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TitleDateReferenceAuthorsCall #ISSN
An introduction to the special issue 2022 Collaborative anthropologies 14 (2): 1-13
  • Amanda Hilton
  • Angela D. Storey
H6 [COLLABORATIVE-] 1943-2550
Ludic heritage: supplementary school plays, museum collaborations, and the futurity of histories in migration 2022 Collaborative anthropologies 14 (2): 14-33
  • Orly Orbach
H6 [COLLABORATIVE-] 1943-2550
A story of us: community as method in live storytelling events 2022 Collaborative anthropologies 14 (2): 34-46
  • Justine Conte
H6 [COLLABORATIVE-] 1943-2550
Dealing with postcolonial pasts to envision a respectful future: on the format of collaborative walk-shops 2022 Collaborative anthropologies 14 (2): 47-62
  • Cordula Weisskoeppel
H6 [COLLABORATIVE-] 1943-2550
Creating a shared "activity timespace" in ethnographic collaboration: alignining knowledge, synchronizing rhythms, re/constructing roles 2022 Collaborative anthropologies 14 (2): 63-76
  • Imogen Bayfield
H6 [COLLABORATIVE-] 1943-2550
Peer teaching on repeat: reflecting on time in shared pedagogical praxis 2022 Collaborative anthropologies 14 (2): 77-90
  • Angela D. Storey
  • Avery Clemens
  • Dylan M. Hurst
  • Hannah Eckel-Sparrow
  • Henrietta K. Ransdell
  • Maria Cora
  • Paola Martinez
H6 [COLLABORATIVE-] 1943-2550
Listening to the urban fracture: co-creating soundscapes, partnerships and futures in the French periphery during the COVID-19 pandemic 2022 Collaborative anthropologies 14 (2): 91-103
  • Mariana Rios Sandoval
H6 [COLLABORATIVE-] 1943-2550
Fitting it in: temporalities of collaborative research on campus food insecurity 2022 Collaborative anthropologies 14 (2): 104-17
  • Emily Heying
  • Mackenzie Carlson
  • Megan Sheehan
H6 [COLLABORATIVE-] 1943-2550
The immovable object: mitigation as indigenous conservation 2021 Collaborative anthropologies 13 (2): 1-28
  • Bruce Watkinson
  • Caroline Butler
  • James Witzke
H6 [COLLABORATIVE-] 1943-2550
Looking for collaborative moments: lessons from a workshop on mental vulnerability and photography 2021 Collaborative anthropologies 13 (2): 29-55
  • Charlotte Ettrup Christiansen
H6 [COLLABORATIVE-] 1943-2550
The ethnography of collaboration: navigating power relationships in joint research 2021 Collaborative anthropologies 13 (2): 56-99
  • Bina Limbu
  • Courtney Balaz-Munn
  • Emily Amburgey
  • James Binks
  • Katharine Rankin
  • Manoj Suji
  • Omer Aijazi
  • Sara Shneiderman
H6 [COLLABORATIVE-] 1943-2550
Maybe the body does more: trying to dance on collaborative grounds in north India 2021 Collaborative anthropologies 14 (1): 1-20
  • Whitney Russell
H6 [COLLABORATIVE-] 1943-2550
Collaborative visual ethnography as anarchist anthropology 2021 Collaborative anthropologies 14 (1): 21-43
  • Steve Moog
H6 [COLLABORATIVE-] 1943-2550
My cry gets up to my throat: displacement, indigenous storywork, and visual sovereignty in the Mandan Hidatsa Arikara Nation 2021 Collaborative anthropologies 14 (1): 44-73
  • Jennifer Shannon
H6 [COLLABORATIVE-] 1943-2550
"Doctors and professors aren't the professors of the land". Reflections on the interconnected environment with Splatsin elder Nuxnuxskaca cts'e7i7elt 2019 Collaborative anthropologies 11 (2): 1-25
  • Sáwllkwa (Water)
  • Julianna Nuxnuxskaca cts'e7i7elt Alexander
  • Natali Euale Montilla
  • Thomas Mcilwraith (Tad)
H6 [COLLABORATIVE-] 1943-2550
Reconsidering collaboration: what constitutes good research with indigenous communities? 2019 Collaborative anthropologies 11 (2): 26-54
