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TitleDateReferenceAuthorsCall #ISSN
Rethinking the Freetown crowd: the moral economy of the 1919 strikes and riot in Sierra Leone 1994 Canadian Journal of African studies 28 (2): 197-218
  • Ibrahim Abdullah
La France de Pétain et l'Afrique: images et propagandes coloniales 1994 Canadian Journal of African studies 28 (1): 1-31
  • G Boëtsch
  • P Blanchard
Internal migrations and population movements in the upper Senegal valley (west Africa), 1890-1920 1994 Canadian Journal of African studies 28 (3): 399-420
  • Andrew Clark
A double-take at the second economy 1994 Canadian Journal of African studies 28 (2): 292-5
  • Philip English
Peasantries and development: French style 1994 Canadian Journal of African studies 28 (3): 518-22
  • Raymond Gervais
Indirect rule in the Gold Coast: competition for office and the invention of tradition 1994 Canadian Journal of African studies 28 (3): 421-46
  • Roger Gocking
La diaspora et l'héritage culturel de l'impérialisme comme lieu de discours critique et de représentation du monde 1994 Canadian Journal of African studies 28 (1): 89-100
  • B Jewsiewicki
  • V Y Mudimbe
Simulating the African slave trade 1994 Canadian Journal of African studies 28 (2): 296-9
  • Martin A Klein
A lagoonside port on the eighteenth-century slave coast: the early history of Badagri 1994 Canadian Journal of African studies 28 (1): 32-59
  • R C C Law
Presences and absences in Edward Said's "Culture and imperialism" [(New York: Alfred Knopf, 1993); review article] 1994 Canadian Journal of African studies 28 (1): 101-5
  • H D Lyons
Somalia before the fall 1994 Canadian Journal of African studies 28 (1): 123-6
  • G Massey
Le quoi et le comment de l'information pour la gestion des politiques alimentaires en Afrique 1994 Canadian Journal of African studies 28 (2): 236-53
  • Jean-Paul P Minvielle
Oral tradition, Islamic culture, and topicality in the songs of Mamman Shata Katsina and Omoekee Amao Ilorin 1994 Canadian Journal of African studies 28 (3): 500-15
  • Abdul Rasheed Na'Allah
NGO partnership and institutional development: making it real, making it intentional 1994 Canadian Journal of African studies 28 (3): 447-71
  • William Postma
On reading Said: Africanists reactions to "Culture and imperialism" [by E Said (New York: Alfred Knopf, 1993); review article] 1994 Canadian Journal of African studies 28 (1): 86-8
  • B Riddell
From shame to pride: politicized ethnicity in the Kalahari, Botswana 1994 Canadian Journal of African studies 28 (2): 254-74
  • Jacqueline S Solway
Les aspects socio-culturels de la fréquentation scolaire des filles du niveau primaire au Burkina Faso 1994 Canadian Journal of African studies 28 (2): 276-89
  • Jean-Baptiste JB Somé
Colonial administration in British Africa during the influenza epidemic of 1918-19 1994 Canadian Journal of African studies 28 (1): 60-83
  • S M Tomkins
Anthologies about women in Africa 1994 Canadian Journal of African studies 28 (1): 127-33
  • Luise White
The tribulations of undressing the emperor 1994 Canadian Journal of African studies 28 (1): 106-20
  • P T Zeleza
Ecologie et histoire: concepts et conceptions traditionnels sur les sécheresses, famines, et épidémies du Sahel 1993 Canadian Journal of African studies 27 (2): 260-70
  • A G Boureima
Interpreting agricultural performance in Guinea under structural adjustment 1993 Canadian Journal of African studies 27 (2): 173-95
  • J A Clapp
Transitions in the South African countryside [introduction to special issue] 1993 Canadian Journal of African studies 27 (3): 351-60
  • A Jeeves
  • Jonathan Crush
The history of Mr. Johnson: progress and protest in northern Nigeria, 1900-1921 1993 Canadian Journal of African studies 27 (2): 196-217
