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TitleDateReferenceAuthorsCall #ISSN
Organizational culture: a comparative study between two federal universities 2020 Cadernos de estudos sociais 35 (1): 9-33
  • André de Paula Rêgo Graciano Luz
  • Bruna Lourena de Lima Dantas
  • Jailson Santana Carneiro
  • Janayna Souto Leal
  • Lívia Nogueira Pellizzoni
H6/KUL [CADERNOS-] 0102-4248
A report on methodological experience in migration studies: controlling time and space 2020 Cadernos de estudos sociais 35 (1): 35-52
  • Duval Magalhães Fernandes
  • Romerito Valeriano da Silva
H6/KUL [CADERNOS-] 0102-4248
Perceived success of the beneficiaries of Theamcred's microcredit programs, the Bancrof's microcredic program, the BNB community bank and Desenbahia 2020 Cadernos de estudos sociais 35 (1): 53-71
  • Claudete Ruas
  • José Angelo Belloni
  • Luiz Honorato Silva Júnior
H6/KUL [CADERNOS-] 0102-4248
Meanings of the "Nova Sulanca" project under the discourse theory of Laclau and Mouffe 2020 Cadernos de estudos sociais 35 (1): 73-99
  • Jessica R.F. Sousa
  • Marcio G. Sá
H6/KUL [CADERNOS-] 0102-4248
Education and sustainability: a study of the social representations in the dictum of MST settlers, in Viamão-RS 2020 Cadernos de estudos sociais 35 (1): 101-25
  • Josiel da Rosa Moura
  • Miúcha Severo Gonçalves
H6/KUL [CADERNOS-] 0102-4248
First generation students of the pedagogy course of the northern coast region, in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil 2020 Cadernos de estudos sociais 35 (1): 127-52
  • Cleoni Maria Barbosa Fernandes
  • Josiel da Rosa Moura
H6/KUL [CADERNOS-] 0102-4248
The seasonality of 65 million births in Brazil – 1997-2018 2020 Cadernos de estudos sociais 35 (1): 153-81
  • Cristiano Ferraz
  • Morvan de Mello Moreira
  • Wilson Fusco
H6/KUL [CADERNOS-] 0102-4248
To cooperate or not to cooperate? Chronicle of the Gulf of Mexico shared space dilemma 2020 Cadernos de estudos sociais 35 (2): 19-43
  • Alejandro Espinoza-Tenorio
  • Dora E. Ramos-Muñoz
H6/KUL [CADERNOS-] 0102-4248
Indigenous land in dispute: reterritorialization Potiguara in Terra Indigena Potiguara Montemor, Paraiba, Brazil 2020 Cadernos de estudos sociais 35 (2): 45-66
  • Alicia Ferreira Gonçalves
  • Ivys Medeiros Costa
  • Maria Elena Martinez-Torres
  • Maristela Oliveira de Andrade
H6/KUL [CADERNOS-] 0102-4248
Minas-Rio Project around the Serra da Ferrugem Natural Monument, MG, Brazil 2020 Cadernos de estudos sociais 35 (2): 67-95
  • Thaís Henriques Dias
  • Wilson Madeira Filho
H6/KUL [CADERNOS-] 0102-4248
Conflicts in the Resex of Prainha do Canto Verde-CE, and their relationship with the wind farm Prajas de Parajuru 2020 Cadernos de estudos sociais 35 (2): 97-122
  • Gil Célio de Castro Cardoso
  • Maione Rocha de Castro Cardoso
  • Paulo Torres Junior
H6/KUL [CADERNOS-] 0102-4248
Transcarioca Trail: conservation and traditional use in conflict 2020 Cadernos de estudos sociais 35 (2): 123-47
  • Alba Simon
  • Isabela Regina Da Cruz Caetano Silva
H6/KUL [CADERNOS-] 0102-4248
Protected areas and urbanization: the case of Combú Island, Belém-PA 2020 Cadernos de estudos sociais 35 (2): 149-71
  • Pekka Virtanen
H6/KUL [CADERNOS-] 0102-4248
Challenges and progress in the management of the commitment terms signed between ICMBIO and the Quilombolas from the biological reserve of Trombetas River, Oriximiná-PA, Brazil 2020 Cadernos de estudos sociais 35 (2): 173-98
  • Carlos Adriano Siqueira Picanço
  • Reinaldo Corrêa Costa
H6/KUL [CADERNOS-] 0102-4248
Contract for granting the real right of use (CCDRU) as a conciliation of interest for Quilombolas lands and conservation units 2020 Cadernos de estudos sociais 35 (2): 199-218
  • Lilian Regina Furtado Braga
  • Marcelino Conti de Souza
  • Wilson Madeira Filho
H6/KUL [CADERNOS-] 0102-4248
Socioeconomic and demographic factors associated with the existence of museums in Brazilian municipalities: an application of the linear regression model 2019 Cadernos de estudos sociais 34 (1): 1-23
  • Flora Brochado Maravalhas
  • Luiz Honorato da Silva Júnior