  • Jana Kotaska
H6 [COLLABORATIVE-] 1943-2550
The vulnerability of archaeological logic in Aboriginal rights and title cases in Canada. Theoretical and empirical implications 2019 Collaborative anthropologies 11 (2): 55-91
  • Andrew Martindale
  • Chelsey Geralda Armstrong
H6 [COLLABORATIVE-] 1943-2550
Drawing the contours of ethnography. Ethnographic refusal and anarchistic consent in fieldwork and writing 2019 Collaborative anthropologies 11 (2): 92-109
  • Sarah G. Fessenden
H6 [COLLABORATIVE-] 1943-2550
Tahltan voiceability: a language revitalization research journey guided by Tahltan voice 2018 Collaborative anthropologies 11 (1): 1-19
  • Judith C. Edōsti Thompson
H6 [COLLABORATIVE-] 1943-2550
From the being who knows to the loving construction of knowledges: a case of narrative socioanalysis in New York City 2018 Collaborative anthropologies 11 (1): 20-47
  • Ángel Luis Lara
H6 [COLLABORATIVE-] 1943-2550
Acting in and through the heritage language: collaborative strategies for research, empowerment, and reconnecting with the past 2018 Collaborative anthropologies 11 (1): 48-88
  • Justyna Olko
H6 [COLLABORATIVE-] 1943-2550
Uncomfortable collaborations: the ethics of complicity, collusion, and detachment in ethnographic fieldwork 2018 Collaborative anthropologies 11 (1): 89-110
  • Catherine Trundle
H6 [COLLABORATIVE-] 1943-2550
Introduction to the special issue 2017-2018 Collaborative anthropologies 10 (1-2): 1-19
  • Caroline Gatt
H6 [COLLABORATIVE-] 1943-2550
Soil fictions: addressing urban soils between art, soil ecology, and anthropology 2017-2018 Collaborative anthropologies 10 (1-2): 20-44
  • Alan Vergnes
  • Anaïs Tondeur
  • Germain Meulemans
  • Marine Legrand
  • Yesenia Thibault-Picazo
H6 [COLLABORATIVE-] 1943-2550
On reverie, collaboration, and recovery 2017-2018 Collaborative anthropologies 10 (1-2): 45-66
  • Amanda Ravetz
H6 [COLLABORATIVE-] 1943-2550
Collaboration and emergence: the paradox of presence and surrender 2017-2018 Collaborative anthropologies 10 (1-2): 67-94
  • Caroline Gatt
  • Gey Ping Ang
H6 [COLLABORATIVE-] 1943-2550
"I would prefer not to": dilemmas in collaboration 2017-2018 Collaborative anthropologies 10 (1-2): 95-123
  • Cassis Kilian
H6 [COLLABORATIVE-] 1943-2550
On the possiblity of collaboration in the Valdés peninsula: fishers, biologists, anthropologists, and the politics of knolwedge 2017-2018 Collaborative anthropologies 10 (1-2): 124-41
  • Francesca Marin
H6 [COLLABORATIVE-] 1943-2550
"Don't write bulls**t": working with Gwich'in in the Canadian north 2017-2018 Collaborative anthropologies 10 (1-2): 142-63
  • Jan Peter Laurens Loovers
H6 [COLLABORATIVE-] 1943-2550
Working with and for feminist activists: questions of multipositionality, contention, and collaboration 2017-2018 Collaborative anthropologies 10 (1-2): 164-83
  • Seda Saluk
H6 [COLLABORATIVE-] 1943-2550
Utilizing local epistemologies in building a framework for indigenous/non-indigenous collaborations 2017-2018 Collaborative anthropologies 10 (1-2): 184-206
  • Matthew J. Lebrato
H6 [COLLABORATIVE-] 1943-2550
Narrating disaster through participatory research: perspectives from post-earthquake Nepal 2017-2018 Collaborative anthropologies 10 (1-2): 207-36
  • Dubi Nanda Dhakai
  • Geoff Childs
  • Kristine Hildebrandt
  • Mark Donohue
  • Sienna Craig
H6 [COLLABORATIVE-] 1943-2550
Rethinking the meaning of research in collaborative relationships 2016-17 Collaborative anthropologies 9 (1-2): 1-31
  • Joanne Rappaport
