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TitleDateReferenceAuthorsCall #ISSN
Mitochondrial DNA analysis of human skeletal remains obtained from the old tomb of Suubaru: genetic characteristics of the westernmost island in Japan 2008 Bulletin of the National Science Museum: Series D anthropology 34 (): 11-18
  • Ken-ichi Shinoda
  • Naomi Doi
H6/HB [TOKYO-] 0385-3039
Neurocranial measurements strongly associated with cranial length and breadth: toward a solution of the brachycephalization problem 2008 Bulletin of the National Science Museum: Series D anthropology 34 (): 19-41
  • Yuji Mixoguchi
H6/HB [TOKYO-] 0385-3039
New method for diagnosis of the sex and age-at-death of an adult human skeleton from the patella 2008 Bulletin of the National Science Museum: Series D anthropology 34 (): 43-51
  • Kazuhiro Sakaue
H6/HB [TOKYO-] 0385-3039
Enamel distribution patterns of extant human and hominoid molars: occlusal versus lateral enamel thickness 2008 Bulletin of the National Science Museum: Series D anthropology 34 (): 1-9
  • Gen Suwa
  • Reiko T. Kono
H6/HB [TOKYO-] 0385-3039
Population differences in the appearance of the intermetatarsal articular facet of the first metatarsal bone 2007 Bulletin of the National Science Museum: Series D anthropology 33 (): 1-8
  • Kazuhiro Sakaue
H6/HB [TOKYO-] 0385-3039
Molecular genetic analysis of 16th-18th century remains from Ishikobara site, Nagano prefecture, Japan 2007 Bulletin of the National Science Museum: Series D anthropology 33 (): 9-20
  • Ken-ichi Shinoda
H6/HB [TOKYO-] 0385-3039
Demographic structure of the human skeletal remains from the Ikenohata-Shichikenco site, Tokyo 2007 Bulletin of the National Science Museum: Series D anthropology 33 (): 21-38
  • Tomohito Nagaoka
H6/HB [TOKYO-] 0385-3039
Loose association between neurocranial shape and facial structure: toward the solution of the brachycephalization problem 2007 Bulletin of the National Science Museum: Series D anthropology 33 (): 39-66
  • Yuji Mizoguchi
H6/HB [TOKYO-] 0385-3039
Pilot research seeking causative factors for morphological characters: ecological correlations between morphological characters, genes of biochemical/physiological characters, and environmental factors in modern humans 2006 Bulletin of the National Science Museum: Series D anthropology 32 (): 1-47
  • Yuji Mizoguchi
H6/HB [TOKYO-] 0385-3039
Significant associations between cranial length and pelvic measurements: toward the solution of the brachycephalization problem 2005 Bulletin of the National Science Museum: Series D anthropology 31 (): 23-38
  • Yuji Mizoguchi
H6/HB [TOKYO-] 0385-3039
Effects of molar crown orientation to measures of lateral enamel thickness in the mesial cusp section 2005 Bulletin of the National Science Museum: Series D anthropology 31 (): 11-22
  • Gen Suwa
  • Reiko T. Kono
H6/HB [TOKYO-] 0385-3039
Promotion of European medicine and Japanese craftsmanship seen in Okuda wooden human skeleton made during Edo era, Japan 2005 Bulletin of the National Science Museum: Series D anthropology 31 (): 1-9
  • Hisao Baba
  • Kazuyoshi Suzuki
H6/HB [TOKYO-] 0385-3039
Association between the neurocranium and foot bones: toward the solution of the brachycepahalization problem 2004 Bulletin of the National Science Museum: Series D anthropology 30 (): 9-36
  • Yuji Mizoguchi
H6/HB [TOKYO-] 0385-3039
Ancient DNA analysis of skeletal samples recovered from the Kuma-Nishioda Yayoi site 2004 Bulletin of the National Science Museum: Series D anthropology 30 (): 1-8
  • Ken-chi Shinoda
H6/HB [TOKYO-] 0385-3039
Associations between the neurocranium and the leg bones: toward a solution of the brachycephalization problem 2003 Bulletin of the National Science Museum: Series D anthropology 29 (): 25-39
