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TitleDateReferenceAuthorsCall #ISSN
Ceramic technology of the Asurini do Xingu, Brazil: an ethnoarchaeological study of artifact variability 2008 Journal of archaeological method and theory 15 (3): 217-65
  • Fabíola Andéa Silva
H6/KE [JOURNAL-] 1072-5369
Luminescence of monument stone architecture at Chavín de Huántar, Perú 2008 Journal of archaeological method and theory 15 (3): 266-96
  • Jack Johnson
  • James K. Feathers
  • Silvia Rodríguez Kembel
H6/KE [JOURNAL-] 1072-5369
Prologue: archaeology, animism and non-human agents 2008 Journal of archaeological method and theory 15 (4): 297-9
  • Linda A. Brown
  • William H. Walker
H6/KE [JOURNAL-] 1072-5369
Negotiations with the animate forest: hunting shrines in the Guatemalan highlands 2008 Journal of archaeological method and theory 15 (4): 300-37
  • Kitty F. Emery
  • Linda A. Brown
H6/KE [JOURNAL-] 1072-5369
Animate objects: shell trumpets and ritual networks in the Greater Southwest 2008 Journal of archaeological method and theory 15 (4): 338-61
  • Barbara J. Mills
  • T. J. Ferguson
H6/KE [JOURNAL-] 1072-5369
Bundled worlds: the roles and interactions of complex objects from the North American Plains 2008 Journal of archaeological method and theory 15 (4): 362-78
  • María Nieves Zedeño
H6/KE [JOURNAL-] 1072-5369
Introduction: archaeological approaches to lithic production skill and craft learning 2008 Journal of archaeological method and theory 15 (1): 1-27
  • Douglas B. Bamforth
  • Nyree Finlay
H6/KE [JOURNAL-] 1072-5369
Does practice make perfect? Craft expertise as a factor in aggrandizer strategies 2008 Journal of archaeological method and theory 15 (1): 28-50
  • Deborah J. Olausson
H6/KE [JOURNAL-] 1072-5369
The when, where, and how of novices in craft production 2008 Journal of archaeological method and theory 15 (1): 51-67
  • Jeffrey R. Ferguson
H6/KE [JOURNAL-] 1072-5369
Blank concerns: issues of skill and consistency in the replication of Scottish later Mesolithic blades 2008 Journal of archaeological method and theory 15 (1): 68-90
  • Nyree Finlay
H6/KE [JOURNAL-] 1072-5369
Knowledge, know-how and raw material - the production of late Neolithic flint daggers in Scandinavia 2008 Journal of archaeological method and theory 15 (1): 91-111
  • Jan Apel
H6/KE [JOURNAL-] 1072-5369
Playing with flint: tracing a child's imitation of adult work in a lithic assemblage 2008 Journal of archaeological method and theory 15 (1): 112-31
  • Anders Högberg
H6/KE [JOURNAL-] 1072-5369
Production skill and Paleoindian workgroup organization in the Medicine Creek drainage, southwestern Nebraska 2008 Journal of archaeological method and theory 15 (1): 132-53
  • Douglas B. Bamforth
  • Keri Hicks
H6/KE [JOURNAL-] 1072-5369
Skill matters 2008 Journal of archaeological method and theory 15 (1): 154-66
  • Peter Bleed
H6/KE [JOURNAL-] 1072-5369
Developing a landscape history as part of a survey strategy: a critique of current settlement system approaches based on case studies from western New South Wales, Australia 2008 Journal of archaeological method and theory 15 (2): 167-89
  • Patricia Fanning
  • Simon Holdaway
H6/KE [JOURNAL-] 1072-5369
The bioarchaeological investigation of childhood and social age: problems and prospects 2008 Journal of archaeological method and theory 15 (2): 190-215
  • Nancy Tayles
  • Siân E. Halcrow
H6/KE [JOURNAL-] 1072-5369
The art of taphonomy and the taphonomy of art: layer IV, Molodiva I, Ukraine 2007 Journal of archaeological method and theory 14 (1): 1-26
  • April Nowell
  • Francesco d'Errico
H6/KE [JOURNAL-] 1072-5369
Dating European Palaeolithic cave art: progress, prospects, problems 2007 Journal of archaeological method and theory 14 (1): 27-47
  • Alistair Pike
  • Paul Pettitt
H6/KE [JOURNAL-] 1072-5369
The hidden meaning of forms: methods of recording Paleolithic parietal art 2007 Journal of archaeological method and theory 14 (1): 48-80
  • Carole Fritz
  • Gilles Tosello
H6/KE [JOURNAL-] 1072-5369
The Upper Paleolithic rock art of Iberia 2007 Journal of archaeological method and theory 14 (1): 81-151
  • Antonio F. Carvalho
  • Cesar González-Sainz
  • Jose Luis Sanchidrián
  • Nuno Bicho
  • Valentín Villaverde
H6/KE [JOURNAL-] 1072-5369
The women of Brassempouy: a century of research and interpretation 2007 Journal of archaeological method and theory 14 (1): 152
  • Randall White
H6/KE [JOURNAL-] 1072-5369
Representation and recursion in the archaeological record 2007 Journal of archaeological method and theory 14 (4): 359-87
  • John F. Hoffecker
H6/KE [JOURNAL-] 1072-5369
Understanding prehistoric lithic raw material selection: application of a gravity model 2007 Journal of archaeological method and theory 14 (4): 388-411
  • Lucy Wilson
H6/KE [JOURNAL-] 1072-5369
Inconspicuous consumption: non-display goods and identity formation 2007 Journal of archaeological method and theory 14 (4): 412-38
  • Monica L. Smith
H6/KE [JOURNAL-] 1072-5369
