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TitleDateReferenceAuthorsCall #ISSN
Geological chronology and period classification of the upper palaeolithic in the Yenisei region: problems and approaches 2003 Archaeology, ethnology and anthropology of Eurasia 13 (): 2-10
  • N. I. Drozdov
  • V. P. CHekha
H6/KE [ARCHAEOLOGY-] 1563-0110
The blade industry of Malta site 2003 Archaeology, ethnology and anthropology of Eurasia 13 (): 11-33
  • H. Kimura
H6/KE [ARCHAEOLOGY-] 1563-0110
The Ohalo-2 brush huts and the dwelling structures of Natufian and Pre-Pottery Neolithic A sites in the Jordan valley 2003 Archaeology, ethnology and anthropology of Eurasia 13 (): 34-48
  • D. Nadel
H6/KE [ARCHAEOLOGY-] 1563-0110
Perimortem taphonomy and dental affinity assessment of the human skeletal remains from the Yelenev cave, Krasnoyarsk territory, Siberia 2003 Archaeology, ethnology and anthropology of Eurasia 13 (): 49-57
  • G. G._II Turner
  • N. D. Ovodov
  • O. V. Pavlova
H6/KE [ARCHAEOLOGY-] 1563-0110
The middle to upper palaeolithic transition: adaptation and assimilation (the Sungir problem revisited) 2003 Archaeology, ethnology and anthropology of Eurasia 13 (): 58-64
  • A. G. Kozintsev
H6/KE [ARCHAEOLOGY-] 1563-0110
The middle to upper palaeolithic transition and the tradition of flake tool manufacturing on the Korean peninsular 2003 Archaeology, ethnology and anthropology of Eurasia 13 (): 65-79
  • Lee Heon-Jong
H6/KE [ARCHAEOLOGY-] 1563-0110
Central Asia in the bronze and early iron ages: problems of ethno-cultural history of Mongolia and the southern Trans-Baikal region in the middle 2nd and early 1st millennia BC 2003 Archaeology, ethnology and anthropology of Eurasia 13 (): 80-97
  • A. D. TSybiktarov
H6/KE [ARCHAEOLOGY-] 1563-0110
The early eneolithic of the Turgai 2003 Archaeology, ethnology and anthropology of Eurasia 13 (): 98-105
  • V. N. Logvin
H6/KE [ARCHAEOLOGY-] 1563-0110
The Xiong-Nu and the Huns 2003 Archaeology, ethnology and anthropology of Eurasia 13 (): 106-27
  • S. G. Botalov
H6/KE [ARCHAEOLOGY-] 1563-0110
The origin and history of Japanese cards: an analysis and interpretation of traditional Japanese intellectual card games 2003 Archaeology, ethnology and anthropology of Eurasia 13 (): 128-39
  • E. E. Voitishek
H6/KE [ARCHAEOLOGY-] 1563-0110
Ritual initiation in prehistoric Eurasians based on cranial data: symbolic trephination 2003 Archaeology, ethnology and anthropology of Eurasia 13 (): 147-56
  • M. V. Mednikova
H6/KE [ARCHAEOLOGY-] 1563-0110
What did the Aurignacian bring to the Levantine upper palaeolithic? 2003 Archaeology, ethnology and anthropology of Eurasia 14 (): 2-8
  • S. L. Kuhn
H6/KE [ARCHAEOLOGY-] 1563-0110
Comments on 'The transition from the middle to upper palaeolithic in northern Eurasia' by M. Otte and J. K. Kozlowski 2003 Archaeology, ethnology and anthropology of Eurasia 14 (): 9-14
  • N. Rolland
H6/KE [ARCHAEOLOGY-] 1563-0110
The early upper palaeolithic in Eastern Europe 2003 Archaeology, ethnology and anthropology of Eurasia 14 (): 15-29
  • M. V. Anikovich
H6/KE [ARCHAEOLOGY-] 1563-0110
Archaeological material from Solontsy-5: ethnic-cultural relationships within the Kuznetsk-Altai Kulture 2003 Archaeology, ethnology and anthropology of Eurasia 14 (): 30-40
  • N. Kungurova
H6/KE [ARCHAEOLOGY-] 1563-0110
The most ancient boats and navigators in the North-West Pacific 2003 Archaeology, ethnology and anthropology of Eurasia 14 (): 41-7
  • D. L. Brodianskiĭ
  • V. A. Rakov
H6/KE [ARCHAEOLOGY-] 1563-0110
The Torgazhak pebbels: principal aspects of their study and interpretation 2003 Archaeology, ethnology and anthropology of Eurasia 14 (): 48-70
