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Title Abbreviation Status Current title
M: Museos de México y del mundo M: Mus Mex mundo Selectively indexed
Madok füzetek Madok Selectively indexed
Magallania Magallania Selectively indexed
Magazine of the LSE Anthropology Society Mag LSE Anthrop Soc Ceased publication
Maguaré: Revista del Departamento de Antropología Maguare No longer indexed
Makedonski folklor Makedon Folkl Ceased publication
Makerere Institute of Social Research conference papers Univ E Afr Social Sci Coun Conf Pap No longer indexed
Man J R anthrop Inst Selectively indexed
Man and culture in Oceania Man Cult Oceania Ceased publication
Man and culture in Oceania Peop Cult Oceania Currently Indexed
Man and life Man Life Ceased publication
Man in India Man India Currently Indexed
Man in New Guinea Res Melanes Ceased publication
Man in the northeast NE Anthrop Currently Indexed
Man in the Pacific Man Pacif Ceased publication
Mana: estudos de antropologia social Mana Currently Indexed
Mankind Aust J Anthrop Currently Indexed
Mankind quarterly Mankind Q No longer indexed
Manusia Indonesia Man Indones No longer indexed
Mare Erythræum Mare eryth Ceased publication
Markets and traders in south Asia Mkts Traders S Asia Ceased publication
Martor: revue d'anthropologie du Musée du Paysan Roumain Martor Selectively indexed
Masterkey Masterkey Ceased publication
Material religion Mater Relig Currently Indexed
Material'naya kul'tura Tadzhikistana Mater Kul't Tadzhik Ceased publication
Materiale şi cercetǎri arheologice (Serie Nouǎ) Mater Cercet arheol NS Selectively indexed
Materialy k antropologii Kavkaza Mater Antrop Kavk Ceased publication
Materialy po arkheologii Gruzii i Kavkaza Mater Arkheol Gruz Kavk No longer indexed
Materialy po etnografii Gruzii Mater Etnogr Gruz Ceased publication
Materialy starozytne Mater staroz wczesno redniow Ceased publication
Materialy starozytne i wczesno redniowieczne Mater staroz wczesno redniow Ceased publication
Materialy wczesno redniowieczne Mater staroz wczesno redniow Ceased publication
Materiały archeologiczne Mater archeol Cracow Currently Indexed
Materiały archeologiczne Nowej Huty Mater archeol Nowej Huty Currently Indexed
Materiały i prace antropologiczne Mater Pr antrop Ceased publication
Max Planck Instititute for Social Anthropology: report Max Planck Inst Soc Anthrop rep No longer indexed
Maya News Maya News Ceased publication
Mayab Mayab Ceased publication
Ma’thurat al-sha’ biyyah: majalla fasliya ta’niy bi al-turath al-sha’biy Ma’thurat al-sha’ biyyah No longer indexed
Meddelanden från Lunds Medd Lunds Univ hist Mus No longer indexed
Meddelanden från Nordiska Museet Fataburen No longer indexed
Medical anthropology newsletter Med Anthrop Q Selectively indexed
Medical anthropology quarterly Med Anthrop Q Selectively indexed
Medical anthropology: cross-cultural studies in health and illness Med Anthrop Currently Indexed
Medicine Anthropology Theory Medic Anthrop Theory Currently Indexed
Mélanges de l'Université Saint-Joseph Melang Univ St-Jos Selectively indexed
Mélanges de la Faculté orientale Melang Univ St-Jos Selectively indexed
Memoirs of the Institute of Vertebrate Palaeontology and Palaeoanthropology Mem Inst Vertebr Palaeontol Palaeoanthrop No longer indexed
Memoirs of the Museum of Victoria: anthropology and history Mem Mus Vict Anthrop Hist Ceased publication
Memoirs of the Queensland Museum. Cultural heritage series Mem Queensl Mus cult Heritage Ser Selectively indexed