  • Yuji Mizoguchi
H6/HB [TOKYO-] 0385-3039
Significant associations between cranial length and femoral measurements: toward the solution of the brachycephalization problem 2003 Bulletin of the National Science Museum: Series D anthropology 29 (): 11-23
  • Yuji Mizoguchi
H6/HB [TOKYO-] 0385-3039
Comparison of intercusp distances of Pan troglodytes and Homo sapiens mandibular molars 2003 Bulletin of the National Science Museum: Series D anthropology 29 (): 1-9
  • Reiko T. Kono
H6/HB [TOKYO-] 0385-3039
Human skeletal remains of the medieval and Edo periods from the Obusato site 20th locality, Saitama prefecture 2001 Bulletin of the National Science Museum: Series D anthropology 28 (): 27-38
  • Horoyuki Yanagida
  • Yousuke Kaifu
Strong association between cranial length and humeral measurements: toward the solution of the brachycephalization problem 2001 Bulletin of the National Science Museum: Series D anthropology 27 (): 19-36
  • Yuji Mizoguchi
Preliminary study of Homo erectus skull IX (Tjg-199.05) from Sangiran, central Java, Indonesia 2001 Bulletin of the National Science Museum: Series D anthropology 27 (): 1-17
  • Hisao Baba
  • Johan Arif
  • Made Emmy Suparka
  • Takeshi Setogushi
  • Yahdi Zaim
Early modern aristocratic female skeletons unearthed from Ikegami-Honmonji temple, Tokyo 2001 Bulletin of the National Science Museum: Series D anthropology 28 (): 15-26
  • Hisao Baba
  • Mari Kajigayama
Association between neurocranial and ulnar /radial measurments: toward the solution of the brachycephalization problem 2001 Bulletin of the National Science Museum: Series D anthropology 28 (): 1-14
  • Yuji Mizoguchi
Temporal changes in corpus thickness of the Japanese mandibles 2000 Bulletin of the National Science Museum: Series D anthropology 26 (): 39-44
  • Yousuke Kaifu
Comparative study of the crown cusop areas in the maxillary second molars of the Jomon people 2000 Bulletin of the National Science Museum: Series D anthropology 26 (): 31-8
  • Hirofumi Matsumura
Associations between cranial length and scapular movements: toward the solution of brachycephalization problem 2000 Bulletin of the National Science Museum: Series D anthropology 26 (): 17-30
  • Yuji Mizoguchi
Human skeletal remains of the Heian period from the Tekiana cave site on Tobi-shima, Yamagata prefecture 2000 Bulletin of the National Science Museum: Series D anthropology 26 (): 1-16
  • Bin Yamaguchi
  • Hajime Ishida
Strong covariation between costal chord and cranial length: toward the solution of the brachycephalization problem 1999 Bulletin of the National Science Museum: Series D anthropology 25 (): 1-40
  • Yuji Mizoguchi
Tooth wear of a medieval Japanese population from the Yoshimohama site 1999 Bulletin of the National Science Museum: Series D anthropology 25 (): 41-8
  • Yousuke Kaifu
Covariations of the neurocranium with the cervical, thoracic and lumbar vertebrae and the sacrum: toward the solution of the brachycephalization problem 1998 Bulletin of the National Science Museum: Series D anthropology 24 (): 19-48
  • Yuji Mizoguchi
Dental and facial morphology of the human skeletons unearthed at the Chandman site in western Mongolia 1998 Bulletin of the National Science Museum: Series D anthropology 24 (): 9-18
  • D. Tumen
  • Hirofumi Matsumura
  • Masanaru Takai
Sex differences in tooth wear in the Japanese 1998 Bulletin of the National Science Museum: Series D anthropology 24 (): 49-59
  • Yousuke Kaifu
Restoration of head and face in Javanese Homo erectus Sangiran 17 1998 Bulletin of the National Science Museum: Series D anthropology 24 (): 1-8
  • Fachroel Aziz
