceased publication | |
New society | New Society | Ceased publication | |
New West Indian guide | New W Indian Guide | Selectively indexed | |
New Zealand journal of archaeology | J Pacif Archaeol | Currently Indexed | |
News from native California | News native Calif | Selectively indexed | |
News from Survival international | Survival int Rev | No longer indexed | |
Newsletter | S Dakota archaeol Soc Newsl | No longer indexed | |
Newsletter Commission on Nomadic Peoples | Nomad Peopl | Currently Indexed | |
Newsletter of the American Dermatoglyphics Association | Newsl Amer Dermatoglyph Ass | No longer indexed | |
Newsletter of the Gypsy Lore Society North American Chapter | Newsl Gypsy Lore Soc N Amer | No longer indexed | |
Newsletter of the New Zealand Archaeological Association | Archaeol NZ | Currently Indexed | |
Newsletter Program in Ethnographic Film | Visual Anthrop Rev | Selectively indexed | |
Newsletter Society for the Anthropology of Visual Communication | Visual Anthrop Rev | Selectively indexed | |
Nexus | Nexus | No longer indexed | |
Nigeria magazine | Nigeria Mag | Ceased publication | |
Nigerian heritage: journal of the National Commission for Museums and Monuments | Niger Heritage | Currently Indexed | |
Nigerian teacher | Nigeria Mag | Ceased publication | |
Nigrizia | Nigrizia | No longer indexed | |
Nka Journal of contemporary African art | Nka: J contemp Afr arts | Selectively indexed | |
Nomadic peoples | Nomad Peopl | Currently Indexed | |
Nomadic peoples (NS) | Nomad Peopl | Currently Indexed |