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TitleDateReferenceAuthorsCall #ISSN
Gulf of Maine: archaic traditions occupations at the Edgewood Apartments site, Plainville, Massachussetts 2022 Archaeology of eastern North America 50 (): 1-29
  • Brian D. Jones
  • David E. Leslie
  • G. Logan Miller
  • Katharine R. Reinhart
  • Zachary L.F. Singer
*H6/KE [ARCHEOLOGY-] 0360-1021
Social-political change, kinship patterns, and the emergence of social elites within the late Monongahela tradition of southwestern Pennsylvania and adjacent areas of West Virginia 2022 Archaeology of eastern North America 50 (): 31-53
  • Andrew Malhotra
  • John P. Nass jr.
*H6/KE [ARCHEOLOGY-] 0360-1021
The Love Point Maryland prehistoric shell middens: a retrospective based on the collection of James Marks 2022 Archaeology of eastern North America 50 (): 55-78
  • Darrin L. Lowery
*H6/KE [ARCHEOLOGY-] 0360-1021
Implications of precise radiocarbon dates (5800-5500 CAL BP) for the Halifax Complex in eastern Virginia 2022 Archaeology of eastern North America 50 (): 79-98
  • John Bedell
  • Stuart J. Fiedel
*H6/KE [ARCHEOLOGY-] 0360-1021
Combining avocational collections and field survey: investigations at the Diehl-Dietz site in southern York County, Pennsylvania 2022 Archaeology of eastern North America 50 (): 99-108
  • Caitlyn C. Adams
  • Katherine M. Sterner
*H6/KE [ARCHEOLOGY-] 0360-1021
Not all "gorgets" are gorgets and not all "pendants" are pendants: actualistic study of gorget and pendant functions as bullroarers 2022 Archaeology of eastern North America 50 (): 109-40
  • Conor J. Ewasko
  • Jay F. Custer
*H6/KE [ARCHEOLOGY-] 0360-1021
The Quenneville collection: evidence for Palaeoindian activity along the Konkapot River in southern New England 2022 Archaeology of eastern North America 50 (): 141-50
  • Stephanie Scialo
*H6/KE [ARCHEOLOGY-] 0360-1021
The Steel site on Beesley's Point 2022 Archaeology of eastern North America 50 (): 151-64
  • Andrew Stanzeski
  • John Stanzeski
*H6/KE [ARCHEOLOGY-] 0360-1021
The life and death of Native American polished stone ornaments in New York State 2022 Archaeology of eastern North America 50 (): 165-94
  • Bradley W. Russell
*H6/KE [ARCHEOLOGY-] 0360-1021
The Lamontagne Paleoindian site and the Auburn Airport cluster, Aubur, Androscoggin County, Maine 2021 Archaeology of eastern North America 49 (): 1-39
  • Arthur E. Spiess
  • Ellen R. Cowie
  • Gemma-Jayne Hudgell
  • M. Gabriel Hrynick
  • Robert N. Bartone
*H6/KE [ARCHEOLOGY-] 0360-1021
Another side of Onondaga: Seneca River sites, ca. A.D. 1000 to 1600 2021 Archaeology of eastern North America 49 (): 41-72
  • James W. Bradley
  • John P. Hart
*H6/KE [ARCHEOLOGY-] 0360-1021
Wabanaki subtidal shellfish harvesting: an ecological and archaeological study of horse mussels and barnacles at the Reversing Falls site, Pembroke, Maine, USA 2021 Archaeology of eastern North America 49 (): 73-85
  • A. Katherine Patton
  • Arthur W. Anderson
  • M. Gabriel Hrynick
*H6/KE [ARCHEOLOGY-] 0360-1021
Shellfishing, seasonality, and stable isotopes: a view from the Devil's Head site, Calais, Maine 2021 Archaeology of eastern North America 49 (): 87-102
  • David E. Leslie
  • M. Gabriel Hrynick
*H6/KE [ARCHEOLOGY-] 0360-1021
A deer camp forever: archaeofauna from the Ewing site 2021 Archaeology of eastern North America 49 (): 103-32
  • John G. Crock
  • Nanny Carder
*H6/KE [ARCHEOLOGY-] 0360-1021
Pre-European population dynamics on the Maritime Peninsula 2021 Archaeology of eastern North America 49 (): 133-55
  • David MacInnes
*H6/KE [ARCHEOLOGY-] 0360-1021
The linear ditches at the Heckelman site: was there an Early Woodland ceremonial hilltop enclosure? 2020 Archaeology of eastern North America 48 (): 107-20
