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TitleDateReferenceAuthorsCall #ISSN
The keeper of the spirit of Nehoreka [on a woman chief in MaShonaland] 1972 NADA 10 (4): 55-9
  • P Berlyn
Popular Ndebele descriptions relationg to cattle colour patterns and horn shapes 1972 NADA 10 (4): 33-47
  • J W I Brownlee
Some African beliefs regarding birds and their calls 1972 NADA 10 (4): 20-2
  • D D Campbell
  • E G Howman
The Mlimo (Mwari) cult 1972 NADA 10 (4): 83-92
  • I G Cockcroft
The nature of African customary law in central Africa 1972 NADA 10 (4): 93-102
  • C J W Fleming
Variety in Shona literature 1972 NADA 10 (4): 69-76
  • G Fortune
The history of the Msana chieftainship 1972 NADA 10 (4): 60-3
  • S H Fynes-Clinton
Who is rich and poor in traditional Shona society? 1972 NADA 10 (4): 49-50
  • M Gelfand
The egalitarian Shona 1972 NADA 10 (4): 51-4
  • M Gelfand
Marketing in the Tribal Trust lands [of Rhodesia] 1972 NADA 10 (4): 110-12
  • J G Hillis
The (Ba)Yei of Botswana in the western Okovango swamps 1972 NADA 10 (4): 103-9
  • D J M Lambrecht
  • F L Lambrecht
Munhumutapa: oral traditions 1972 NADA 10 (4): 77-82
  • C J K Latham
Birds and plants of Africa in the Bible 1972 NADA 10 (4): 14-19
  • F V I McCallum
African stories 1972 NADA 10 (4): 23-5
  • J Meiring
The Varozvi of chief Murambgha [Gatooma district, Rhodesia] 1972 NADA 10 (4): 64-8
  • D K Parkinson
Fact or folk-lore? [on stories from Shamva district, Rhodesia] 1972 NADA 10 (4): 27-9
  • T H Wells
Harry Archie Cripwell [1897-1970] 1971 NADA 10 (3): 104-5
  • Anonymous
Archibald George Yardley [1890-1970] 1971 NADA 10 (3): 103-4
  • Anonymous
African education in Bulawayo from 1893 1971 NADA 10 (3): 81-93
  • E E Carruthers-Smith
Some riddles from the eastern district [of Rhodesia] 1971 NADA 10 (3): 100-2
  • Dominus
The Swazi in Rhodesia 1971 NADA 10 (3): 3-7
  • C J W Fleming
The Jeanes movement: an early experiment 1971 NADA 10 (3): 13-25
  • D Flood
A nganga who has adopted two faiths [on the acceptance of both Shonism and Christianity by a Shona] 1971 NADA 10 (3): 73-6
  • M Gelfand
Praises given to the kings of the Amandebele 1971 NADA 10 (3): 94-6
  • T J Hemans
Some bird & animal omens & African beliefs 1971 NADA 10 (3): 8-10
  • F V I McCallum
A diviner from Malawi 1971 NADA 10 (3): 11-12
  • K R Robinson
Chikwarakwara Chauke and his people 1971 NADA 10 (3): 97-9
  • H von Sicard
Some notes on the history and customs of the Urungwe district [Rhodesia] 1971 NADA 10 (3): 33-72
  • J D White
The African totem: the mutupo and chidau 1970 NADA 10 (2): 118-22
  • E V Bogomas
Peoples of Darwin: an ethnographic survey of the Darwin district [of Rhodesia] 1970 NADA 10 (2): 103-14
  • M F C Bourdillon
Ndebele bird names 1970 NADA 10 (2): 67-8
  • P Cooke
Tribalism and economic development 1970 NADA 10 (2): 78-83
  • C S Davies
Industrial school at Inyati, 1919-1933 1970 NADA 10 (2): 69-77
  • D Flood
Chibi tribe [historical account] 1970 NADA 10 (2): 84-6
  • P Forrestall
The African areas of Rhodesia as I saw them 1970 NADA 10 (2): 39-43
  • D H Griffiths
The revival of Shona poetry 1970 NADA 10 (2): 12-15
  • M A Hamutyinei
The exorcism of evil spirits or modern exorcism 1970 NADA 10 (2): 64-6
  • T J Hemans
Dzimbadzemabgwe 1970 NADA 10 (2): 24-30
  • C J K Latham
The Ba Tonga of the Zambesi valley 1970 NADA 10 (2): 100-2
  • C J K Latham
African ideas and the Old Testament 1970 NADA 10 (2): 3-11
  • F V I McCallum
Life and work of Miss Catherine Mabel Langham, pioneer of homecraft work for African women 1970 NADA 10 (2): 18-23
  • D Stebbing
  • E K Preston
The Tuli cattle of Rhodesia 1970 NADA 10 (2): 61-3
  • C E Proome
The final obsequies among the Lemba 1970 NADA 10 (2): 115-17
  • H von Sicard
Rwambiwa: an historical account of the massacre of the Njanja tribe 1970 NADA 10 (2): 44-8
  • T K Tsodzo
The legendary history of the Hodi and Ngorima chiefs 1970 NADA 10 (2): 49-60
  • J Young
A sociological interpretation of sorcery and witchcraft beliefs among the Karanga 1968 NADA 9 (5): 47-53
  • M Aquina
Mutimwi: a note on the waist belt of the Karanga 1968 NADA 9 (5): 3-4
  • M Aquina
Some aspects of the material culture of the Shona people 1968 NADA 9 (5): 68-73
  • P Berlyn
The modern trend in African poetry 1968 NADA 9 (5): 39-41
  • P Berlyn
Possession by the spirits in Mashonaland 1968 NADA 9 (5): 77-80
  • E V Bogomas