  • Hisao Baba
  • Shuichiro Narasaki
Associations in sagittal length observed between the neurocranium and the thoracic vertebrae: toward the solution of the brachycephalization problem 1997 Bulletin of the National Science Museum: Series D anthropology 23 (): 29-60
  • Yuji Mizoguchi
Human remains from the Kuntur Wasi, Huacaloma, Loma Redonda and Kolgitín sites in the Cajamarca region, Peru 1997 Bulletin of the National Science Museum: Series D anthropology 23 (): 1-28
  • Hirofumi Matsumura
Varimax rotation of the principal components extracted from the correlations between the neurocranium and the cervical vertebrae: toward the solution of the brachycephalization 1996 Bulletin of the National Science Museum: Series D anthropology 22 (): 27-44
  • Yuji Mizoguchi
Cranial and dental traits of the Nakazuma Jomon people from Ibaraki, Japan 1996 Bulletin of the National Science Museum: Series D anthropology 22 (): 1-26
  • Hajime Ishida
  • Hirofumi Matsumura
  • Hiroko Hashimoto
Edge-to-edge bite and tooth wear 1996 Bulletin of the National Science Museum: Series D anthropology 22 (): 45-54
  • Yousuke Kaifu
Structural covariation between the neurocranium and the cervical vertebrae: toward the solution of the brachycephalization problem 1995 Bulletin of the National Science Museum: Series D anthropology 21 (): 11-35
  • Yuji Mizoguchi
Metrical analysis of the dentition of Perak Man from Gua Gunung Runtuh in Malaysia 1995 Bulletin of the National Science Museum: Series D anthropology 21 (): 1-10
  • Hirofumi Matsumura
  • Majid Zuraina
Regional variation in mandibular morphology of the Jomon people 1995 Bulletin of the National Science Museum: Series D anthropology 21 (): 37-50
  • Yousuke Kaifu
The pectoral and pelvic girdles of the people of the Okhotsk culture from the Ōmisaki site in Hokkaido 1994 Bulletin of the National Science Museum: Series D anthropology 20 (): 37-46
  • Bin Yamaguchi
Prehistoric human remains from Tam Nai U-Bol, Amphoe Sai-Yok, Thailand 1994 Bulletin of the National Science Museum: Series D anthropology 20 (): 23-35
  • Vadhana Subhavan
Morphological covariation between the neurocranium and the lumbar vertebrae: toward the solution of the brachycephalization problem [Japanese data] 1994 Bulletin of the National Science Museum: Series D anthropology 20 (): 47-61
  • Yuji Mizoguchi
Re-examination of the flatness of the Jomon tibiae from Tsukumo shell-mounds site, Okayama prefecture, western Japan 1994 Bulletin of the National Science Museum: Series D anthropology 20 (): 1-22
  • Hisao Baba
The human remains of the Yayoi period from the Sena site in Shizuoka 1993 Bulletin of the National Science Museum: Series D anthropology 19 (): 13-20
  • B Yamaguchi
Adaptive significance of the "Carabelli" trait 1993 Bulletin of the National Science Museum: Series D anthropology 19 (): 21-58
  • Yuji Mizoguchi
Sexual differences of dental crown measurements in the neolithic Jomon people 1993 Bulletin of the National Science Museum: Series D anthropology 19 (): 1-12
  • H Matsumura
Notes on the human skeleton of the early Jomon phase from the Meotoiwa rock shelter site in Ogose, Saitama prefecture 1992 Bulletin of the National Science Museum: Series D anthropology 18 (): 29-37
  • B Yamaguchi
Poor swelling of the parietal tuber associated with the strong occlusal wear of the maxillary first molar 1992 Bulletin of the National Science Museum: Series D anthropology 18 (): 39-62
  • Yuji Mizoguchi
Comparative study of crown cusp areas in the upper and lower molars of African apes 1992 Bulletin of the National Science Museum: Series D anthropology 18 (): 1-15
  • Hidemi Ishida
  • Hirofumi Matsumura
  • M Nakatsukasa