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Title Abbreviation Status Current title
A4: Magazin für ausseuropäische kunst und kultur Afrika, Australien, Asien, Amerikas A4 No longer indexed
Aarbøger for nordisk oldkyndighed og historie Aarb nord Oldkynd No longer indexed
Abhandlungen und Berichte der Staatlichen Ethnographischen sammlungen Sachsen Abh Ber Staat Ethno Samm Sach Currently Indexed
Abhandlungen und Berichte des Königl zoologischen anthropologisch-ethnographischen Museums zu Dresden Abh Ber Staat Ethno Samm Sach Currently Indexed
Abhandlungen und Berichte des Staatlichen Museums für Völkerkunde Abh Ber Staat Ethno Samm Sach Currently Indexed
Aboriginal history Aborig Hist Currently Indexed
Above & beyond Above Beyond No longer indexed
Academica: revista da Academia de Ciências Sociais Academica No longer indexed
Acción indigenista Accion indig Ceased publication
Acta americana. Journal of the Swedish Americanist Society Acta amer No longer indexed
Acta anthropologica sinica Acta anthrop sinica Currently Indexed
Acta archaeologica Acta archaeol Budapest Selectively indexed
Acta archaeologica Acta archaeol Copenhagen No longer indexed
Acta archaeologica (Budapest) Acta archaeol Budapest Selectively indexed
Acta baltico-slavica Acta balt-slav Selectively indexed
Acta borealia Acta boreal No longer indexed
Acta ethnographica Acta ethnographica Currently Indexed
Acta ethnographica Hungarica Acta ethnogr Hung Currently Indexed
Acta Facultatis Rerum Naturalium Universitatis Comenianae: anthropologia Acta Fac Rer nat Univ Comen Anthrop No longer indexed
Acta geneticae medicae et gemellologiae Acta Genet med Gem No longer indexed
Acta Mus Morav Sci natActa Musei Moraviae: scientiae naturales Acta Mus Morav Sci nat No longer indexed
Acta Musei Moraviae: scientiae sociales Acta Mus Morav Sci social Selectively indexed
Acta praehistorica et archaeologica Acta praehist archaeol No longer indexed
Acta Universitatis Carolinae - philosophica et historica. Studia ethnographica. Acta Univ Carol Stud Ethnogr No longer indexed
Acta Universitatis Carolinae - philosophica et historica. Studia ethnologica. Acta Univ Carol Stud Ethnol No longer indexed
Actualidades arqueológicas: revista de estudiantes de arqueología en México Actual arqueol No longer indexed
Ad Quintum: bollettino del archeologia del nord-ovest Ad Quintum No longer indexed
Adibasi Adibasi No longer indexed
Advances in archaeological method and theory Adv archaeol Meth Theory Ceased publication
Advances in world archaeology Adv world Archaeol Ceased publication
Africa Africa Currently Indexed
Africa Africa Currently Indexed
Africa-Tervuren Afr-Tervuren Ceased publication
African abstracts Afr abstr Ceased publication
African affairs Afr Aff Selectively indexed
African and Asian studies Afr Asian Stud Currently Indexed
African anthropologist: journal of the Pan African Anthropological Association Afr Anthrop Currently Indexed
African anthropology: journal of the Pan African Anthropological Association Afr Anthrop Currently Indexed
African archaeological review Afr archaeol Rev Currently Indexed
African arts Afr Arts Selectively indexed
African issues Afr issues No longer indexed
African languages and cultures J Afr cult Stud Selectively indexed
African music Afr Music No longer indexed
African notes Afr Notes Selectively indexed
African social research Afr social Res No longer indexed
African studies Afr Stud Currently Indexed
African studies review Afr stud Rev Selectively indexed
African study monographs Afr Stud Monogr Selectively indexed
African study monographs supplementary issue. Afr Stud Monogr suppl Selectively indexed
African urban quarterly Afr urban Q Ceased publication