  • M Mason
Vodoun et littérature au Bénin 1993 Canadian Journal of African studies 27 (2): 245-58
  • G O Médiohouan
Urban agriculture in Kenya 1993 Canadian Journal of African studies 27 (1): 25-42
  • D Lee-Smith
  • P A Memon
Theologies of black South Africans and the rhetoric of peace "versus" violence 1993 Canadian Journal of African studies 27 (1): 43-65
  • K O Poewe
The renewal of a Ghanaian rural economy 1992 Canadian Journal of African studies 26 (1): 24-53
  • G J S Dei
La chicote comme symbole du colonialisme belge? 1992 Canadian Journal of African studies 26 (2): 205-25
  • M B Dembour
African courts under the colonial regime: Usumbura, Ruanda-Urundi, 1938-62 1992 Canadian Journal of African studies 26 (1): 55-69
  • C W Dickerman
Whither South Africa? 1992 Canadian Journal of African studies 26 (1): 120-4
  • J Dreijmanis
Les structures sont-elles nécessairement inconscientes? 1992 Canadian Journal of African studies 26 (3): 393-411
  • M C Dupré
Religion, race and nationalism 1992 Canadian Journal of African studies 26 (1): 125-31
  • F K Ekechi
'Salt is gold': the management of salt scarcity in Nigeria during world war II 1992 Canadian Journal of African studies 26 (3): 412-36
  • T Falola
Moving with tradition: the politics of marriage amongst the Toka of Zambia 1992 Canadian Journal of African studies 26 (3): 437-61
  • G Geisler
African sacrifice and divination: particulars and universals 1992 Canadian Journal of African studies 26 (3): 515-17
  • R I J Hackett
Rent control legislation and the National Housing Corporation in Tanzania, 1985-1990 1992 Canadian Journal of African studies 26 (2): 306-27
  • J M L Kironde
South African blacks in a small town setting: the ironies of control in Umtata, 1878-1955 1992 Canadian Journal of African studies 26 (1): 70-90
  • S Redding
The ever-changing land: adaptation and tenure in Africa [review article on 'Adapting to drought' by M Mortimore (CUP, 1989) and 'Land and society in contemporary Africa' eds RE Downs and SP Reyna (Hanover and London: Univ Pr New England, 1988)] 1992 Canadian Journal of African studies 26 (2): 337-41
  • B Riddell
Renamo and the peasantry in southern Mozambique: a view from Gaza province 1992 Canadian Journal of African studies 26 (3): 462-84
  • O Roesch
L'Etat africain revisité 1992 Canadian Journal of African studies 25 (2): 324-8
  • E Le Roy
Agricultural policy in Algeria in the 1980s: progress towards liberalization 1992 Canadian Journal of African studies 26 (2): 250-73
  • A Aghrout
  • K Sutton
When the fires are lit: the French navy's recruitment and training of Senegalese mechanics and stokers, 1864-1887 1992 Canadian Journal of African studies 26 (2): 274-303
  • J M Thompson
Merchants, Muslims, and Wahhābiyya: the elaboration of Islamic identity in Sikasso, Mali 1992 Canadian Journal of African studies 26 (3): 485-507
  • R L Warms
Between black and white: the history of Coloured politics in South Africa 1991 Canadian Journal of African studies 25 (): 106-10
  • Mohamed Adhikari
The production of history in Kenya: the Mau Mau debate 1991 Canadian Journal of African studies 2 (): 300-7
  • E S Atieno-Odhiambo
Nationalism, ethnicity, and modernity: the paradox of Mau Mau 1991 Canadian Journal of African studies 25 (2): 181-206
  • B J Berman
Yambo Ouologuem, ou le silence des canons 1991 Canadian Journal of African studies 25 (): 1-11
  • Claude Bouygues
Change in Anaguta traditional religion 1991 Canadian Journal of African studies 25 (): 34-57
  • Elisabeth Isichei
Loose women, virtuous wives, and timid virgins: gender and the control of resources in Rwanda 1991 Canadian Journal of African studies 25 (3): 378-95
  • V Jefremovas