  • Glenwood Boatman
*H6/KE [ARCHEOLOGY-] 0360-1021
Native American use of venomous snakes at Wantatiquet Mountain site (27CH89), Hindsdale, New Hampshire 2020 Archaeology of eastern North America 48 (): 23-35
  • Alyssa Bergquist
  • Robert Goodby
  • Tonya Largy
  • Van Wallach
*H6/KE [ARCHEOLOGY-] 0360-1021
Maryland archaeology: past portraits project sample portraits 2020 Archaeology of eastern North America 48 (): 37-66
  • Stephen Israel
*H6/KE [ARCHEOLOGY-] 0360-1021
Making the most of chance finds: offshore and inshore 2020 Archaeology of eastern North America 48 (): 1-22
  • Darrin L. Lowery
*H6/KE [ARCHEOLOGY-] 0360-1021
South Mountain precontact metarhyolite quarrying: a geographical perspective 2020 Archaeology of eastern North America 48 (): 139-56
  • Paul Marr
*H6/KE [ARCHEOLOGY-] 0360-1021
Turkey Swamp points from the Leeds Point site: a comparison 2020 Archaeology of eastern North America 48 (): 67-76
  • Andrew Dillman
  • Andrew Stanzeski
*H6/KE [ARCHEOLOGY-] 0360-1021
Anatomy of a Late Woodland prehistoric pit feature on Menemsha Pond, Martha's Vineyard, Massachusetts 2020 Archaeology of eastern North America 48 (): 121-37
  • Alan E. Strauss
*H6/KE [ARCHEOLOGY-] 0360-1021
Ohio's lanceolate makers - part I: debunking the late palaeo lanceolate myth and awakening the late archaic reality 2020 Archaeology of eastern North America 48 (): 157-91
  • William H. Tippins
*H6/KE [ARCHEOLOGY-] 0360-1021
Round, ground, and stone: an analysis of groundstone discoidals from middle and early late Fort Ancient sites 2020 Archaeology of eastern North America 48 (): 77-96
  • V. Camille Westmont
*H6/KE [ARCHEOLOGY-] 0360-1021
An analysis of the Eastern States Archaeological Federation: twenty years of eastern state archeology 2020 Archaeology of eastern North America 48 (): 97-105
  • Dana Yakabowskas
*H6/KE [ARCHEOLOGY-] 0360-1021
The dog that wasn't: an historical pig burial on the sixteenth-century AD Klock site, Fulton County, New York 2019 Archaeology of eastern North America 47 (): 1-6
  • John P. Hart
  • Robert S. Feranec
*H6/KE [ARCHEOLOGY-] 0360-1021
Traumatic times: Wendat-Huron burial rituals 1636 to 1651 2019 Archaeology of eastern North America 47 (): 7-22
  • Mima Kapches
*H6/KE [ARCHEOLOGY-] 0360-1021
New radiocarbon dates for the Iroquoian occupation of northern New York 2019 Archaeology of eastern North America 47 (): 23-38
  • Timothy J. Abel
*H6/KE [ARCHEOLOGY-] 0360-1021
The rate of post-abandonment earthwork degradation in eastern North America and its implications for archaeological interpretations 2019 Archaeology of eastern North America 47 (): 39-49
  • Corey L. Hovanec
  • Darrin L. Lowery
  • Michael A. O'Neal
  • Ralph Eshelman
*H6/KE [ARCHEOLOGY-] 0360-1021
Remote identification of cultural features on the landscape: assessing the accuracy of using Lidar to detect charcoal hearth platforms 2019 Archaeology of eastern North America 47 (): 51-62
  • John S. Wah
  • Paul G. Marr
*H6/KE [ARCHEOLOGY-] 0360-1021
Architectural studies of the Nehumkeag trading post at Agry's Point, Pittson, Maine 2019 Archaeology of eastern North America 47 (): 63-82
  • Gary D. Shaffer
  • Leon Cranmer
*H6/KE [ARCHEOLOGY-] 0360-1021
The Ki site and the Daniels collection revisted 2019 Archaeology of eastern North America 47 (): 83-6
  • David Tutchener
*H6/KE [ARCHEOLOGY-] 0360-1021
The importance of pond-side sites during the late Woodland period of Cape Cod: the view from Run Hill 2019 Archaeology of eastern North America 47 (): 87-109
  • Alan E. Strauss
*H6/KE [ARCHEOLOGY-] 0360-1021
West Creek 28OC45: the prehistoric components 2019 Archaeology of eastern North America 47 (): 111-33
  • Andrew Stanzeski
*H6/KE [ARCHEOLOGY-] 0360-1021
