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TitleDateReferenceAuthorsCall #ISSN
Die Velaticer Phase in der Slowakei [with comments] 1991 Archaeologia interregionalis 13 (): 47-54, 57-8
  • Maria Novotná
Ein Versuch zur Bestimmung von Wechselbeziehungen zwischen dem Urnentyp und dem Alter und Geschlecht des Verstorbenen anhand der Fundstoffe aus dem frühlausitzischen Teil des Gräberfeldes von Kietrz 1991 Archaeologia interregionalis 13 (): 103-8
  • Renata Essen
Anfänge der Urnenfelderkulturen in der Mittel- und Ostslowakei [with comments] 1991 Archaeologia interregionalis 13 (): 29-46
  • L Veliačik
  • Vaclav Furmánek
Zur Frage der Herausbildung von Merkmalen der Lausitzer Urnenfelderkultur [with comments] 1991 Archaeologia interregionalis 13 (): 17-27
  • Bogusław Gediga
Bemerkungen über die Anfäge der frühen Lausitzer Kultur in Schlesien [with comments] 1991 Archaeologia interregionalis 13 (): 89-102
  • Marek Gedl
Copper alloys in the Globular Amphorae culture against a comparative background 1991 Archaeologia interregionalis (): 1991 [14] 201-17
  • Zdzisław Hensel
Die Beziehungen zwischen Lausitzer und nordischer Kultur im 13. und 12. Jh. vor unserer Zeitrechnung [with comments] 1991 Archaeologia interregionalis 13 (): 123-40
  • Fritz Horst
Die Anfänge der Knovízer Kultur in Böhmen [with comments] 1991 Archaeologia interregionalis 13 (): 81-8
  • Jiři Hrala
Globular Amphorae culture versus Funnel Beaker culture 1991 Archaeologia interregionalis (): 1991 [14] 87-112
  • Aleksander Kośko
Das Rhein-Main-Gebiet zwischen Hügelgräber- und Urnenfelderkultur [with comments] 1991 Archaeologia interregionalis 13 (): 141-56, 193-4
  • Wolf Kubach
Bemerkungen zu den Anfängen der Lausitzer Kultur im Kielce-Gebiet auf dem Hintergrund der Problematik der sogenannten Trzciniec-Lausitzer-Übergangsphase [with comments] 1991 Archaeologia interregionalis 13 (): 217-45, 262-3
  • Andrzej Matoga
Calibration of the radiocarbon time scale covering the period from the second to the fourth millenium BC 1991 Archaeologia interregionalis (): 1991 [14] 19-29
  • Danuta Michczyńska
  • MF Pazdur
Der Beginn der Urnenfelderkultur in Ostösterreich [with comments] 1991 Archaeologia interregionalis 13 (): 55-8
  • Clemens Eibner
[On the question concerning the origin and characteristics of the Lausitz culture in the upper Bug area] 1991 Archaeologia interregionalis 13 (): 297-315
  • Dmitr Pavliv
Present state of biological investigations of Globular Amphorae communities in Poland 1991 Archaeologia interregionalis (): 1991 [14] 137-43
  • B Jerszyńska
  • Janusz Piontek
Zur Problematik der Anfänge der Urnenfelderperiode in Böhmen [with comments] 1991 Archaeologia interregionalis 13 (): 59-80, 87-8
  • Evžen Plesl
Schlusswort [conclusion to special issue, 'Die Anfänge der Urnenfelderkulturen in Europa' 1991 Archaeologia interregionalis 13 (): 317-18
  • Evžen Plesl
Anfänge der Lausitzer Kultur in der Krakauer Umgebung [with comments] 1991 Archaeologia interregionalis 13 (): 247-63
  • Jacek Rydzewski
Zum Beginn der Urnenfelderkulturen in Ost- und Zentralfrankreich [with comments] 1991 Archaeologia interregionalis 13 (): 157-94
  • Peter Schauer
Current state of knowledge of archaeozoological materials of the Globular Amphorae culture in Kuiavia 1991 Archaeologia interregionalis (): 1991 [14] 145-53
  • D Makowiecki
  • Marian Sobociński
Present state of research into principles of Globular Amphorae culture analysis 1991 Archaeologia interregionalis (): 1991 [14] 79-86
  • Marzena Szmyt
Preliminary information about progress in studies of the postglacial history of vegetation on the great Poland-Kuiavia lowland 1991 Archaeologia interregionalis (): 1991 [14] 9-18
  • Kazimierz Tobolski
