Title | Abbreviation | Status | Current title |
M: Museos de México y del mundo | M: Mus Mex mundo | Selectively indexed | |
Madok füzetek | Madok | Selectively indexed | |
Magallania | Magallania | Selectively indexed | |
Magazine of the LSE Anthropology Society | Mag LSE Anthrop Soc | Ceased publication | |
Maguaré: Revista del Departamento de Antropología | Maguare | No longer indexed | |
Makedonski folklor | Makedon Folkl | Ceased publication | |
Makerere Institute of Social Research conference papers | Univ E Afr Social Sci Coun Conf Pap | No longer indexed | |
Man | J R anthrop Inst | Selectively indexed | |
Man and culture in Oceania | Man Cult Oceania | Ceased publication | |
Man and culture in Oceania | Peop Cult Oceania | Currently Indexed | |
Man and life | Man Life | Ceased publication | |
Man in India | Man India | Currently Indexed | |
Man in New Guinea | Res Melanes | Ceased publication | |
Man in the northeast | NE Anthrop | Currently Indexed | |
Man in the Pacific | Man Pacif | Ceased publication | |
Mana: estudos de antropologia social | Mana | Currently Indexed | |
Mankind | Aust J Anthrop | Currently Indexed | |
Mankind quarterly | Mankind Q | No longer indexed | |
Manusia Indonesia | Man Indones | No longer indexed | |
Mare Erythræum | Mare eryth | Ceased publication | |
Markets and traders in south Asia | Mkts Traders S Asia | Ceased publication | |
Martor: revue d'anthropologie du Musée du Paysan Roumain | Martor | Selectively indexed | |
Masterkey | Masterkey | Ceased publication | |
Material religion | Mater Relig | Currently Indexed | |
Material'naya kul'tura Tadzhikistana | Mater Kul't Tadzhik | Ceased publication | |
Materiale şi cercetǎri arheologice (Serie Nouǎ) | Mater Cercet arheol NS | Selectively indexed | |
Materialy k antropologii Kavkaza | Mater Antrop Kavk | Ceased publication | |
Materialy po arkheologii Gruzii i Kavkaza | Mater Arkheol Gruz Kavk | No longer indexed | |
Materialy po etnografii Gruzii | Mater Etnogr Gruz | Ceased publication | |
Materialy starozytne | Mater staroz wczesno redniow | Ceased publication | |
Materialy starozytne i wczesno redniowieczne | Mater staroz wczesno redniow | Ceased publication | |
Materialy wczesno redniowieczne | Mater staroz wczesno redniow | Ceased publication | |
Materiały archeologiczne | Mater archeol Cracow | Currently Indexed | |
Materiały archeologiczne Nowej Huty | Mater archeol Nowej Huty | Currently Indexed | |
Materiały i prace antropologiczne | Mater Pr antrop | Ceased publication | |
Max Planck Instititute for Social Anthropology: report | Max Planck Inst Soc Anthrop rep | No longer indexed | |
Maya News | Maya News | Ceased publication | |
Mayab | Mayab | Ceased publication | |
Ma’thurat al-sha’ biyyah: majalla fasliya ta’niy bi al-turath al-sha’biy | Ma’thurat al-sha’ biyyah | No longer indexed | |
Meddelanden från Lunds | Medd Lunds Univ hist Mus | No longer indexed | |
Meddelanden från Nordiska Museet | Fataburen | No longer indexed | |
Medical anthropology newsletter | Med Anthrop Q | Selectively indexed | |
Medical anthropology quarterly | Med Anthrop Q | Selectively indexed | |
Medical anthropology: cross-cultural studies in health and illness | Med Anthrop | Currently Indexed | |
Medicine Anthropology Theory | Medic Anthrop Theory | Currently Indexed | |
Mélanges de l'Université Saint-Joseph | Melang Univ St-Jos | Selectively indexed | |
Mélanges de la Faculté orientale | Melang Univ St-Jos | Selectively indexed | |
Memoirs of the Institute of Vertebrate Palaeontology and Palaeoanthropology | Mem Inst Vertebr Palaeontol Palaeoanthrop | No longer indexed | |
Memoirs of the Museum of Victoria: anthropology and history | Mem Mus Vict Anthrop Hist | Ceased publication | |
Memoirs of the Queensland Museum. Cultural heritage series | Mem Queensl Mus cult Heritage Ser | Selectively indexed |