  • D. G. Savinov
H6/KE [ARCHAEOLOGY-] 1563-0110
Burial complexes of the Ancient Turkic period at the Kaldzhin-8 burial ground: technological and ethnocultural reconstructions 2003 Archaeology, ethnology and anthropology of Eurasia 14 (): 71-86
  • A. I. Soloviev
  • A. V. Novikov
  • V. I. Molodin
H6/KE [ARCHAEOLOGY-] 1563-0110
Origins of maritime cultures of the nortnern Far East 2003 Archaeology, ethnology and anthropology of Eurasia 14 (): 87-93
  • A. I. Lebedintsev
H6/KE [ARCHAEOLOGY-] 1563-0110
Southern Siberian - North American links in mythology 2003 Archaeology, ethnology and anthropology of Eurasia 14 (): 94-106
  • IU. E. Berezkin
H6/KE [ARCHAEOLOGY-] 1563-0110
Medieval burial grounds in the north of Old Russ: some new results from the Lake of Kubenskoe 2003 Archaeology, ethnology and anthropology of Eurasia 14 (): 106-22
  • I. E. Zaitseva
  • N. A. Makarov
H6/KE [ARCHAEOLOGY-] 1563-0110
The European Aquamanil acquired by G. F. Miller in Siberia 2003 Archaeology, ethnology and anthropology of Eurasia 14 (): 123-9
  • A. IU. Borisenko
  • IU. S. KHudiakov
H6/KE [ARCHAEOLOGY-] 1563-0110
Semantics of the scene of the mirror from the Rogozikha-1 site 2003 Archaeology, ethnology and anthropology of Eurasia 14 (): 130-8
  • A. P. Umanskiĭ
H6/KE [ARCHAEOLOGY-] 1563-0110
Hallucinogenic agents in shaman practices of North Asia 2003 Archaeology, ethnology and anthropology of Eurasia 14 (): 139-47
  • A. V. SHapovalov
H6/KE [ARCHAEOLOGY-] 1563-0110
Shamanism in Tuva today 2003 Archaeology, ethnology and anthropology of Eurasia 14 (): 148-56
  • A. V. SHapovalov
  • I. V. Oktiabr'skaia
H6/KE [ARCHAEOLOGY-] 1563-0110
Upper paleolithic sites in the Tytylvaam river valley (polar Chukotka) 2003 Archaeology, ethnology and anthropology of Eurasia 3 (15): 2-15
  • M.A. Kiryak
  • O.Y. Glushkova
  • T.A. Brown
H6/KE [ARCHAEOLOGY-] 1563-0110
The paleolithic-to-neolithic transition and the origin of pottery production in the Russian far east: a geoarchaeological approach 2003 Archaeology, ethnology and anthropology of Eurasia 3 (15): 16-26
  • Y.V. Kuzmin
H6/KE [ARCHAEOLOGY-] 1563-0110
The earliest representations of symbolic behavior by paleolithic humans in the Altai Mountains 2003 Archaeology, ethnology and anthropology of Eurasia 3 (15): 27-50
  • A.P. Derevianko
  • E.P. Rybin
H6/KE [ARCHAEOLOGY-] 1563-0110
Periodization of the upper paleolithic as Sakhalin and Hokkaido in the light of research conducted at the Ogonki-5 site 2003 Archaeology, ethnology and anthropology of Eurasia 3 (15): 51-69
  • A.A. Vasilevski
H6/KE [ARCHAEOLOGY-] 1563-0110
Hearths at the Podzvonkaya paleolithic site: evidence suggestive of the spirituality of early populations of the trans-Baikal region 2003 Archaeology, ethnology and anthropology of Eurasia 3 (15): 70-8
  • V.I. Tashank
H6/KE [ARCHAEOLOGY-] 1563-0110
Chronology of the early iron age burial assemblages in the upper Ob region based on the tree-ring and radiocarbon methods: Bystrovka-2 burial ground 2003 Archaeology, ethnology and anthropology of Eurasia 3 (15): 79-92
  • A.P. Borodovsky
  • I.Y. Slusarensko
  • J.A. Christen
  • L.A. Orlova
  • Y.V. Kuzmin
H6/KE [ARCHAEOLOGY-] 1563-0110
Ceramic complex of the Mylnikovo settlement in the Altaian forest-steppe Ob river region dating to the bronze-early iron age transition period 2003 Archaeology, ethnology and anthropology of Eurasia 3 (15): 93-111
  • A.B. Shamshin
  • D.V. Papin
  • L.N. Mylnikova
H6/KE [ARCHAEOLOGY-] 1563-0110
Role of textile and clothes in the ritual practice of the Ob Ugrians 2003 Archaeology, ethnology and anthropology of Eurasia 3 (15): 112-21