Ethnoarchaeology: a non historical science of reference necessary for interpreting the past 2007 Journal of archaeological method and theory 14 (2): 153-78
  • Valentine Roux
H6/KE [JOURNAL-] 1072-5369
Building power in rural hinterlands: an ethnoarchaeological study of vernacular architecture in Tigray, Ethiopia 2007 Journal of archaeological method and theory 14 (2): 179-207
  • Diane E. Lyons
H6/KE [JOURNAL-] 1072-5369
Self-citation in archaeology: age, gender, prestige, and the self 2006 Journal of archaeological method and theory 13 (1): 1-18
  • Scott R. Hutson
H6/KE [JOURNAL-] 1072-5369
What explains the carcass field processing and transport decisions of contemporary hunter-gatherers? Measures of economic anatomy and zooarchaeological skeletal part representation 2006 Journal of archaeological method and theory 13 (1): 19-66
  • Karen D. Lupo
H6/KE [JOURNAL-] 1072-5369
The materiality of social power: the artifact-acquisition perspective 2006 Journal of archaeological method and theory 13 (2): 67-88
  • William H. Walker
H6/KE [JOURNAL-] 1072-5369
Explaining shell-tempered pottery in prehistoric eastern North America 2006 Journal of archaeological method and theory 13 (2): 89-133
  • James K. Feathers
H6/KE [JOURNAL-] 1072-5369
Strontium isotopes from the earth to the archaeological skeleton: a review 2006 Journal of archaeological method and theory 13 (3): 135-87
  • R. Alexander Bentley
H6/KE [JOURNAL-] 1072-5369
An ethnohistorical study of hafting and stone tool diversity among the Gamo of Ethiopia 2006 Journal of archaeological method and theory 13 (3): 189-238
  • Kathryn J. Weedman
H6/KE [JOURNAL-] 1072-5369
Fom a paleolithic art to pleistocene visual cultures (introduction to two special issues on 'Advances in the study of pleistocene imagery and symbol use') 2006 Journal of archaeological method and theory 13 (4): 239-49
  • April Nowell
H6/KE [JOURNAL-] 1072-5369
The women of Brassempouy: a century of research and interpretation 2006 Journal of archaeological method and theory 13 (4): 251-304
  • Randall White
H6/KE [JOURNAL-] 1072-5369
Rock art and ritual: an archaeological analysis of rock art in arid central Australia 2006 Journal of archaeological method and theory 13 (4): 305-341
  • Iain Davidson
  • June Ross
H6/KE [JOURNAL-] 1072-5369
The evolution of theory, method and technique in southern African rock art research 2006 Journal of archaeological method and theory 13 (4): 343-77
  • J.D. Lewis-Williams
H6/KE [JOURNAL-] 1072-5369
Rock art conservation and tourism 2006 Journal of archaeological method and theory 13 (4): 379-99
  • Janette Deacon
H6/KE [JOURNAL-] 1072-5369
Zooarchaeology and historical archaeology: progress and prospects 2005 Journal of archaeological method and theory 12 (1): 1-36
  • David B. London
H6/KE [JOURNAL-] 1072-5369
The broken past: fractals in archaeology 2005 Journal of archaeological method and theory 12 (1): 37-78
  • Clifford T. Brown
  • Larry S. Liebovitch
  • Walter R. T. Witschey
H6/KE [JOURNAL-] 1072-5369
What is a burin ? Typology, technology, and interregional comparison 2005 Journal of archaeological method and theory 12 (2): 79-115
  • Silvia Tomášková
H6/KE [JOURNAL-] 1072-5369
Reverse engineering the ceramic cooking pot: cost and performance properties of plain textured vessels 2005 Journal of archaeological method and theory 12 (2): 117-57
  • Christopher Pierce
H6/KE [JOURNAL-] 1072-5369
"Doing" agency: introductory remarks on methodology 2005 Journal of archaeological method and theory 12 (3): 159-66
  • John E. Robb
  • Marcia-Anne Dobres
H6/ke [journal-] 1072-5369
Re-inventing Mississippian tradition at Etowah, Georgia 2005 Journal of archaeological method and theory 12 (3): 167-92
  • Adam King
  • Charles R. Cobb
H6/ke [journal-] 1072-5369
What do objects want? 2005 Journal of archaeological method and theory 12 (3): 193-211
  • Chris Gosden
H6/ke [journal-] 1072-5369
Agency in a postmold? Physicality and the archaeology of culture-making 2005 Journal of archaeological method and theory 12 (3): 213-36
  • Susan M. Alt
  • Timothy R Pauketat
H6/ke [journal-] 1072-5369
Linking theory and evidence in an archaeology of human agency: iconography, style, and theories of embodiment 2005 Journal of archaeological method and theory 12 (3): 237-55
  • Richard G. Lesure
H6/ke [journal-] 1072-5369
From the ground up: agency, practice, and community in the southwestern British Bronze age 2005 Journal of archaeological method and theory 12 (4): 257-81
  • Mary Ann Owoc
H6/KE [JOURNAL-] 1072-5369
Agents in inter-action: Bruno Latour and agency 2005 Journal of archaeological method and theory 12 (4): 283-311
  • Andrew Martin
H6/KE [JOURNAL-] 1072-5369
Painting as agency, style as structure: innovations in Mimbres pottery designs from southwest New Mexico 2005 Journal of archaeological method and theory 12 (4): 313-34
  • Michelle Hegmon
  • Stephanie Kulow
H6/KE [JOURNAL-] 1072-5369
Poverty point as structure, event, process 2005 Journal of archaeological method and theory 12 (4): 335-64
  • Kenneth E. Sassaman
H6/KE [JOURNAL-] 1072-5369