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TitleDateReferenceAuthorsCall #ISSN
Religious autonomy and religious entrepreneurship: an evolutionary-institutionalist's take on the axial age 2014 Comparative sociology 13 (2): 105-34
  • Seth Abutyn
H6/KF [COMPARATIVE-] 1569-1322
Opposition to enlargement among "new" and "old" Europeans: the cases of post-communist EU members and candidates 2014 Comparative sociology 13 (2): 135-61
  • Andrew S. Fullerton
  • Jeffrey C. Dixon
H6/KF [COMPARATIVE-] 1569-1322
Upgrading employability of unemployed as constructive individualization 2014 Comparative sociology 13 (2): 162-84
  • Nikolai Genov
H6/KF [COMPARATIVE-] 1569-1322
Ecologies, post-modern urbanism, and symbolic economies: a comparative assessment of American urban sociology 2014 Comparative sociology 13 (2): 185-214
  • Marcus Anthony Hunter
H6/KF [COMPARATIVE-] 1569-1322
Comparing experiences of academic mobility and migration 2014 Comparative sociology 13 (2): 215-34
  • Liudmila Kirpitchenko
H6/KF [COMPARATIVE-] 1569-1322
Modernization and religious concord 2014 Comparative sociology 13 (2): 235-50
  • David Weakliem
H6/KF [COMPARATIVE-] 1569-1322
Public spheres and civil society in selected pre-modern societies: some comparative observations 2006 Comparative sociology 5 (1): 1-31
  • S.N. Eisenstadt
H6/kf [comparative-] 1569-1322
Social-science research and the general social surveys 2006 Comparative sociology 5 (1): 33-43
  • Achims Koch
  • Alison Park
  • Jibum Kim
  • Tom W. Smith
H6/kf [comparative-] 1569-1322
Schadenfreunde: a case study of emotion as situated discursive display 2006 Comparative sociology 5 (1): 45-63
  • Carl W. Roberts
  • Yong Wang
H6/kf [comparative-] 1569-1322
Introduction 2006 Comparative sociology 5 (2-3): 105-13
  • Thorleff Petterson
  • Yilmaz Esmer
H6/KF[COMPARATIVE-] 1569-1322
Mapping global values 2006 Comparative sociology 5 (2-3): 115-36
  • Ronald Inglehart
H6/KF[COMPARATIVE-] 1569-1322
A theory of cultural value orientations: explication and applications 2006 Comparative sociology 5 (2-3): 137-82
  • Shalom H. Schwartz
H6/KF[COMPARATIVE-] 1569-1322
Globalization, 'McDonaldization' and values: quo vadis? 2006 Comparative sociology 5 (2-3): 183-202
  • Yilmaz Esmer
H6/KF[COMPARATIVE-] 1569-1322
Individualization in Europe and America: connecting religious and moral values 2006 Comparative sociology 5 (2-3): 203-30
  • Christopher Cochrane
  • Neil Nevitte
H6/KF[COMPARATIVE-] 1569-1322
Religion in contemporay society: eroded by human well-being, supported by cultural diversity 2006 Comparative sociology 5 (2-3): 231-57
  • Thorleif Petterson
H6/KF[COMPARATIVE-] 1569-1322
Democratization in the human development perspective 2006 Comparative sociology 5 (2-3): 258-90
  • Christian Welzel
H6/KF[COMPARATIVE-] 1569-1322
Review essay 2006 Comparative sociology 5 (2-3): 291-6
  • Robert M. Marsh
H6/KF[COMPARATIVE-] 1569-1322
Evil too is 'global' 2006 Comparative sociology 5 (4): 319-25
  • Michel Wieviorka
H6/KF[COMPARATIVE-] 1569-1322
Democracy and Islam in the Arab world: lessons from Algeria 2006 Comparative sociology 5 (4): 327-52
  • Carlos García-Rivero
  • Hennie Kotzé
H6/KF[COMPARATIVE-] 1569-1322
The sociology of food in Spain: European influences in social analyses on eating habits 2006 Comparative sociology 5 (4): 353-80
  • Cecilia Díaz Méndez
H6/KF[COMPARATIVE-] 1569-1322
English as an international language in non-native settings in an era of globalization 2006 Comparative sociology 5 (4): 381-404
  • Masamichi Sasaki
  • Masato Yoneda
  • Tatsuzo Suzuki
H6/KF[COMPARATIVE-] 1569-1322
Introduction 2006 Comparative sociology 6 (): 1-5
  • Masamichi Sasaki
H6/KF[COMPARATIVE-] 1569-1322
Elite and leadership change in liberal democracies 2006 Comparative sociology 6 (): 6-26
  • Jan Pakulski
  • John Higley
H6/KF[COMPARATIVE-] 1569-1322
Elite distinction: grand theory and comparative perspectives 2006 Comparative sociology 6 (): 27-74
  • Jean-Pascal Daloz
H6/KF[COMPARATIVE-] 1569-1322
Comparing two charismatic leaders: Ataturk and de Gaulle 2006 Comparative sociology 6 (): 75-84
  • Mattei Dogan
H6/KF[COMPARATIVE-] 1569-1322
