Title | Abbreviation | Status | Current title |
Anthropological papers | Anthrop Pap Alaska NS | Currently Indexed | |
Anthropological papers (Alaska) (New Series) | Anthrop Pap Alaska NS | Currently Indexed | |
Anthropological quarterly | Anthrop Q | Currently Indexed | |
Anthropological Review: the official publication of the Polish Anthropological Society | Anthrop Rev off Pub Pol Anthrop Soc | Currently Indexed | |
Anthropological Science: journal of the Anthropological Society of Nippon | Anthrop Sci | Currently Indexed | |
Anthropological theory | Anthrop Theory | Currently Indexed | |
Anthropological yearbook of European cultures | Anthrop J Eur Cult | Currently Indexed | |
Anthropologie (Brno) | Anthropologie Brno | Currently Indexed | |
Anthropologie et préhistoire | Anthrop Praehist | Currently Indexed | |
Anthropologie et sociétés | Anthrop Soc | Selectively indexed | |
Anthropologischer Anzeiger | Anthrop Anz | Currently Indexed | |
Anthropologist | Anthropologist | No longer indexed | |
Anthropology | Anthropology SUNY | Ceased publication | |
Anthropology | Anthropology UCLA | Ceased publication | |
Anthropology and archeology of Eurasia | Anthrop Archeol Eurasia | Currently Indexed | |
Anthropology and art | Anthrop art | Currently Indexed | |
Anthropology and education quarterly | Anthrop Educ Q | Selectively indexed | |
Anthropology and humanism | Anthrop Humanism | Selectively indexed | |
Anthropology and medicine | Anthrop Med | Selectively indexed | |
Anthropology and Photography | Anthrop photog | Currently Indexed | |
Anthropology in action | Anthrop Action | Selectively indexed | |
Anthropology in action: journal for applied anthropology in policy and practice | Anthrop Action | Selectively indexed | |
Anthropology Ireland | Irish J Anthrop | Selectively indexed | |
Anthropology of consciousness | Anthrop Consc | Currently Indexed | |
Anthropology of the contemporary Middle East and central Eurasia | ACME | Currently Indexed | |
Anthropology of the Middle East | Anthrop M East | Currently Indexed | |
Anthropology of work review | Anthrop work Rev | Selectively indexed | |
Anthropology open journal | Anthrop open j | Selectively indexed | |
Anthropology Southern Africa | Anthrop Sth Africa | Selectively indexed | |
Anthropology today (incorporating RAIN) | Anthrop today | Currently Indexed | |
Anthropology tomorrow | Chicago Anthrop Exch | Ceased publication | |
Anthropology: journal for socio-cultural anthropology | Anthropology J soc cult anthrop | Currently Indexed | |
Anthropos | Anthropos Athens | No longer indexed | |
Anthropos | Anthropos St Augustin | Currently Indexed | |
Anthroquest | Anthroquest | No longer indexed | |
Anti-slavery reporter | Anti-Slave Reptr | No longer indexed | |
Antipoda: revista de antropología y arqueología | Antipoda | Currently Indexed | |
Antiquaries journal | Antiq J | No longer indexed | |
Antiquity | Antiquity | Currently Indexed | |
Antropología | Antropologia Mex | No longer indexed | |
Antropología | Antropologia Quito | Ceased publication | |
Antropología americana | Antrop amer | Currently Indexed | |
Antropología andina | Antrop and | No longer indexed | |
Antropologia contemporanea | Antrop contemp | Ceased publication | |
Antropología e historia | Antropologia Mex | No longer indexed | |
Antropología e historia de Guatemala | Antrop Hist Guat | Ceased publication | |
Antropologia portuguesa | Antrop port | Currently Indexed | |
Antropologia social: comunicações do PPGAS | Antrop social Rio | No longer indexed | |
Antropológica | Antropologica | Currently Indexed | |
Antropológicas | Antropologicas | No longer indexed |