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Title Abbreviation Status Current title
Backdirt Backdirt No longer indexed
Baessler-Archiv Baessler-Arch No longer indexed
Balcanica Balcanica Selectively indexed
Bantu Informa Ceased publication
Bantu studies Afr Stud Currently Indexed
Bead forum Bead Forum Selectively indexed
Beads Beads Currently Indexed
Beáscna: journal of folklore and ethnology Beascna Currently Indexed
Bedrohte Völker Bedroh Volk Ceased publication
Behavior science notes Cross-cult Res Currently Indexed
Behavior science research Cross-cult Res Currently Indexed
Beiträge zur Japanologie Beitr Japan No longer indexed
Beiträge zur Volkskunde der Ungarndeutschen Beitr Volksk Ungarndt Currently Indexed
Belleten Türk Tarih Kurumu Bell Turk Tarih Kurumu No longer indexed
Bergens Museum årbok Arb Univ Bergen Ceased publication
Bericht Ber Basler Mus Volkerk Ceased publication
Bericht der Römisch-Germanischen Kommission Ber rom-german Komm No longer indexed
Berita antropologi Berita Antrop No longer indexed
Berliner Jahrbuch für Vor- und Frühgeschichte Berl Jb Vor- Fruhgesch Ceased publication
Berndt News: newsletter of the Berndt Museum of Anthropology Berndt N Selectively indexed
Berytus Berytus Currently Indexed
Biblical archaeologist Near east Archaeol No longer indexed
Biennial review of anthropology Annu Rev Anthrop Currently Indexed
Bijdragen tot de taal- land- en volkenkunde von Nederlandsch-Indië Bijdr Taal Land Volkenk Selectively indexed
Bijdragen tot de taal-, land- en volkenkunde Bijdr Taal Land Volkenk Selectively indexed
Bikmaus: a journal of Papua New Guinea affairs, ideas and arts Bikmaus Ceased publication
Biométrie humaine et anthropologie Biometr hum Anthrop Currently Indexed
Biométrie humaine revue de la Société de Biométrie humaine Biometr hum Anthrop Currently Indexed
Biotypologie Biometr hum Anthrop Currently Indexed
Bishop Museum occasional papers Bishop Mus occ Pap No longer indexed
BM magazine spring-summer 1990 Br Mus Mag Selectively indexed
BMAR: British medical anthropology review Anthrop Med Selectively indexed
Boletim cultural da Guiné portuguesa Bol cult Guine port No longer indexed
Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi Ciências humanas Bol Mus Para Emílio Goeldi Cienc Hum Currently Indexed
Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi: série antropologia Bol Mus Para Emílio Goeldi Ser Antrop Ceased publication
Boletín Bol Mus arqueol La Serena Ceased publication
Boletín Bol Soc Invest Arte rup Boliv Currently Indexed
Boletín americanista Bol american Selectively indexed
Boletín bibliográfico de antropología americana Bol Antrop amer Currently Indexed
Boletín cultural y bibliográfico Bol cult bibliogr Bogota No longer indexed
Boletín de antropología Bol Antrop Antioquia Currently Indexed
Boletín de antropología americana Bol Antrop amer Currently Indexed
Boletín de arqueología Bol Arqueol Selectively indexed
Boletin de arqueologia PUCP Bol Arqueol Currently Indexed
Boletín de estudios oaxaqueños Bol Estud oaxaq No longer indexed
Boletín de información CIDAP Artesan Amer Ceased publication
Boletín de la Escuela de Ciencias antropológicas de la Universidad de Yucatán Bol Esc Cienc antrop Yucatan Ceased publication
Boletín de la Escuela de Ciencias Antropológicas de la Universidad de Yucatán Temas Antrop No longer indexed
Boletín de la Sociedad Chilena de Arqueologia Bol Soc Chile Arqueol No longer indexed
Boletín de Lima Bol Lima Selectively indexed