Beyond grit and shell: evidence of conifer needle temper in archaeological ceramics from Maine 2019 Archaeology of eastern North America 47 (): 135-55
  • Bonnie D. Newsom
  • Matthew James
*H6/KE [ARCHEOLOGY-] 0360-1021
Maritime Woodland period dwelling surface construction on the coast of the Maritime Peninsula: implications for site reuse and intra-site space 2018 Archaeology of eastern North America 46 (): 1-16
  • M.Gabriel Hyrnick
*H6/KE [ARCHEOLOGY-] 0360-1021
Resource procurement and regional settlement in the Aughwick Creek drainage: investigations at 36HU224 2018 Archaeology of eastern North America 46 (): 17-44
  • Paul A. Raber
*H6/KE [ARCHEOLOGY-] 0360-1021
The classification and analysis of Huron rimsherds: a case study from the Copeland site in Simcoe County, southern Ontario 2018 Archaeology of eastern North America 46 (): 45-67
  • Jeffrey Bursey
*H6/KE [ARCHEOLOGY-] 0360-1021
Revisiting the Laurentian concept: evaluarig the contribution of isolation by distance and biogeography and on the morphological and geospatial variation in Laurentian Archaic biface in Laurentian archaic 2018 Archaeology of eastern North America 46 (): 69-92
  • James Conolly
*H6/KE [ARCHEOLOGY-] 0360-1021
The archaeology of James Selden Spencer's cabinet of memories and events 2018 Archaeology of eastern North America 46 (): 93-102
  • Darrin L. Lowry
*H6/KE [ARCHEOLOGY-] 0360-1021
The Rogers site: an early Palaeoindian site in the Niagara peninsula region of Ontario 2018 Archaeology of eastern North America 46 (): 103-34
  • Christopher Ellis
  • D. Brian Deller
  • Merle Franklin
*H6/KE [ARCHEOLOGY-] 0360-1021
A late glacial and Holocene site in the western Erie Basin: a report on the 2010-2014 excavations at the Palmer site 2018 Archaeology of eastern North America 46 (): 135-54
  • Henry T. Wright
  • Thomas J. LaDuke
*H6/KE [ARCHEOLOGY-] 0360-1021
Some tools from the Williamson Palaeoindian site in Dinwiddie County, Virginia 2018 Archaeology of eastern North America 46 (): 155-66
  • W. Jack Hranicky
*H6/KE [ARCHEOLOGY-] 0360-1021
Insignts into the Woodland period in coastal New England as seen from a large Block Island shell midden 2018 Archaeology of eastern North America 46 (): 167-90
  • Alan E. Strauss
*H6/KE [ARCHEOLOGY-] 0360-1021
Sea level rise and the cultural palaeoecology of Woodland settlement patterns in the Delaware and the central middle Atlantic coastal zone: retrospect and prospect 2018 Archaeology of eastern North America 46 (): 191-213
  • Jay F. Custer
*H6/KE [ARCHEOLOGY-] 0360-1021
Description of an American mastodon (Mammut americanum) site in Morrow County, Ohio and assessment of evidence for early Palaeoindian exploitations 2018 Archaeology of eastern North America 46 (): 215-40
  • Brian G. Redmond
  • Gregory Wiles
  • Haskel J. Greenfield
  • Jarrod Burks
  • Jeffrey Dilyard
  • Nigel Brush
  • P. Nick Kardulias
  • Scott Donaldson
*H6/KE [ARCHEOLOGY-] 0360-1021
Locus 10: an Atlantic phase terminal archaic lithic workshop in Marshfield, MA 2017 Archaeology of eastern North America 45 (): 1-31
  • Brian D. Jones
  • Brianna Rae
*H6/KE [ARCHEOLOGY-] 0360-1021
Scute differentiation between Atlantic and shortnose sturgeon: an archaeological investigation 2017 Archaeology of eastern North America 45 (): 33-71
  • Arthur E. Spiess
  • David B. Halliwell
*H6/KE [ARCHEOLOGY-] 0360-1021
Shell and shell -bearing sites of the Carolinas: some observations 2017 Archaeology of eastern North America 45 (): 73-84
  • Cheryl Claassen
*H6/KE [ARCHEOLOGY-] 0360-1021
Later maritime woodland to protohistoric culture change and continuity at the Devil's Head site, Calais, Maine 2017 Archaeology of eastern North America 45 (): 85-108
  • Christopher E. Shaw
  • M.Gabriel Hrynick
  • Taylor C. Testa
  • W. Jesse Webb
*H6/KE [ARCHEOLOGY-] 0360-1021