H6/KUL [CADERNOS-] 0102-4248
Mobility policy of Recife: social actors, spaces and strategies for exercising power 2019 Cadernos de estudos sociais 34 (1): 1-25
  • Jackeline Amantino de Andrade
  • Rafael dos Santos Fernandes Sales
H6/KUL [CADERNOS-] 0102-4248
The quadripolar methodological model in qualitative research in the social sciences 2019 Cadernos de estudos sociais 34 (1): 1-19
  • Diego de Queiroz Machado
  • Fátima Regina Ney Matos
  • Maria Manuel Baptista
  • Rafael Fernandes de Mesquita
H6/KUL [CADERNOS-] 0102-4248
The inclusion of young apprentices in a food industry in the city of Pelotas/RS 2019 Cadernos de estudos sociais 34 (1): 1-24
  • Enio Luis Machado Lopes
  • Francielle Molon da Silva
  • Milton Silveira dos Santos
H6/KUL [CADERNOS-] 0102-4248
Immigrants and the political-electoral agenda: the visibility of contemporary international immigration in the municipality elections of 2016 2019 Cadernos de estudos sociais 34 (1): 1-27
  • Claudia Siqueira Baltar
  • Maria Fernanda Bleck Vieira
  • Ronaldo Baltar
H6/KUL [CADERNOS-] 0102-4248
EPEPE- Diálogos entre saberes: rupturas epistemológicas na pesquisa em educação 2019 Cadernos de estudos sociais 34 (2): 9-12
  • Andréa Bandeira
  • Darcilene Gomes
  • Verônica Fernandes
H6/KUL [CADERNOS-] 0102-4248
From organic horizon to horizon C: for an ontology of agroecopedagogy 2019 Cadernos de estudos sociais 34 (2): 13-29
  • Óscar Emerson Zúñiga Mosquera
H6/KUL [CADERNOS-] 0102-4248
Education of children from 0 to 6 years analysis of academic productions of EPEPE on children 0 to 6 years 2019 Cadernos de estudos sociais 34 (2): 31-52
  • Cibele Maria Lima Rodrigues
  • José Marinho de Souza Neto
  • Karla Wanessa Carvalho de Almeida
H6/KUL [CADERNOS-] 0102-4248
Analaysis of the historical treatment of Portuguese language didactic books for teaching writing 2019 Cadernos de estudos sociais 34 (2): 53-78
  • Elaine Cristina Nascimento da Silva
  • Juliana Alves da Silva
H6/KUL [CADERNOS-] 0102-4248
The environmental education insertion in geographic teaching, through the recognition of the ecosystem services provided by native bees 2019 Cadernos de estudos sociais 34 (2): 79-104
  • Marcone Severino_do Nascimento
  • Solange Fernandes Soares Coutinho
H6/KUL [CADERNOS-] 0102-4248
Model and forms of accountability in education: a look under the northeast region of Brazil 2019 Cadernos de estudos sociais 34 (2): 105-27
  • Maria Angela Alves de Oliveira
H6/KUL [CADERNOS-] 0102-4248
Specific and differentiated education of the Xukuru people: a way for decoloniality? 2019 Cadernos de estudos sociais 34 (2): 129-49
  • Eliene Amorim Almeida
  • Maria Roseane Cordeiro de Oliveira
H6/KUL [CADERNOS-] 0102-4248
The historicity of Black women in textbooks of the PNLD-field: a look from the studies of the epistemologies of the south 2019 Cadernos de estudos sociais 34 (2): 151-72
  • Maria Girlene Callado da Silva
  • Maria Iveni de Lima Silva
  • Vanessa Azevedo Cabral da Silva
H6/KUL [CADERNOS-] 0102-4248
Power, politics and estrangement: a reflection on the social construction of the (dis)politicization of young people 2018 Cadernos de estudos sociais 33 (1): 9-35
  • Jefferson Evânio da Silva
  • Robson da Costa de Souza
H6/KUL [CADERNOS-] 0102-4248
"We left the street fair but the street fair did not leave us": the administrative disposition of business owners of a shopping center in the Agreste region of Pernambuco 2018 Cadernos de estudos sociais 33 (1): 37-58
  • Denise Clementino de Souza
  • Marcio Gomes de Sá
  • Rick Davidson Silva Paiva
H6/KUL [CADERNOS-] 0102-4248
Collapse in academia? Behaviour of business administration graduate students and burnout 2018 Cadernos de estudos sociais 33 (1): 59-79
  • Carlos Eduardo Cavalcante
  • Hellen Taynan da Silva Cavalcanti
  • Marina Batista Chaves Azevedo de Souza
H6/KUL [CADERNOS-] 0102-4248
Making a living from music: cultural entrepreneurship and job insecurity 2018 Cadernos de estudos sociais 33 (1): 82-100
  • Amanda Coutinho Cerqueira
H6/KUL [CADERNOS-] 0102-4248
