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TitleDateReferenceAuthorsCall #ISSN
State legitimacy and social suffering in a modern epidemic: a case study of dengue haemorrhagic fever in Delhi 2001 Contributions to Indian sociology 35 (2): 151-79
  • Renu Addlakha
Common property, forest management and the Indian Himalaya 2001 Contributions to Indian sociology 35 (2): 181-212
  • Arun Agrawal
Social and political dominance in western UP: a response to Sudha Pai 2001 Contributions to Indian sociology 35 (2): 213-35
  • Craig J. Jeffrey
  • Patricia M. Jeffery
  • Roger Jeffery
The encounter of sociology and women's studies: questions from the borders 2001 Contributions to Indian sociology 35 (2): 237-58
  • Mary E. John
A uniform customary code?: marital breakdown and women's economic entitlements in rural Bijnor 2001 Contributions to Indian sociology 35 (1): 1-32
  • Patricia Jeffery
Producing locality: space, houses and public culture in a Hindu festival in Malaysia 2001 Contributions to Indian sociology 35 (1): 33-64
  • Yeoh Seng Guan
The burden of history: obstacles to power sharing in Sri Lanka 2001 Contributions to Indian sociology 35 (1): 65-96
  • Michael Roberts
Kinship and the political order: the Afghan Sherwani chiefs of Malerkotla (1454-1947) 1994 Contributions to Indian sociology 28 (2): 203-41
  • Rita Brara
'The cosmos is one family' ("vasudhaiva kuṭumbakam"): problematic mantra of Hindu humanism 1994 Contributions to Indian sociology 28 (1): 149-62
  • B A Hatcher
Of the religious and the (non-)feminine: open questions 1994 Contributions to Indian sociology 28 (1): 107-22
  • S Hegde
  • S Niranjana
Rites of ancient India: outlook for comparative anthropology 1994 Contributions to Indian sociology 28 (2): 323-52
  • Raymond Jamous
Religious revivalism and ethnic fratricide: the tragedy of Sri Lanka 1994 Contributions to Indian sociology 28 (1): 163-8
  • N Jayaram
Idioms of subordination and styles of protest among Christian and Hindu Harijan castes in Tamil Nadu 1994 Contributions to Indian sociology 28 (1): 67-106
  • D Mosse
Sufi, reformist and national models of identity: the history of a Muslim village festival in Sri Lanka 1994 Contributions to Indian sociology 28 (2): 273-93
  • Victor C de Munck
Marriage payments among the Nagarattars in south India 1994 Contributions to Indian sociology 28 (2): 243-72
  • Yuko Nishimura
The nation, the region, and the adventures of a Tamil 'hero' 1994 Contributions to Indian sociology 28 (2): 295-322
  • Sumathi Ramaswamy
"Pīr", "shaikh", and Prophet: the personalisation of religious authority in Ahmad Riza Khan's life 1994 Contributions to Indian sociology 28 (1): 35-66
  • U Sanyal
The elementary structure of medievalism: religion, civil society and the State 1994 Contributions to Indian sociology 28 (1): 1-34
  • J P S Uberoi
'Official' and 'popular' Hinduism in diaspora: historical and contemporary trends in Surinam, Trinidad and Guyana 1994 Contributions to Indian sociology 28 (1): 123-47
  • S Vertovec
Sociology and anthropology: their relationship in one person's career 1993 Contributions to Indian sociology 27 (2): 292-304
  • A Béteille
'Only Śiva can worship Śiva'; ritual mistakes and their correction in a south Indian temple 1993 Contributions to Indian sociology 27 (2): 169-89
  • C J Fuller
Mullahs, migrants, miracles: travel and transformation in Sylhet 1993 Contributions to Indian sociology 27 (2): 213-35
  • K Gardner
Critique of the comparative method and the challenges of a transnational world 1993 Contributions to Indian sociology 27 (2): 267-89
  • A Giri
Between general and particular 'others': some observations on fundamentalism 1993 Contributions to Indian sociology 27 (1): 119-37