New challenges, new elites? Changes in the recruitment and career patterns of European representative elites 2006 Comparative sociology 6 (): 85-113
  • Heinrich Best
H6/KF[COMPARATIVE-] 1569-1322
Political elite circulation: implications for leadership diversity and democratic regime stability in Ghana 2006 Comparative sociology 6 (): 114-35
  • Johanna Odonkor Svanikier
H6/KF[COMPARATIVE-] 1569-1322
Political elites in the Commonwealth of independent states: recruitment and rotation tendencies 2006 Comparative sociology 6 (): 136-57
  • Oxana Gaman-Golutvina
H6/KF[COMPARATIVE-] 1569-1322
Nordic elites in comparative perspective 2006 Comparative sociology 6 (): 158-89
  • Ilkka Ruostetsaari
H6/KF[COMPARATIVE-] 1569-1322
Elite integration and institutional trust in Norway 2006 Comparative sociology 6 (): 190-214
  • Trygve Gulbrandsen
H6/KF[COMPARATIVE-] 1569-1322
From Vietnam to Iraq: American elites' views on the use of military force 2006 Comparative sociology 6 (): 215-31
  • Gwen Moore
  • Stephanie Mack
H6/KF[COMPARATIVE-] 1569-1322
Erosion of confidence in thirty European democracies 2005 Comparative sociology 4 (1-2): 11-53
  • Mattei Dogan
H6/KF [COMPARATIVE-] 1569-1322
Political mistrust in Latin America 2005 Comparative sociology 4 (1-2): 55-80
  • Giselle D. Jamison
  • Timothy J. Power
H6/KF [COMPARATIVE-] 1569-1322
Political mistrust in Southeast Asia 2005 Comparative sociology 4 (1-2): 81-100
  • William Case
H6/KF [COMPARATIVE-] 1569-1322
Political scandals an analytical framework 2005 Comparative sociology 4 (1-2): 101-11
  • Sighard Neckel
H6/KF [COMPARATIVE-] 1569-1322
Norway: trust among elites in a corporatist democracy 2005 Comparative sociology 4 (1-2): 115-35
  • Trygve Gulbrandsen
H6/KF [COMPARATIVE-] 1569-1322
France: Political mistrust and the civil death of politicians 2005 Comparative sociology 4 (1-2): 137-54
  • Mattei Dogan
H6/KF [COMPARATIVE-] 1569-1322
Nigeria: trust your patron, not the institutions 2005 Comparative sociology 4 (1-2): 155-72
  • Jean-Pascal Daloz
H6/KF [COMPARATIVE-] 1569-1322
Argentina: economic disaster and the rejection of the political class 2005 Comparative sociology 4 (1-2): 175-206
  • Frederick C. Turner
  • Marita Carballo
H6/KF [COMPARATIVE-] 1569-1322
How civil war was avoided in France 2005 Comparative sociology 4 (1-2): 207-44
  • Mattei Dogan
H6/KF [COMPARATIVE-] 1569-1322
By popular demand: the effect of public opinion on income inequality 2005 Comparative sociology 4 (3-4): 261-84
  • Anthony F. Heath
  • David L. Weakliem
  • Robert Andersen
H6/KF [COMPARATIVE-] 1569-1322
The effect of globalization on national income inequality 2005 Comparative sociology 4 (3-4): 285-312
  • Indra de Soysa
  • John R. Oneal
  • Margit Bussmann
H6/KF [COMPARATIVE-] 1569-1322
Tolerance of civil liberties in a new democracy 2005 Comparative sociology 4 (3-4): 313-38
  • Robert M. Marsh
H6/KF [COMPARATIVE-] 1569-1322
The postmodern individual: structural determinants of attitudes 2005 Comparative sociology 4 (3-4): 339-64
  • Brian F. Pendleton
  • Cheryl Elman
  • Christine A. Wernet
H6/KF [COMPARATIVE-] 1569-1322
Methods for assessing and calibrating response scales across countries and languages 2005 Comparative sociology 4 (3-4): 365-415
  • Janet Harkness
  • Noriko Onodera
  • Peter Ph. Mohler
  • Tom W. Smith
H6/KF [COMPARATIVE-] 1569-1322
Trust and national character: Japanese sense of trust, cross-national and longitudinal surveys 2005 Comparative sociology 4 (3-4): 417-50
  • Ryozo Yoshino
H6/KF [COMPARATIVE-] 1569-1322
Hegemony and the international economy 2005 Comparative sociology 4 (3-4): 451-77
  • Robert Pahre
H6/KF [COMPARATIVE-] 1569-1322
Social structure and personality during the process of radical social change: a study of Ukraine in transition 2004 Comparative sociology 3 (3-4): 239-84
  • Ho-Fung Hung
  • Melvin L. Kohn
  • Valeriy Khmelko
  • Vladimir Paniotto
H6/KF [COMPARATIVE-] 1569-1322
The puzzle of system transformation: towards an explanatory sketch 2004 Comparative sociology 3 (3-4): 285-99
  • Ekkart Zimmermann
H6/KF [COMPARATIVE-] 1569-1322
Citizenship, social structure and culture: a comparative analysis 2004 Comparative sociology 3 (3-4): 301-19
  • T. K. Oommen
H6/KF [COMPARATIVE-] 1569-1322