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Title Abbreviation Status Current title
Dialectical anthropology Dialect Anthrop Selectively indexed
Dimensión Antropológica Dim Antrop No longer indexed
Din Traditiile populare ale Românilor din Ungaria Din Trad pop Rom Ung No longer indexed
Diogene oggi: rivista di cultura e critica delle idee Diogene oggi Ceased publication
Dissertationes ethnologiae Universitatis Tartuensis Diss ethnol Univ Tartu No longer indexed
Dolnoslaskie wiadomosci prahistoryczne Dolnoslask wiad prahist Currently Indexed
Domodomo Domodomo No longer indexed
Dossiers de l'archéologie: document archéologia Doss Archeol No longer indexed
Driemaandelijks bulletin de Vrienden van het Etnografisch Museum Antwerpen Driemaand Bull Antwerp No longer indexed
Durkheimian Studies/Etudes Durkheimiennes Durk Stud Currently Indexed
Dyn Dyn Ceased publication
East African Institute of Social Research conference Univ E Afr Social Sci Coun Conf Pap No longer indexed
East Asian cultural studies E Asian cult Stud Ceased publication
East European meetings in ethnomusicology Eur Meet Ethnomusic Currently Indexed
Eastern anthropologist East Anthrop No longer indexed
Ecology of food and nutrition Ecol Food Nutr No longer indexed
Economic and Social Research Council newsletter ESRC Newsl No longer indexed
Economic Botany Econ botan No longer indexed
Eesti NSV Teaduste Akadeemia toimetised: ühiskonnateadused Eesti Tead Akad Toim Human Sotsiaaltead Ceased publication
Eesti rahva Muuseumi aastaraamat Aastaraamat Currently Indexed
Eesti Teaduste Akadeemia toimetised: humanitaar-ja sotsiaalteadused Eesti Tead Akad Toim Human Sotsiaaltead Ceased publication
Eesti Teaduste Akadeemia toimetised: ühistkonnateadused Eesti Tead Akad Toim Human Sotsiaaltead Ceased publication
El palacio Palacio No longer indexed
El Salvador Investiga El Salvador Invest No longer indexed
Empirical studies of the arts Empiric Stud Arts No longer indexed
English dance and song Eng Dance Song No longer indexed
Ennaanin etto: news from the past Ennaanin Etto Ceased publication
Enografia nowa Etnogr now Currently Indexed
Enquête Enquete Selectively indexed
Enquête: anthropologie, histoire, sociologie Enquete Selectively indexed
Ephemeris archaiologike Archaiol Ephem No longer indexed
Epigraphic Society occasional papers Enquête: anthropologie, histoire, sociologie Selectively indexed
Eskimo Eskimo No longer indexed
Estudios atacameños Estud atacam Currently Indexed
Estudios aymaras Estud aymaras Ceased publication
Estudios de cultura maya Estud Cult maya Currently Indexed
Estudios de cultura náhuatl Estud Cult nahuatl Currently Indexed
Estudios de historia novohispana Estud Hist novohisp Selectively indexed
Estudios pampeanos Estud pamp Ceased publication
Estudios sociales Estud social No longer indexed
Ethnia Ethnia No longer indexed
Ethnic and racial studies Ethnic racial Stud Currently Indexed
Ethnica Ethnica Ceased publication
Ethnicity Ethnicity Ceased publication
Ethnies Ethnies Selectively indexed
Ethno-anthropological problems journal Ethno-Anthrop Prob J Currently Indexed
Ethnographia Ethnographia Currently Indexed
Ethnographic Museum University of Oslo Yearbook Univ etnogr Mus Oslo Yb Ceased publication
Ethnographica Folia ethnogr Selectively indexed
Ethnographika Ethnographika Currently Indexed