Anthropological Index Online

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TitleDateReferenceAuthorsCall #ISSN
[Morphofunctional characteristics of swimmers specializing in different ways of swimming] 1988 Trudy po antropologii (): 23-8
  • N N Frankevych
  • V M Alasheyeva
[Degenerative dystrophic changes in the spinal vertebrae in Lithuanian palaeoosteological material] 1988 Trudy po antropologii (): 140-6
  • R P Yankauskas
[The variability of distribution of phenotypes 'O', 'A' and 'B' through time] 1988 Trudy po antropologii (): 36-9
  • O D Volchek
[The problems in studying the anthropological constitution of the urban population of the Belorussian SSR] 1988 Trudy po antropologii (): 114-25
  • others
  • L I Tsyahaka
[The dynamics of physical development in students at the Tallinn Pedagogic Institute] 1988 Trudy po antropologii (): 104-14
  • E A Lausvee
  • S I Tamm
[Morphofunctional characteristics of sportsmen practicing kallisthenics] 1988 Trudy po antropologii (): 99-103
  • H M Bronyvytskaya
  • V P Strel'nykov
[Changes in sexual maturity in Lithuanian girls] 1988 Trudy po antropologii (): 89-98
  • S Pavilonis
  • YaA Tutkuvene
[Some characteristics of the pelvic girdle in contemporary Lithuanians] 1988 Trudy po antropologii (): 83-8
  • A K Garmus
  • Y VY Naynis
[Peculiarities in the heart silhouette in patients with varying heart pathology without valve defects] 1988 Trudy po antropologii (): 79-83
  • E A Mayste
  • R V Kaskmets
[The state of activity of the neuroendocrinal and endocrinal systems in newly-born children with trophic disorders] 1988 Trudy po antropologii (): 73-9
  • B E Loolayd
[The morphometric characteristics of the hand in childhood and adolescence] 1988 Trudy po antropologii (): 69-73
  • P Y Lobko
  • S P Yaroshevych
  • YuA Bakhanovych
[The activity of thermostable alkaline phosphatase of the blood serum in the pathology of pregnancy] 1988 Trudy po antropologii (): 59-67
  • KhI Yal'viste
  • V E Livyrand
[9Oth birthday of Professor J Aul] 1988 Trudy po antropologii (): 5-6
  • KhT Kaarma
[A new method for determining the specific weight of the body] 1988 Trudy po antropologii (): 136-40
  • A A Viru
  • A D Jaagosild
  • T A Yurimyae
[Measurements of the puberty changes in girls born of patients with uterus myomatosus] 1988 Trudy po antropologii (): 43-50
  • H Y Herasymovych
  • O M Sheleh
[Craniometric indexes of cases of uterus myomatosus in women suffering from primary infertility] 1988 Trudy po antropologii (): 50-4
  • E Foham
  • H Y Herasymovych
[An anthropological approach to the distribution of isoserological indicators in Estonia] 1988 Trudy po antropologii (): 126-35
  • L Heapost
[The morphological and functional characteristics of racing skiers] 1988 Trudy po antropologii (): 40-3
  • V N Havruk
[The pelvis of contemporary woman] 1988 Trudy po antropologii (): 54-9
  • A I Volobuyev
  • P I Denisov
  • YeN Moiseyeva
[The pathology of hard tissues in teeth of the ancient Lithuanian population] 1988 Trudy po antropologii (): 28-36
  • I A Bal'chyunene
[Anthropology as an independent and practical science] 1988 Trudy po antropologii (): 7-12
  • J Aul
[The standard of nourishment of workers in the food industry of the Lithuanian SSR] 1988 Trudy po antropologii (): 13-22
  • A Adomaitis
[Organometry of the heart and its correlations with haemodynamic indices on the physical loading of healthy men of medium stature] 1988 Trudy po antropologii (): 67-9
  • K K Saks
  • M E Lintsi
Facial measurements of Tallinn schoolchildren 1977 Antropoloogia-alaseid toid 3 (): 114-32
  • L Heapost
Some data pertaining to [the] serology of Ugric peoples 1977 Antropoloogia-alaseid toid 3 (): 104-13
  • L Heapost
Anthropologie der estnischen Frauen 1977 Antropoloogia-alaseid toid 3 (): 5-103
  • J Aul
Juhan Aul [80th birthday tribute] 1977 Antropoloogia-alaseid toid 3 (): 3-4
  • Anonymous
Uber die Anthropologie der deutschen Estlands 1974 Antropoloogia-alaseid toid 2 (): 35-49
  • J Aul
Das Haufigkeitsvorkommen der Grundtypen der Fingerabdrucken bei den Esten 1974 Antropoloogia-alaseid toid 2 (): 67-90
  • A Horn
About physical fitness of school children in Tallinn 1974 Antropoloogia-alaseid toid 2 (): 50-66
  • L Heapost
Uber die Anthropologie der nordwestlichen russischen Frauen 1974 Antropoloogia-alaseid toid 2 (): 3-34
  • J Aul
Anthropologische Untersuchungen an Woten und Izoren im westlichen Teil der Leningrader Oblast 1964 Antropoloogia-alaseid toid 1 (): 118-64
  • J Aul
Beitrag zur anthropologischen Kenntnis der Letten 1964 Antropoloogia-alaseid toid 1 (): 3-45
  • J Aul
Uber einige Merkmale der korperlichen Entwicklung estnischer Schuler 1964 Antropoloogia-alaseid toid 1 (): 109-17
  • J Aul
Zur Anthropologie der Russen an den Ostgrenzen der Estn. SSR 1964 Antropoloogia-alaseid toid 1 (): 46-108
  • J Aul
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