Title | Abbreviation | Status | Current title |
Arts & cultures | Arts cult | Currently Indexed | |
Arts and the Islamic world | Arts Islam world | Ceased publication | |
Arts d'Afrique noire, arts premiers | Arts Afr noire | Ceased publication | |
Arts d’Afrique | Arts Afr noire | Ceased publication | |
Arts d’Afrique noire | Arts Afr noire | Ceased publication | |
Arts et traditions populaires | Ethnol fr | No longer indexed | |
Arv: Nordic yearbook of folklore | Arv Nordic Yb Folkl | Currently Indexed | |
Asclepio | Asclepio | No longer indexed | |
Asia and Pacific studies | Asia Pafic Stud | No longer indexed | |
Asian affairs | Asian Aff | No longer indexed | |
Asian anthropology | Asian Anthrop | Currently Indexed | |
Asian Ethnology | Asian Ethnol | Currently Indexed | |
Asian Ethnology | Asian folklore studies | Currently Indexed | |
Asian Ethnology | Folklore studies | Currently Indexed | |
Asian journal of social sciences | Asian J Soc Sci | Selectively indexed | |
Asian music | Asian Music | Currently Indexed | |
Asian perspectives | Asian Persp | Currently Indexed | |
Asian research trends | Asian res Trend | Ceased publication | |
Asie du sud-est et monde insulindien | Asie SE Monde insul | Ceased publication | |
Astronomie et sciences humaines | Astr Sci hum | Ceased publication | |
Athena review | Athena Rev | No longer indexed | |
Atlatl | Arizona Anthrop | No longer indexed | |
Atoll research bulletin | Atoll res Bull | No longer indexed | |
Atti della Società romana di Antropologia | J anthrop Sci Riv Antrop | No longer indexed | |
Ausgrabungen in Berlin | Ausgrab Berlin | No longer indexed | |
Ausgrabungen und Funde | Ausgrab Funde | No longer indexed | |
Australian Aboriginal studies | Aust Aborig Stud | Currently Indexed | |
Australian archaeology | Aust Archaeol | Currently Indexed | |
Australian external territories | Aust extern Territ | Ceased publication | |
Australian Institute of Aboriginal Studies newletter | Aust Aborig Stud | Currently Indexed | |
Australian territories | Aust extern Territ | Ceased publication | |
Az Agri Múzeum évkönyve | Agria | No longer indexed | |
Azania | Azania | Currently Indexed | |
Backdirt | Backdirt | No longer indexed | |
Baessler-Archiv | Baessler-Arch | No longer indexed | |
Balcanica | Balcanica | Selectively indexed | |
Bantu | Informa | Ceased publication | |
Bantu studies | Afr Stud | Currently Indexed | |
Bead forum | Bead Forum | Selectively indexed | |
Beads | Beads | Currently Indexed | |
Beáscna: journal of folklore and ethnology | Beascna | Currently Indexed | |
Bedrohte Völker | Bedroh Volk | Ceased publication | |
Behavior science notes | Cross-cult Res | Currently Indexed | |
Behavior science research | Cross-cult Res | Currently Indexed | |
Beiträge zur Japanologie | Beitr Japan | No longer indexed | |
Beiträge zur Volkskunde der Ungarndeutschen | Beitr Volksk Ungarndt | Currently Indexed | |
Belleten Türk Tarih Kurumu | Bell Turk Tarih Kurumu | No longer indexed | |
Bergens Museum årbok | Arb Univ Bergen | Ceased publication | |
Bericht | Ber Basler Mus Volkerk | Ceased publication | |
Bericht der Römisch-Germanischen Kommission | Ber rom-german Komm | No longer indexed |