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Title Abbreviation Status Current title
Bulletin of the Department of Anthropology Bull Dep Anthrop Gauhati No longer indexed
Bulletin of the Department of Anthropology Government of India J anthrop Surv India No longer indexed
Bulletin of the Department of Archaeology and Anthropology National Taiwan University J Archaeol Anthrop Currently Indexed
Bulletin of the Department of Ethnology and Sociology J Sociol Chengchi Ceased publication
Bulletin of the Department of Ethnology National Chengchi University Taipei Bull dep Ethnol Ceased publication
Bulletin of the Ethnographic Museum in Beograd Bull ethnogr Mus Beograd Currently Indexed
Bulletin of the Graduate Institute of Nationalities Bull grad Inst Natns Ceased publication
Bulletin of the Hokkaido Museum of Northern Peoples Bull Hokkaido Mus nth Peopl Currently Indexed
Bulletin of the Hokkaido Museum of Northern Peoples Bull Hokkaido Mus nth Peopl No longer indexed
Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association J Indo Pacif archaeol Currently Indexed
Bulletin of the Institute of China Border Area Studies Bull Inst China Border Area Stud Ceased publication
Bulletin of the Institute of Ethnology Taiwan J Anthrop Currently Indexed
Bulletin of the Institute of Nationalities Studies Bull Inst Nation Stud Ceased publication
Bulletin of the Institute of Nationalities Studies Bull Dep Ethnol Nat Chengchi Univ Taipei Selectively indexed
Bulletin of the International Committee on Urgent Anthropological and Ethnological Research Bull int Comm urgent anthrop Res No longer indexed
Bulletin of the International String Figure Association Bull int string fig Ass Selectively indexed
Bulletin of the National Museum of Ethnology Bull Natn Mus Ethnol Osaka Currently Indexed
Bulletin of the National Museum of Ethnology: special issue Bull Natn Mus Ethnol Osaka spec issue Ceased publication
Bulletin of the National Museum of Natural Science Coll Res No longer indexed
Bulletin of the National Museum of Nature and Science, Series D. Anthropology Bull Natn Mus Nat Sci Series D Anthrop Currently Indexed
Bulletin of the National Science Museum: Series D anthropology Bull Natn Mus Nat Sci Series D Anthrop Currently Indexed
Bulletin of the Oklahoma Anthropological Society Bull Oklah anthrop Soc No longer indexed
Bulletin of the Research Center for Canadian Ethnic Studies Canad ethnic Stud Currently Indexed
Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies Bull Sch orient Afr Stud Lond Selectively indexed
Bulletin of the Texas Archeological Society Bull Texas archeol Soc No longer indexed
Bulletins et mémoires de la Société d'Anthropologie de Paris Bull Soc Anthrop Paris No longer indexed
Bulletins of the American Anthropological Association Bull Amer Anthropologist Ass Ceased publication
Bullettino di paletnologia italiana Bull Paletnol ital Currently Indexed
By og Bygd By Bygd No longer indexed
CAAN: computer-assisted anthropology news CAAN Ceased publication
Cadernos de estudos sociais Cad Estud sociais Selectively indexed
Cahiers Africains-Afrika studies Cah Afric Afrik Stud Selectively indexed
Cahiers d'anthropologie de l'Université Laval Anthrop Soc Selectively indexed
Cahiers d'anthropologie et biométrie humaine Biometr hum Anthrop Currently Indexed
Cahiers d'études africaines Cah Etud afr Currently Indexed
Cahiers de litterature orale Cah lit orale Selectively indexed
Cahiers de musiques traditionnelles Cah Musiq trad No longer indexed
Cahiers de préhistoire et d'archéologie Cah ligures Prehist Archeol No longer indexed
Cahiers de Tunisie Cah Tunis Selectively indexed
Cahiers des Amériques latines Cah Amer latin No longer indexed
Cahiers des arts et traditions populaires Cah Art Trad pop No longer indexed
Cahiers des religions africaines Cah Relig afr No longer indexed
Cahiers du Centre d'Etudes et de Recherches ethnologiques Cah ethnol Ceased publication
Cahiers du Musée d'Ethnographie du Trocadéro Cah Mus Eth Paris Ceased publication
Cahiers ethnologiques Cah ethnol Ceased publication
Cahiers ligures de préhistoire et d'archéologie Cah ligures Prehist Archeol No longer indexed
Cakalele Cakalele No longer indexed
CAM the cultural anthropology methods newsletter Field Meth No longer indexed
CAM: cultural anthropology methods Field Meth No longer indexed
Camak Camak No longer indexed