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Title Abbreviation Status Current title
Antropologichni izsledvaniia Antropolog Izsled Currently Indexed
Antropologiska studier Antrop Stud Ceased publication
Antropoloogia-alaseid töid Trud Antrop Tartu Ceased publication
Antropološki zvezki Antrop Zvezki Currently Indexed
ANUAC: rivista della Società Italiana di Antropologia Culturale ANUAC: Riv Soc Ital Antrop Cult Currently Indexed
Anuario antropológico Anu antrop Currently Indexed
Anuario antropologico (Rio) Anu antrop Currently Indexed
Anuario de estudios americanos Anu Estud amer Selectively indexed
Anuario de Eusko folklore Anu Eusko Folkl Currently Indexed
Anuario de la Sociedad de Eusko-folklore Anu Eusko Folkl Currently Indexed
Anuario indigenista Anu indig Mex No longer indexed
Anuarul arhivei de folclor Anu Arh Folcl No longer indexed
Anuarul Institutului de Cercetări Socio-Umane Sibiu Anu Inst Cercet socio-uman Sibiu Selectively indexed
Anuarul Institutului de Etnografie i Folclor ‘Constantin Brăiloiu’ Anu Inst Etnogr Folcl ‘C Brailoiu’ Currently Indexed
Anuarul Muzeului Etnografic al Transilvaniei Anu Muz etnogr Transilvan No longer indexed
Anzeiger für schweizerische Altertumskunde Z schweiz Archaol No longer indexed
APLA newsletter Polar polit legal Anthrop Rev Selectively indexed
APLA occasional paper APLA occ Pap Ceased publication
Applied anthropology Hum Org Currently Indexed
Arabian studies Arab Stud Ceased publication
Arbeits- und Forschungsberichte zur sächsischen Bodendenkmalpflege Arb ForschBer sachs BodDenkmPfl No longer indexed
Årbok for Universitetet i Bergen Arb Univ Bergen Ceased publication
Archaeoastronomy Archaeoastronomy Ceased publication
Archaeologia historica Archaeol hist No longer indexed
Archaeologia historica Archaeologia Currently Indexed
Archaeologia interregionalis Archaeol interreg Ceased publication
Archaeologia polona Archaeol pol Currently Indexed
Archaeologia zambiana Archaeol zamb No longer indexed
Archaeologiai értesitő Archaeol Ert No longer indexed
Archaeological journal Archaeol J No longer indexed
Archaeological method and theory J archaeol Meth Theory No longer indexed
Archaeological newsletter Archaeol Newsl R Ont Mus No longer indexed
Archaeological review from Cambridge Archaeol Rev Camb No longer indexed
Archaeological Society of Alberta newsletter Alberta archaeol Rev No longer indexed
Archaeology Archaeology No longer indexed
Archaeology and anthropology: journal of the Walter Roth Museum of Anthropology Archaeol Anthrop Georgetown Currently Indexed
Archaeology at University of California Archaeol UCLA Ceased publication
Archaeology in New Zealand Archaeol NZ Currently Indexed
Archaeology in Oceania Archaeol Oceania Currently Indexed
Archaeology International Archaeol int Lond Selectively indexed
Archaeology Jamaica Archaeol Jamaica Ceased publication
Archaeology of eastern North America Archaeol east N Amer Currently Indexed
Archaeology Southwest Archaeol Southwest Selectively indexed
Archaeology, ethnology and anthropology of Eurasia Archaeol Ethnol Anthrop Eurasia Currently Indexed
Archaeometry Archaeometry No longer indexed
Archaeostronomy: supplement to Journal of the history of astronomy Archaeoastronomy (Supplement) Ceased publication
Archaiologike ephemeris Archaiol Ephem No longer indexed
Archéocivilisation Archeocivilisation Ceased publication
Archéologia Archeologia No longer indexed
Archeologia africana: saggi occasionali Archeol afric Currently Indexed