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TitleDateReferenceAuthorsCall #ISSN
Social identity and the Northern Ireland conflict 1989 Human Relations 42 (10): 917-35
  • A M Gallagher
The career of the military wife 1989 Human Relations 42 (): 337-51
  • N A Jans
Cultural influences on styles of handling interpersonal conflicts: comparisons among Jordanian, Turkish, and U.S. managers 1989 Human Relations 42 (): 787-99
  • Kamil K Kozan
The effect of objective social stress factors on subjective perception of well-being and social solidarity: the Israeli case 1989 Human Relations 42 (): 487-508
  • Simha F Landau
A coding method for the analysis of moral discourse 1989 Human Relations 42 (): 691-715
  • John Alan Lee
  • Sheldon Ungar
Work values and organizational commitment: a study in the Asian context [Singapore] 1989 Human Relations 42 (): 275-88
  • Joseph M Putti
  • Kim Liang Tan
  • Samuel Aryee
Contact and prejudice between Germans and Turks: a correlational study 1989 Human Relations 42 (): 561-74
  • Miles Hewstone
  • Ulrich Wagner
  • Uwe Machleit
Perceptions of injustice in a black community: dimensions and variation 1988 Human Relations 41 (10): 753-67
  • James P Adams jr
  • William W Dressler
The development of political understanding in children between 6-15 years old [Italian sample] 1988 Human Relations 41 (): 437-46
  • Anna Emilia Berti
Qualitative research and the study of leadership [UK data] 1988 Human Relations 41 (): 13-29
  • others
  • Alan Bryman
Young adults and parental divorce: exploring important issues 1988 Human Relations 41 (11): 805-22
  • Teresa M Cooney
The measurement of conflict interaction intensity: observer and participant perceived dimensions 1988 Human Relations 41 (): 171-8
  • Virginia W Cooper
Power-balancing styles of Indian managers 1988 Human Relations 41 (): 533-51
  • Chester C Cotton
  • G S Das
Correlates of work and non-work stress and satisfaction among American insulated sojourners [i.e. expatriates] 1988 Human Relations 41 (10): 725-38
  • Charles E Lance
  • Deborah R Richardson
Executive stress: extending the international comparison 1988 Human Relations 41 (): 65-72
  • Cary L Cooper
  • Iain A McCormick
A longitudinal study of the psychological well-being of unemployed men and the mediating effect of neuroticism 1988 Human Relations 41 (): 1 -38
  • Roy Payne
An analysis of individual reactions to potentially offensive jokes in work settings 1988 Human Relations 41 (): 295-304
  • Larry R Smeltzer
  • Terry L Leap
Dual-career couples and geographic transfer: executives' reactions to commuter marriage and attitude toward the move 1988 Human Relations 41 (): 407-24
  • Ann Siegris Taylor
  • John W Lounsbury
Prisoners of leadership 1988 Human Relations 41 (): 261-80
  • Manfred F R K de Vries
Breadwinner vs. non-breadwinner differences in married women's job satisfaction and perceptions of organizational climate 1988 Human Relations 41 (): 483-91
  • L Alan Witt
Predictors of the effectiveness of supervisory social power [Kuwait] 1987 Human Relations 40 (11): 721-39
  • Ikhlas A H Abdalla
Conflict tactics and the level of emotional commitment among unmarrieds 1987 Human Relations 40 (): 59-74
  • Alan R Sack
  • Robert E Billingham
The social support process in men: overcoming sex-role obstacles 1987 Human Relations 40 (): 31-43
  • Alan C Vaux
  • Phillip C Burda
Alternative ethics: the relationship between the wealth, welfare, work, and leisure ethic 1987 Human Relations 40 (): 561-73
  • Adrian Furnham
  • Maria Rose
Strategic decision making: influence patterns in public and private sector organizations 1987 Human Relations 40 (): 613-31
  • others
  • Graham K Kenny
The organization and employee alcohol misuse 1987 Human Relations 40 (12): 833-51
  • Martin Markowitz
Sex roles and social perception 1987 Human Relations 40 (10): 659-69
  • Robert L Quackenbush
The influence of occupational image subculture on job attitdues, job performance, and the job attitude-job performance relationship 1986 Human Relations 39 (): 661-72
  • Dee Birnbaum
  • Mark John Somers
Distributed leadership and skilled performance as successful organization in social movements 1986 Human Relations 39 (): 65-79
  • D M Hosking
  • M H Brown
Correlates of psychological burnout phases among police officers 1986 Human Relations 39 (): 487-502
  • Eugene Deszca
  • Ronald J Burke
Toward a theory for the evaluation of organizational change 1986 Human Relations 39 (): 745-66
  • C A Carnall
Personalized vs. socialized power needs among working women and men 1986 Human Relations 39 (): 149-59
  • Leonard H Chusmir
New directions for theories of career 1986 Human Relations 39 (): 837-53
  • Audrey Collin
  • Richard A Young
Intimacy, violence, and the police 1986 Human Relations 39 (): 265-81
  • Edna Erez
Culture; charisma, and the CEO: an essay on the meaning of high office 1986 Human Relations 39 (3): 211-28
  • Steven P Feldman
The design of conferences and the evolving role of democratic dialogue in changing working life 1986 Human Relations 39 (): 101-16
  • Bjorn Gustavsen
  • Per H Engelstad
The factorial structure of the meaning of working 1986 Human Relations 39 (): 595-614
  • Itzhak Harpaz
Temporality and reflexivity: toward the creative engagement of consciousness 1986 Human Relations 39 (): 635-45
  • Heather Hopkins
Moonlighting: personal, social, and organizational consequences 1986 Human Relations 39 (11): 977-90
  • Muhammad Jamal
Stress and the leisure needs and activities of different occupations 1986 Human Relations 39 (10): 903-16
  • Boris Kabanoff
  • Gordon E O'Brien
Is openness passé? 1986 Human Relations 39 (): 229-43
  • Robert E Kaplan
Social interaction in blind people: an experimental analysis 1986 Human Relations 39 (): 5-210
  • Derek R Rutter
  • Nigel J Kemp
Developmental patterns in self-analytic groups 1986 Human Relations 39 (): 793-815
  • Aart Hazewinkel
  • Bart C Kuypers
  • Don Davies
Correlates of absence from work due to illness 1986 Human Relations 39 (): 81-100
  • J Paul Leigh
How managers really communicate 1986 Human Relations 39 (): 161-78
  • Fred Luthans
  • Janet K Larsen
Intergroup relations in a hospital setting: a further test of social identity theory 1986 Human Relations 39 (): 767-78
  • Gillian Oaker
  • Rupert Brown
Impact of extended cooperative and competitive relationships on the performance of students in science 1986 Human Relations 39 (): 673-82
  • Peter Akinsola Okebukola
Job enrichment and job satisfaction in quality of working life and nonquality of working life work sites 1986 Human Relations 39 (): 871-89
  • Daniel A Ondrack
  • Martin G Evans
New strategies of systems change: reclaiming nonsynoptic methods 1986 Human Relations 39 (): 615-33
  • Calvin Pava
High stress professions: satisfaction, stress, and well-being of spouses of professionals 1986 Human Relations 39 (12): 1141-54
  • Cynthia M Pavett