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TitleDateReferenceAuthorsCall #ISSN
We still remain: advancing researcher-Indigenous partnership in the Southeast 2022 Native South 15 (): 78-101
  • Danielle Hiraldo
  • Greg Richardson
  • Hannah Goins
  • Mary Ann Jacobs
  • Rebecca Asser
H6/KUB [NATIVE SOUTH-] 1943-2596
The Nikwasi Mound. Archaeology, preservation, and politics in the Eastern Cherokee heartland 2022 Native South 15 (): 60-77
  • Benjamin A. Steere
H6/KUB [NATIVE SOUTH-] 1943-2596
Paths to power: reconstituted networks and the beginnings of the French and Alabama-Coushatta alliance, 1702-1717 2022 Native South 15 (): 30-59
  • Kevin Harrell
H6/KUB [NATIVE SOUTH-] 1943-2596
Whose outlaws? Reevaluating the Seminole "Indian scare of 1849" 2022 Native South 15 (): 1-29
  • Daniel Murphree
H6/KUB [NATIVE SOUTH-] 1943-2596
"A little Indian there" Henry Louis Gates, DNA and the immutability of Lumbee identity 2021 Native South 14 (): 114-25
  • Brittany D. Hunt
H6/KUB [NATIVE SOUTH-] 1943-2596
Brer rabbit's many colored cattails: disrupting settler colonial fictions in Joel Chandler Harris's Uncle Remus series 2021 Native South 14 (): 93-113
  • Robyn Johnson
H6/KUB [NATIVE SOUTH-] 1943-2596
Negotiating the royal proclamation: shared legalities and the ordering of authority in the southeastern borderlands, 1763-1768 2021 Native South 14 (): 63-92
  • Austin Stewart
H6/KUB [NATIVE SOUTH-] 1943-2596
Creoles, Indians, and Raquette in Louisiana 2021 Native South 14 (): 39-62
  • Hans Rasmussen
H6/KUB [NATIVE SOUTH-] 1943-2596
Metawney of Coweta: Creek (Muskogee) women and their eighteenth-century world 2021 Native South 14 (): 1-38
  • Bryan Rindfleisch
H6/KUB [NATIVE SOUTH-] 1943-2596
"Every drop of Indian blood": the short but ironic life of Sylvester Long 2020 Native South 13 (): 32-59
  • Michael Leroy Oberg
H6/KUB [NATIVE SOUTH-] 1943-2596
Twisting air: Native southerners and their encounters with tornadoes 2020 Native South 13 (): 60-93
  • Tim Alan Garrison
H6/KUB [NATIVE SOUTH-] 1943-2596
Directing their own change: Chickasaw economic transformation and the civilization plan, 1750-1830 2020 Native South 13 (): 94-119
  • Jeffrey Washburn
H6/KUB [NATIVE SOUTH-] 1943-2596
"The positive duty to aid them": segregated health, federal responsibility, and the Mississippi Choctaws during the 1918-1919 influenza epidemic 2020 Native South 13 (): 1-31
  • Mikaëla M. Adams
H6/KUB [NATIVE SOUTH-] 1943-2596
More thatn "strangers to each others persons & manners": Overhill Cherokees and Fort Loudon 2020 Native South 13 (): 120-57
  • Jessica L. Wallace
H6/KUB [NATIVE SOUTH-] 1943-2596
"A man's children have no claim to his property": Creek matrilinear property relations and gendered conflict at the turn of the nineteenth century 2020 Native South 13 (): 158-89
  • Miller Shores Wright
H6/KUB [NATIVE SOUTH-] 1943-2596
Persistence on the edge: the Choctaw-Apache community of Ebarb 2020 Native South 13 (): 190-203
  • Robert B. Caldwell
H6/KUB [NATIVE SOUTH-] 1943-2596
Why Native southern literatures matter 2019 Native South 12 (): 3-9
  • Eric Gary Anderson
  • Melanie Benson Taylor
H6/KUB [NATIVE SOUTH-] 1943-2596
Indigenous through one's southernness: reading Native southern literature 2019 Native South 12 (): 10-29
  • Keely Byars-Nichols
H6/KUB [NATIVE SOUTH-] 1943-2596
"The yellow monster": reanimating nucelar fears in Cherokee science fiction 2019 Native South 12 (): 52-73
  • Miriam Brown-Psiers
H6/KUB [NATIVE SOUTH-] 1943-2596
Letting the other story go: the Native south in and beyond the anthropocene 2019 Native South 12 (): 74-98
  • Eric Gary Anderson
  • Melanie Benson Taylor
H6/KUB [NATIVE SOUTH-] 1943-2596
Yum Cháak (sacred rain) "the little droplet of water" 2019 Native South 12 (): 99-106
  • Dolores Flores-Silva
  • Keith Cartwright
H6/KUB [NATIVE SOUTH-] 1943-2596
Imagining possiblity within policy: LeAnne Howe's Shell Shaker and Louise Owen's Bone Game 2019 Native South 12 (): 30-51
  • Gina Caison
H6/KUB [NATIVE SOUTH-] 1943-2596
Modern by tradition: Seminole innovation in the contemporary South 2017 Native South 10 (): 76-95
  • Andrew K. Frank
H6/KUB [NATIVE SOUTH-] 1943-2596
Allotment, Jim Crow, and the state: reconceptualizing the privatization of land, the segregation of bodies, and the politicization of sexuality in Native South 2017 Native South 10 (): 60-75
  • Rose Stremlau
H6/KUB [NATIVE SOUTH-] 1943-2596
On the antebellum fringe: Lumbee Indians, slavery, and removal 2017 Native South 10 (): 40-59
  • Malinda Maynor Lowery
H6/KUB [NATIVE SOUTH-] 1943-2596
Constructing a discourse of indigenous slavery, freedom and sovereignty in Anglo-Virginia, 1600-1750 2017 Native South 10 (): 19-39
  • Kristofer Ray
H6/KUB [NATIVE SOUTH-] 1943-2596
"All of us will have to pay for these activities": colonial and Native narratives of the 1704 attack on Ayubale 2017 Native South 10 (): 1-18
  • Alejandra Dubcovsky
H6/KUB [NATIVE SOUTH-] 1943-2596
Indians as southerners: southerners as Indians: rethinking the history of a region 2017 Native South 10 (): vii-xiv
  • Andrew K. Frank
  • Kristofer Ray
H6/KUB [NATIVE SOUTH-] 1943-2596
Earthworks and contemporary indigenous American literature 2016 Native South 9 (): 1-26
  • Eric Gary Anderson
H6/KUB [NATIVE SOUTH-] 1943-2596
The South's other slavery: recent research on Indian slavery 2016 Native South 9 (): 27-53
  • Denise I. Bossy
H6/KUB [NATIVE SOUTH-] 1943-2596
Reshaping southern identity and politics: Indian activism during the civil rights era 2016 Native South 9 (): 125-51
  • Denise E. Bates
H6/KUB [NATIVE SOUTH-] 1943-2596
"They don't like Indian around here": Chitimacha struggles and strategies for survival in the Jim Crow South 2016 Native South 9 (): 89-124
  • Daniel H. Usner jr.
