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Title Abbreviation Status Current title
The World of Music Wld Music Currently Indexed
Waka Kuaka: Journal of the Polynesian Society J Polynes Soc Currently Indexed
Wen Wu Wen Wu No longer indexed
West African archaeological newsletter W Afr J Archaeol Currently Indexed
West African journal of archaeology W Afr J Archaeol Currently Indexed
West African Museums Programme Bulletin WAMP Bull No longer indexed
West Papuan issues W Papuan Issues Ceased publication
Western Canadian journal of anthropology Canad J Anthrop Ceased publication
Whispering wind Whisper Wind Selectively indexed
Wiadomości archeologiczne Wiad archeol Currently Indexed
Wicazo Sa review Wicazo Sa Rev Selectively indexed
Wiener ethnohistorische Blätter Wien ethnohist Bl Ceased publication
Wiener völkerkundliche Mitteilungen Wien volkerk Mitt Ceased publication
Winak Winak No longer indexed
Wissenschaftliche Mitteilungen Wiss Mitt bosn-herzeg Landesmus No longer indexed
Word Word No longer indexed
World archaeological bulletin Wld archaeol Bull Ceased publication
World archaeology Wld Archaeol Currently Indexed
World art Wld Art Currently Indexed
World of tribal arts Art Tribal Ceased publication
World of tribal arts Tribal Art Selectively indexed
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