Closing speech at the conference 'Globular Amphorae culture in Kuiavia' [conclusion to special issue] 1991 Archaeologia interregionalis (): 1991 [14] 219-21
  • Włodzimierz Wojciechowski
From studies of the origin of Globular Amphorae culture flint industry 1991 Archaeologia interregionalis (): 1991 [14] 47-52
  • Lucyna Domańska
Bemerkungen zur Entstehung der Lausitzer Kulturen [with comments] 1991 Archaeologia interregionalis 13 (): 195-215, 262-3
  • Jan Dąbrowski
Progress in studies of Globular Amphorae culture periodization 1991 Archaeologia interregionalis (): 1991 [14] 53-77
  • Lech Czerniak
  • M Szmyt
Globular Amphorae culture and the Late-Band model of culture of neolithic lowland communities. Problem of system genesis 1991 Archaeologia interregionalis (): 1991 [14] 31-45
  • Lech Czerniak
Late horizon of the Globular Amphorae culture versus other cultural structures of the neolithic-bronze age interstage. Problem of system disintegration 1991 Archaeologia interregionalis (): 1991 [14] 113-36
  • Janusz Czebreszuk
Introduction [to special issue, 'New tendencies in studies of Globular Amphorae culture in Kuiavia' 1991 Archaeologia interregionalis (): 1991 [14] 7
  • Aleksandra Cofta-Broniewska
Die Anfänge der Lausitzer Kultur nördlich der Mittelgebirge zwischen Neisse und Elster [with comments] 1991 Archaeologia interregionalis 13 (): 109-22, 139-40
  • Werner Coblenz
Stone industry of the Globular Amphorae people in Kuiavia 1991 Archaeologia interregionalis (): 1991 [14] 155-200
  • Piotr Chachlikowski
Ursprung der Urnenfelderzeit 1991 Archaeologia interregionalis 13 (): 11-15
  • Jan Bouzek
Anfänge der Tarnobrzeg-Gruppe in dem mittleren San-Gebiet [with comments] 1991 Archaeologia interregionalis 13 (): 265-95
  • A Kostek
  • S Czopek
  • Wojciech Blajer
First settlement of the oldest phase of the linear band pottery culture on the Polish lowland: Grabie 4, Włocławek voivodeship 1990 Archaeologia interregionalis [11] (): 49-62
  • L Czerniak
Mesolithic peat levels at the site of Pobiel 10 1990 Archaeologia interregionalis [11] (): 27-47
  • Z Bagniewski
Some remarks on the investigations into cultural relations in the Volhynian plateau in the first half of the IIIrd [millennium]BC 1990 Archaeologia interregionalis [11] (): 103-11
  • S Jastrzêbski
Masłomêcz-Gruppe - Stand und Perspektiven der Forschung 1990 Archaeologia interregionalis [11] (): 153-69
  • A Kokowski
Les terrains inhabités dans l'Europe barbare suivant les auteurs antiques 1990 Archaeologia interregionalis [11] (): 171-89
  • J Kolendo
Anthropologische Differenzierung Osteuropas im frühen Mittelalter 1990 Archaeologia interregionalis [11] (): 199-216
  • W Kozak-Zychman
[Latitudinal] interregional contacts of Gravettian groups in northern central Europe 1990 Archaeologia interregionalis [11] (): 9-26
  • J K Kozłowski
Aus den Untersuchungen über die Kulturverbindungen der Bevölkerung Mittelpommerns zu dem Elbegebiet zur vorrömischen Eisenzeit, römischen Kaiserzeit und Völkerwanderungszeit 1990 Archaeologia interregionalis [11] (): 131-46
  • H Machajewski
Zur Besiedlung des Sącz-Gebietes in der römischen Kaiserzeit 1990 Archaeologia interregionalis [11] (): 147-52
  • K Tunia
  • R Madyda-Legutko
[The historical region of Mazowsze in the light of early mediaeval archaeological sources] 1990 Archaeologia interregionalis [11] (): 191-7
  • M MiŚkiewicz
From studies of development of the so called refugial ecumene of neolithic communities in the Zielona Struga catchment area 1990 Archaeologia interregionalis [11] (): 63-101
  • D Prinke
  • M Szmyt
Ślêża-Beile im Lichte der petrographischen Untersuchungen der Rohstoffe 1990 Archaeologia interregionalis [11] (): 113-29
  • W Wojciechowski
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