H6/KUB [NATIVE SOUTH-] 1943-2596
The "owner of the town ground, who overrules all when on the spot" Escotchaby of Coweta and the politics of personal networking in Creek country, 1740-1780 2016 Native South 9 (): 54-88
  • Bryan C. Rindfleisch
H6/KUB [NATIVE SOUTH-] 1943-2596
A Cherokee epic: Kermit Hunter's Unto These Hills and the mythologizing of Cherokee history 2015 Native South 8 (): 1-30
  • Gregory D. Smithers
H6/KUB [NATIVE SOUTH-] 1943-2596
Koasati and "all the olden talk" ideologies of linguistic conservatism and the mediation of linguistic authority 2015 Native South 8 (): 31-62
  • Stephanie Hasselbacher
H6/KUB [NATIVE SOUTH-] 1943-2596
T.C. Stuart and the Monroe Mission among the Chickasaw in Mississippi, 1819-1834 2015 Native South 8 (): 63-88
  • Otis W. Pickett
H6/KUB [NATIVE SOUTH-] 1943-2596
Tooanahowi: the maturation of the next Yamacraw leader 2015 Native South 8 (): 89-111
  • Julie Anne Sweet
H6/KUB [NATIVE SOUTH-] 1943-2596
The hominy foodways of the historic native eastern woodlands 2015 Native South 8 (): 112-46
  • Rachel V. Briggs
H6/KUB [NATIVE SOUTH-] 1943-2596
Remembering Michael D. Green 2014 Native South 7 (): 143-5
  • James Taylor Carson
H6/KUB [NATIVE SOUTH-] 1943-2596
Pocahontas doesn't live here anymore: women and gender in the Native south before removal 2014 Native South 7 (): 1-32
  • Michelle Lemaster
H6/KUB [NATIVE SOUTH-] 1943-2596
Cherokees and Franco-British confrontation in the Tennessee corridor, 1730-1760 2014 Native South 7 (): 33-67
  • Kristofer Ray
H6/KUB [NATIVE SOUTH-] 1943-2596
The many faces of Native bonded labor in colonial Virginia 2014 Native South 7 (): 68-91
  • Kristalyn Marie Shefveland
H6/KUB [NATIVE SOUTH-] 1943-2596
"The word 'mixed' without the 'Indian' would be better": Virginia's Racial Integrity Act and the destruction of Indian race in the early twentieth century 2014 Native South 7 (): 92-107
  • Mika Endo
H6/KUB [NATIVE SOUTH-] 1943-2596
Precontact sources of historical narratives 2014 Native South 7 (): 108-21
  • Alejandra Dubcovsky
H6/KUB [NATIVE SOUTH-] 1943-2596
Seminole histories of the Calusa: dance, narrative, and historical consciousness 2014 Native South 7 (): 122-42
  • Jason Baird Jackson
H6/KUB [NATIVE SOUTH-] 1943-2596
Remembering Charles Hudson 2014 Native South 7 (): 146-9
  • Robbie Ethridge
H6/KUB [NATIVE SOUTH-] 1943-2596
"My heart jumps happy when I ... hear that music": powwow singing and Indian identities in eastern North Carolina 2013 Native South 6 (): 1-32
  • Clyde Ellis
H6/KUB [NATIVE SOUTH-] 1943-2596
Spanish conquistadores, French explorers, and Natchez Great Suns in southwestern Mississippi, 1542-1729 2013 Native South 6 (): 33-69
  • Jayur Madhusudan Mehta
H6/KUB [NATIVE SOUTH-] 1943-2596
A community of convenience: the Saponi Nation, governor Spotswood, and the experiment at fort Christanna, 1670-1740 2013 Native South 6 (): 70-109
  • Stephanie Gamble
H6/KUB [NATIVE SOUTH-] 1943-2596
Apalachee identity on the gulf coast frontier 2013 Native South 6 (): 110-41
  • Patrick Lee-Johnson
H6/KUB [NATIVE SOUTH-] 1943-2596