Title | Abbreviation | Status | Current title |
Antropologichni izsledvaniia | Antropolog Izsled | Currently Indexed | |
Antropologiska studier | Antrop Stud | Ceased publication | |
Antropoloogia-alaseid töid | Trud Antrop Tartu | Ceased publication | |
Antropološki zvezki | Antrop Zvezki | Currently Indexed | |
ANUAC: rivista della Società Italiana di Antropologia Culturale | ANUAC: Riv Soc Ital Antrop Cult | Currently Indexed | |
Anuario antropológico | Anu antrop | Currently Indexed | |
Anuario antropologico (Rio) | Anu antrop | Currently Indexed | |
Anuario de estudios americanos | Anu Estud amer | Selectively indexed | |
Anuario de Eusko folklore | Anu Eusko Folkl | Currently Indexed | |
Anuario de la Sociedad de Eusko-folklore | Anu Eusko Folkl | Currently Indexed | |
Anuario indigenista | Anu indig Mex | No longer indexed | |
Anuarul arhivei de folclor | Anu Arh Folcl | No longer indexed | |
Anuarul Institutului de Cercetări Socio-Umane Sibiu | Anu Inst Cercet socio-uman Sibiu | Selectively indexed | |
Anuarul Institutului de Etnografie i Folclor ‘Constantin Brăiloiu’ | Anu Inst Etnogr Folcl ‘C Brailoiu’ | Currently Indexed | |
Anuarul Muzeului Etnografic al Transilvaniei | Anu Muz etnogr Transilvan | No longer indexed | |
Anzeiger für schweizerische Altertumskunde | Z schweiz Archaol | No longer indexed | |
APLA newsletter | Polar polit legal Anthrop Rev | Selectively indexed | |
APLA occasional paper | APLA occ Pap | Ceased publication | |
Applied anthropology | Hum Org | Currently Indexed | |
Arabian studies | Arab Stud | Ceased publication | |
Arbeits- und Forschungsberichte zur sächsischen Bodendenkmalpflege | Arb ForschBer sachs BodDenkmPfl | No longer indexed | |
Årbok for Universitetet i Bergen | Arb Univ Bergen | Ceased publication | |
Archaeoastronomy | Archaeoastronomy | Ceased publication | |
Archaeologia historica | Archaeol hist | No longer indexed | |
Archaeologia historica | Archaeologia | Currently Indexed | |
Archaeologia interregionalis | Archaeol interreg | Ceased publication | |
Archaeologia polona | Archaeol pol | Currently Indexed | |
Archaeologia zambiana | Archaeol zamb | No longer indexed | |
Archaeologiai értesitő | Archaeol Ert | No longer indexed | |
Archaeological journal | Archaeol J | No longer indexed | |
Archaeological method and theory | J archaeol Meth Theory | No longer indexed | |
Archaeological newsletter | Archaeol Newsl R Ont Mus | No longer indexed | |
Archaeological review from Cambridge | Archaeol Rev Camb | No longer indexed | |
Archaeological Society of Alberta newsletter | Alberta archaeol Rev | No longer indexed | |
Archaeology | Archaeology | No longer indexed | |
Archaeology and anthropology: journal of the Walter Roth Museum of Anthropology | Archaeol Anthrop Georgetown | Currently Indexed | |
Archaeology at University of California | Archaeol UCLA | Ceased publication | |
Archaeology in New Zealand | Archaeol NZ | Currently Indexed | |
Archaeology in Oceania | Archaeol Oceania | Currently Indexed | |
Archaeology International | Archaeol int Lond | Selectively indexed | |
Archaeology Jamaica | Archaeol Jamaica | Ceased publication | |
Archaeology of eastern North America | Archaeol east N Amer | Currently Indexed | |
Archaeology Southwest | Archaeol Southwest | Selectively indexed | |
Archaeology, ethnology and anthropology of Eurasia | Archaeol Ethnol Anthrop Eurasia | Currently Indexed | |
Archaeometry | Archaeometry | No longer indexed | |
Archaeostronomy: supplement to Journal of the history of astronomy | Archaeoastronomy (Supplement) | Ceased publication | |
Archaiologike ephemeris | Archaiol Ephem | No longer indexed | |
Archéocivilisation | Archeocivilisation | Ceased publication | |
Archéologia | Archeologia | No longer indexed | |
Archeologia africana: saggi occasionali | Archeol afric | Currently Indexed |