H6 [COLLABORATIVE-] 1943-2550
Research through collaborative relationships. A middle ground for reciprocal transformations and translations? 2016-17 Collaborative anthropologies 9 (1-2): 32-9
  • Claudia Briones
H6 [COLLABORATIVE-] 1943-2550
#kachinlifestories. A project about 'nothing' 2016-17 Collaborative anthropologies 9 (1-2): 40-78
  • Stan BH Tan-Tangbau
H6 [COLLABORATIVE-] 1943-2550
Whose track is it anyway? An anthropological perspective on collaboration with biologists and hunters in Thule, Northwest Greenland 2016-17 Collaborative anthropologies 9 (1-2): 79-116
  • Astrid Oberborbeck Andersen
  • Janne Flora
H6 [COLLABORATIVE-] 1943-2550
Co-authoring relationships. Blackfoot collections, UK museums, and collaborative practice 2016-17 Collaborative anthropologies 9 (1-2): 117-48
  • Alison K. Brown
H6 [COLLABORATIVE-] 1943-2550
Socially engaged ethnographic research in human rights organizations 2016-17 Collaborative anthropologies 9 (1-2): 149-83
  • Zvika Orr
H6 [COLLABORATIVE-] 1943-2550
Collaborations with historical societies, libraries, and museums: new directions and methods in engaging community and institutional partners 2015/2016 Collaborative anthropologies 8 (1-2): vii-xvii
  • Karen Quintillani
  • Susan B. Hyatt
H6 [COLLABORATIVE-] 1943-2550
Rethinking local history through collaboration: the creation of the Cambodian Community History and Archive project 2015/2016 Collaborative anthropologies 8 (1-2): 1-20
  • Karen Quintiliani
  • Susan Needham
H6 [COLLABORATIVE-] 1943-2550
Collaborative anthropology as classroom teaching: the how and the why 2015/2016 Collaborative anthropologies 8 (1-2): 21-39
  • Holly Swyers
H6 [COLLABORATIVE-] 1943-2550
Learning to listen: community collaboration in an Alaskan Native village 2015/2016 Collaborative anthropologies 8 (1-2): 40-57
  • Holly Cusak-McVeigh
H6 [COLLABORATIVE-] 1943-2550
Value and fluidity in collaborative heritage research planning: perspectives from the memory, meaning-making and collections projects 2015/2016 Collaborative anthropologies 8 (1-2): 58-82
  • Michael J.E. O'Rourke
H6 [COLLABORATIVE-] 1943-2550
Trauma, memory, and representation: the role of collaboration in the development of the museum exhibit "Remembering the killing fields" 2015/2016 Collaborative anthropologies 8 (1-2): 83-106
  • Alexxandra Salazar
H6 [COLLABORATIVE-] 1943-2550
Diversifying a city's history: an interview with Julie Bartolotto, Executive Director of the Historical Society of Long Beach, California 2015/2016 Collaborative anthropologies 8 (1-2): 107-13
  • Alexxandra Salazar interv
  • Julie Bartolotto
H6 [COLLABORATIVE-] 1943-2550
Larry Zimmerman: a collaborative anthropologists at the trowel's edge 2015/2016 Collaborative anthropologies 8 (1-2): 114-28
  • Alissa Boge
H6 [COLLABORATIVE-] 1943-2550
The university as the "imagined other": making sense of community co-produced literary research 2015/2016 Collaborative anthropologies 8 (1-2): 129-48
  • Kate Pahl
H6 [COLLABORATIVE-] 1943-2550
Meaningful relationships: collaborative anthopology and mentors in the field 2015 Collaborative anthropologies 7 (2): 1-24
  • S. Ashley Kistler
H6 [COLLABORATIVE-] 1943-2550
Scholarly collaboration: past, present, and future 2015 Collaborative anthropologies 7 (2): 25-31
  • Nancy J. Parezo
H6 [COLLABORATIVE-] 1943-2550
Shared values, gifted objects: the Smithsonian Institution's anthropological duplicates 2015 Collaborative anthropologies 7 (2): 32-71
  • Catherine A. Nichols
H6 [COLLABORATIVE-] 1943-2550