A comparative analysis of the socioeconomic situation among Bolivian men and women in the labor market of the states of Mato Grosso do Sul and São Paulo 2018 Cadernos de estudos sociais 33 (1): 101-28
  • Cláudia Lima Ayer de Noronha
  • Elaine Meire Villela
H6/KUL [CADERNOS-] 0102-4248
Heterotropic blogs: complaints and combat strategies against inequality schemes in "Blogueiras Negras" 2018 Cadernos de estudos sociais 33 (1): 129-52
  • Cintia Rodrigues de Oliveira Medeiros
  • Nicemara Cardoso Silva
H6/KUL [CADERNOS-] 0102-4248
Editorial - Dossiê "Migrações em países lusófonos" 2018 Cadernos de estudos sociais 33 (2): 1-6
  • João Peixoto
  • Jorge Malheiros
  • Morvan de Mello Moreira
  • Ricardo Ojima
  • Wilson Fusco
H6/KUL [CADERNOS-] 0102-4248
The dynamics of Portuguese international migration to Brazil in the 21st century: an analysis from the profile of Portuguese immigrants in the formal labor market 2018 Cadernos de estudos sociais 33 (2): 15-35
  • Jóice de Oliveira Santos Domeniconi
  • Rosana Baeninger
H6/KUL [CADERNOS-] 0102-4248
Immigration in Brazil on the Portuguese literature in the nineteenth century 2018 Cadernos de estudos sociais 33 (2): 37-62
  • Mario Luis Grangeia
H6/KUL [CADERNOS-] 0102-4248
Transatlantic configurations of intimacy and migration fluxes in northeast Brazil 2018 Cadernos de estudos sociais 33 (2): 63-90
  • Octávio Sacramento
H6/KUL [CADERNOS-] 0102-4248
Here to stay or only passing through? Migration experiences of Senegalese and Ghanaians in Brazil 2018 Cadernos de estudos sociais 33 (2): 91-119
  • Glaucia de Oliveira Assis
  • Michelle Maria Stakonski Cechinel
  • Philipp Roman Jung
H6/KUL [CADERNOS-] 0102-4248
Angolan women in Brazil: reflections on migration, gender and materiality 2018 Cadernos de estudos sociais 33 (2): 121-49
  • Aline Lima Santos
  • Dirce Trevisi Prado Novaes
  • Maria de Fátima Guedes Chaves
H6/KUL [CADERNOS-] 0102-4248
African immigrants, Brazilian women and LGBTTI's in the city of Fortaleza-CE 2018 Cadernos de estudos sociais 33 (2): 151-78
  • Ercilio Neves Brandão Langa
H6/KUL [CADERNOS-] 0102-4248
Interstate return migration: evidence for the state of Ceará (1986-2010) 2018 Cadernos de estudos sociais 33 (2): 179-205
  • Rosana Baeninger
  • Silvana Nunes de Queiroz
H6/KUL [CADERNOS-] 0102-4248
Brazilian immigration to Portugal: between the emergence and the media construction of a new migratory wave 2018 Cadernos de estudos sociais 33 (2): 207-37
  • Beatriz Padilla
  • Thais França
H6/KUL [CADERNOS-] 0102-4248
The importance of social networks, internet, and online social networks on the mobility of Brazilian students of higher education to Portugal 2018 Cadernos de estudos sociais 33 (2): 238-56
  • Juliana Chatti Jorio
H6/KUL [CADERNOS-] 0102-4248
Socioespacial segregation and socioeconomic characteristics of the Lisbon metropolitan area: the case of African Portuguese-speaking immigrants 2018 Cadernos de estudos sociais 33 (2): 257-80
  • Diogo Gaspar Silva
H6/KUL [CADERNOS-] 0102-4248
Sentido da colonização e escravismo: breve relato sobre a obra historiográfica de Caio Prado Júnior 2017 Cadernos de estudos sociais 32 (1): 9-24
  • Carlos Henrique Gileno
H6/KUL [CADERNOS-] 0102-4248
Feminismo e celebridades no sistema capitalista 2017 Cadernos de estudos sociais 32 (1): 55-69
  • Isaac Matheus Santos Batista
  • Maria Alice Vasconcelos Rocha
  • Priscila Samanta Santos Silva
H6/KUL [CADERNOS-] 0102-4248
O programa mais educação sob o olhar do estudante brasileiro 2017 Cadernos de estudos sociais 32 (1): 25-53
  • Ana Lúcia Hazin Alencar
  • Cleide de Fátima Galiza de Oliveira
H6/KUL [CADERNOS-] 0102-4248
Casa do Artesanato José Monteiro Sobral: cultural e políticas públicas em Laranjeira (SE) 2017 Cadernos de estudos sociais 32 (1): 71-93
  • Janaina Cardoso de Mello
H6/KUL [CADERNOS-] 0102-4248
Da feira de rua ao Moda Center Santa Cruz: a construção de um espaço híbrido e a percepção dos atores locais 2017 Cadernos de estudos sociais 32 (1): 95-122
  • Elisabeth Cavalcante dos Santos
  • Luísa Juventino do Nascimento
H6/KUL [CADERNOS-] 0102-4248