  • D Gupta
Learning in and from south Asia 1993 Contributions to Indian sociology 27 (1): 105-18
  • D Kantowsky
Marrying money: changing preference and practice in Tamil marriage 1993 Contributions to Indian sociology 27 (1): 25-51
  • K Kapadia
The seen and the unseen: Hindu distinctions, experiences and cultural reasoning 1993 Contributions to Indian sociology 27 (2): 191-212
  • R S Khare
The proof of the bone: lineage and "devālī" in central Nepal 1993 Contributions to Indian sociology 27 (1): 1-23
  • M Lecomte-Tilouine
Dominant castes, rajas, Brahmins and inter-caste exchange relations in coastal Orissa: behind the facade of the '"jajmani" system' 1993 Contributions to Indian sociology 27 (2): 237-66
  • J Lerche
Tamil Muslims and non-Brahmin atheists, 1925-1940 1993 Contributions to Indian sociology 27 (1): 83-104
  • J B P More
Untouchable concepts of person and society 1993 Contributions to Indian sociology 27 (1): 53-82
  • L Vincentnathan
Time, self, and community: features of the Sikh militant discourse 1992 Contributions to Indian sociology 26 (2): 245-59
  • V Das
Commonsense understandings as cultural constraint 1992 Contributions to Indian sociology 26 (2): 195-221
  • S Derné
Ethnic imagos and their correlative spaces: an essay on some aspects of Sikh identity and perceptions in contemporary Punjab 1992 Contributions to Indian sociology 26 (2): 223-44
  • D Gupta
The "varṇāśrama" syndrome of Indian sociology 1992 Contributions to Indian sociology 26 (2): 281-98
  • D Krishna
Cultural holism in the anthropology of south Asia: the challenge of regional traditions 1992 Contributions to Indian sociology 26 (1): 3-49
  • J Leavitt
Kathleen Gough: a memoir [16.8.1925-8.9.1990] 1992 Contributions to Indian sociology 26 (2): 299-302
  • Richard Lee
The semiotics of weaving: a case study 1992 Contributions to Indian sociology 26 (1): 77-113
  • D Mehta
Vernacular work, wage labour and tribal development: a case study of highland Orissa 1992 Contributions to Indian sociology 26 (1): 115-32
  • B N Nanda
"Maṅgalmayīmā, sumaṅgalī, maṅgal:" Bengali perceptions of the divine feminine, motherhood and 'auspiciousness' 1992 Contributions to Indian sociology 26 (1): 51-75
  • S Samanta
'Constructing an Indian ethnosociology' by McKim Marriott: some general comments 1992 Contributions to Indian sociology 26 (1): 133-41
  • Arvind Sharma
Steps away from an Indian ethnosociology: a reply to Marriott [comments on M Marriott in "Contr Indian Sociol" 1989 NS (23:1) 1-39] 1992 Contributions to Indian sociology 26 (1): 143-9
  • Rajendra Singh
Problems in the analysis of communal violence 1992 Contributions to Indian sociology 26 (2): 261-79
  • Jonathan Spencer
Interpreting social action as text: a Hindu perspective 1992 Contributions to Indian sociology 26 (1): 151-7
  • S Tilak
Religion and religiosity: ideas and their use 1991 Contributions to Indian sociology 25 (2): 211-31
  • F G Bailey
The reproduction of inequality: occupation, caste and family 1991 Contributions to Indian sociology 25 (): 3-28
  • André Béteille
India and Indians: disintegration and reintegration 1991 Contributions to Indian sociology 25 (): 135-50
  • Arun Bose
Subjection and the ethics of anguish: the Nepalese Parbatya parent-daughter relationship 1991 Contributions to Indian sociology 25 (): 113-33
  • Vivienne Kondos
Are Śūdras entitled to ride in the palanquin? 1991 Contributions to Indian sociology 25 (2): 191-210
  • K I Koppedrayer
Auspiciousness and purity: some reconsiderations [comments on J Parry, see below] 1991 Contributions to Indian sociology 25 (2): 287-94
  • T N Madan