  • S.A. Dudkina
  • T.N. Glushkova
H6/KE [ARCHAEOLOGY-] 1563-0110
The Telengit population of the Altai Republic 2003 Archaeology, ethnology and anthropology of Eurasia 3 (15): 122-31
  • I.V. Oktyabraskya
H6/KE [ARCHAEOLOGY-] 1563-0110
Andronov populations of the west Siberia: cranial data 2003 Archaeology, ethnology and anthropology of Eurasia 3 (15): 132-48
  • D.V. Pozdnyakov
  • T.A. Chikisheva
H6/KE [ARCHAEOLOGY-] 1563-0110
New evidence on the possible collateral relatives of American Indians in bronze age Siberia 2003 Archaeology, ethnology and anthropology of Eurasia 3 (15): 149-54
  • A.G. Kozintsev
  • A.V. Gromov
  • V.G. Moisejev
H6/KE [ARCHAEOLOGY-] 1563-0110
Millennial reconstruction of the summer temperature in the polar Urals: three-ring data from Siberian juniper and Siberian larch 2002 Archaeology, ethnology and anthropology of Eurasia 9 (): 2-5
  • L. A. Gorlanova
  • R. M. Hantemirov
  • S. G. Shiyatov
H6/KE [ARCHAEOLOGY-] 1563-0110
Quaternaly mammals of Dongbei (northeast China) 2002 Archaeology, ethnology and anthropology of Eurasia 9 (): 6-15
  • Fu Renui
H6/KE [ARCHAEOLOGY-] 1563-0110
Middle palaeolithic industries with foliate bifaces in Gornii Altai 2002 Archaeology, ethnology and anthropology of Eurasia 9 (): 16-42
  • A. P. Derevianko
  • M. V. Shunkov
H6/KE [ARCHAEOLOGY-] 1563-0110
On the issues of the middle to upper palaeolithic transition 2002 Archaeology, ethnology and anthropology of Eurasia 9 (): 43-6
  • N. K. Anisiutkin
H6/KE [ARCHAEOLOGY-] 1563-0110
Aurignacian, modern man, and the transition from the middle to upper palaeolithic in Northern Eurasia: a Central European approach 2002 Archaeology, ethnology and anthropology of Eurasia 9 (): 47-58
  • T. Uthmeier
H6/KE [ARCHAEOLOGY-] 1563-0110
The transition from the middle palaeolithic to upper palaeolithic in the western trans-Baikal 2002 Archaeology, ethnology and anthropology of Eurasia 9 (): 59-75
  • L. V. Lbova
H6/KE [ARCHAEOLOGY-] 1563-0110
Ancient Turkic memorials in the Altai 2002 Archaeology, ethnology and anthropology of Eurasia 9 (): 76-95
  • D. Tseveendorj
  • V. D. Kubarev
H6/KE [ARCHAEOLOGY-] 1563-0110
Semantics of the Okunevo circular and square images with rays 2002 Archaeology, ethnology and anthropology of Eurasia 9 (): 96-105
  • V. IU. Esin
H6/KE [ARCHAEOLOGY-] 1563-0110
The Talakan culture of the early iron age in the western Amur region (based on the materials from the Ust-Talakan site on the Bureya river) 2002 Archaeology, ethnology and anthropology of Eurasia 9 (): 106-22
  • L. N. Mylnikova
  • S. P. Nesterov
H6/KE [ARCHAEOLOGY-] 1563-0110
The onset of the Hunnu period in the Sayano-Altai 2002 Archaeology, ethnology and anthropology of Eurasia 9 (): 123-30
  • A. S. Vasiutin
  • S. A. Vasiutin
  • V. V. Bobrov
H6/KE [ARCHAEOLOGY-] 1563-0110
Was gold mined in the east Siberian taiga in the Scythian epoch ? 2002 Archaeology, ethnology and anthropology of Eurasia 9 (): 131-41
  • N. L. CHlenova
H6/KE [ARCHAEOLOGY-] 1563-0110
A Sasanian silver plate from the Synya river 2002 Archaeology, ethnology and anthropology of Eurasia 9 (): 142-8
  • A. V. Baulo
H6/KE [ARCHAEOLOGY-] 1563-0110
Dental features of the early nomads in Gornyi Altai 2002 Archaeology, ethnology and anthropology of Eurasia 9 (): 149-59
  • T. A. CHikisheva
H6/KE [ARCHAEOLOGY-] 1563-0110
Dynamics of pleistocene palaeoclimatic events: a reconstruction based on palynological and electron-spin-resonance studies in north Eurasia 2002 Archaeology, ethnology and anthropology of Eurasia 10 (): 2-21
  • A. N. Molodkov
  • N. S. Bolikhovskaia
H6/KE [ARCHAEOLOGY-] 1563-0110