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TitleDateReferenceAuthorsCall #ISSN
Concordances of time: in extenso almanacs in the Madrid and Borgia group codices 2000 Human mosaic: a journal of the social sciences 33 (1): 7-16
  • Bryan R. Just
Material culture in the Madrid codex 2000 Human mosaic: a journal of the social sciences 33 (1): 17-32
  • Donald H. Graff
The life cycle of the family: a comparative analysis of marriage and birth almanacs of central Mexican and Maya codices 2000 Human mosaic: a journal of the social sciences 33 (1): 33-49
  • Suzanna Yorgey
The Lanquin calendar: time and the Q'eqchi' in the late 18th century 2000 Human mosaic: a journal of the social sciences 33 (1): 50-69
  • Sergio Francisco Romero
Focusing attention in Minoan religious ritual action 1998 Human mosaic: a journal of the social sciences 32 (1/2): 1-24
  • Iffat F. Ali
Gender and epitaphs in New Orleans cemeteries 1998 Human mosaic: a journal of the social sciences 32 (1/2): 38-45
  • Denise C. Jones
Anasazi artificial mummification: photographic evidence in the NAGPRA era 1998 Human mosaic: a journal of the social sciences 32 (1/2): 25-37
  • Guido P. Lombardi
Meaning and meaninglessness in Navajo weaving 1997 Human mosaic: a journal of the social sciences 31 (1): 25-37
  • Gerald L. Carr
Lincoln, Reagan and the oral-literate continuum 1997 Human mosaic: a journal of the social sciences 31 (1): 38-44
  • William N. Duncan
Pestilence in paradise: medical discourse and epidemics in colonial Latin America 1997 Human mosaic: a journal of the social sciences 31 (2): 24-33
  • Monika D. Edelstein
Plowing the field: the creation of the religious field in a Presbyterian church 1997 Human mosaic: a journal of the social sciences 31 (2): 14-23
  • Brian M. Howell
Evidence of Aleut (Unangan) cultural resistance after the Russian conquest: study of an 18th century mummy from the Aleutian islands, at Tulane University 1997 Human mosaic: a journal of the social sciences 31 (2): 1-13
  • Guido P. Lombardi
The original all-star games: Venus, kingship and warfare in the Classic Maya ballgame 1997 Human mosaic: a journal of the social sciences 31 (1): 1-24
  • Nancy I. Midthun
A state of flux: selves and others in Bhutan 1997 Human mosaic: a journal of the social sciences 31 (1): 45-57
  • Susan Neill
Racialized images in Colorado journalism: from the 1920s through the 1940s 1997 Human mosaic: a journal of the social sciences 31 (1): 58-78
  • James A. Schechter
Mythic homelands: Aztlan and Aztlán 1997 Human mosaic: a journal of the social sciences 31 (2): 34-45
  • Susan Spitler
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