Title | Date | Reference | Authors | Call # | ISSN | ||
Indios foráneos en Cuba a principio del siglo XIX: historia de un suceso en el contexto de la movilidad poblacional y la geostrategia del imperio español | 2013 | Colonial Latin American historical review 11 (): 1-34 | *H6/KUL [COLONIAL-] | 1063-5769 | |||
The silk merchant of Cádiz: changing markets, trust, and fashion trends in a late eighteenth-century transatlantic commodity chain | 2013 | Colonial Latin American historical review 1 (2): 147-70 | *H6/KUL [COLONIAL-] | 1063-5769 | |||
De gallinas, mujeres y polvos de amor: un caso de estudio sobre la hombría de un esclavo negro y la inversión temporal de las jerarquías sociales en la Nueva España, siglo XVII | 2013 | Colonial Latin American historical review 1 (2): 171-89 | *H6/KUL [COLONIAL-] | 1063-5769 | |||
A cartography of sorcery: mapping the first auto da fe in Cartagena de Indias, 1614 | 2013 | Colonial Latin American historical review 1 (3): 243-72 | *H6/KUL [COLONIAL-] | 1063-5769 | |||
Venganzas de sangre y discursos de honor en Santiago de Chile, siglo XVIII | 2008 | Colonial Latin American historical review 17 (3): 208-36 | *H6/KUL [COLONIAL-] | 1063-5769 | |||
The shrouded origins of the story of La Gaitana, legendary Cacica of the Yalcón Indians, sixteenth-century New Granada | 2008 | Colonial Latin American historical review 17 (3): 237-59 | *H6/KUL [COLONIAL-] | 1063-5769 | |||
Redactando la isla, diseñando la nación criolla: aspectos históricos e historiográficos del Viaje a la isla de Cuba (1798) de Buenaventura Pascual Ferrer | 2008 | Colonial Latin American historical review 17 (3): 261-80 | *H6/KUL [COLONIAL-] | 1063-5769 | |||
Testimonies of the Spanish-indigenous conquest: Hernando Cortés, Tepexic, and the Mixtecs, 1521-1590 | 2008 | Colonial Latin American historical review 17 (1): 1-39 | *H6/KUL [COLONIAL-] | 1063-5769 | |||
Criterios sociales en la Cuba esclavista del siglo XIX: apuntes para estudiar la identidad racial | 2008 | Colonial Latin American historical review 17 (1): 41-61 | *H6/KUL [COLONIAL-] | 1063-5769 | |||
Family and political authority in early nineteenth-century Buenos Aires: rituals, practices, and texts, 1806-1816 | 2008 | Colonial Latin American historical review 17 (1): 63-96 | *H6/KUL [COLONIAL-] | 1063-5769 | |||
Temporary transgressions, unspeakable acts: male sodomy in late-colonial Mexico, 1744-1843 | 2008 | Colonial Latin American historical review 17 (4): 329-59 | *H6/KUL [COLONIAL-] | 1063-5769 | |||
Las cofradías religiosas y los talleres de sastres como ámbitos de sociabilidad colonial: Jujuy en el virreinato del Río de la Plata, siglos XVIII y XIX | 2008 | Colonial Latin American historical review 17 (4): 361-76 | *H6/KUL [COLONIAL-] | 1063-5769 | |||
Bígamos transoceánicos: reconciliación de abuso y perversión de la "santidad" del matrimonio en las Islas Marianas, siglo XVIII | 2007 | Colonial Latin American historical review 16 (2): 116-55 | *H6/KUL [COLONIAL-] | 1063-5769 | |||
Estruturas demográficas y estado de salud de la mano de obra esclava en algunas haciendas cacaoteras del siglo XVIII: provincia de Maracaibo (Venezuela) | 2007 | Colonial Latin American historical review 16 (1): 1-36 | *H6/KUL [COLONIAL-] | 1063-5769 | |||
'Soi tal mestizo abido y tenido por tal desde que nasi': peticiones indígenas de cambio de fuero, Cajamarca, Perú, 1642-1674 | 2007 | Colonial Latin American historical review 16 (4): 401-27 | *H6/KUL [COLONIAL-] | 1063-5769 | |||
The post-Jesuit expulsion population of the Paraguay mission, 1768-1803 | 2007 | Colonial Latin American historical review 16 (4): 429-58 | *H6/KUL [COLONIAL-] | 1063-5769 | |||
Narrativas de la resistencia: política, historia y memoria en las reducciones guaraníes, 1750-1759 | 2007 | Colonial Latin American historical review 16 (3): 248-85 | *H6/KUL [COLONIAL-] | 1063-5769 | |||
"Not just indecent but positively obscene": lascivious pictures and the inquisition in New Spain,1691-1821 | 2007 | Colonial Latin American historical review 16 (3): 313-41 | *H6/KUL [COLONIAL-] | 1063-5769 | |||
Parish registers as a window to the past: reconstructing the demographic behavior of the enslaved population in eighteenth- century Arecibo, Puerto Rico | 2006 | Colonial Latin American historical review 15 (1): 1-30 | *H6/KUL [COLONIAL-] | 1063-5769 | |||
Uniones en los márgenes: relaciones consensuales interétnicas en Charcas, siglo XVII | 2006 | Colonial Latin American historical review 15 (1): 31-52 | *H6/KUL [COLONIAL-] | 1063-5769 | |||
Del cabildo de indios a la municipalidad insurgente: Lima, 1784-1824 | 2006 | Colonial Latin American historical review 15 (1): 53-90 | *H6/KUL [COLONIAL-] | 1063-5769 | |||
African heritage and the Portuguese military orders in seventeenth- and early eighteenth-century Brazil: the case of Mestre de Campo Domingo Rodrigues Carneiro | 2006 | Colonial Latin American historical review 15 (2): 112-41 | *H6/KUL [COLONIAL-] | 1063-5769 | |||
Larry D. Miller, 1950-2009 | 2006 | Colonial Latin American historical review 15 (3): v-vi | *H6/KUL [COLONIAL-] | 1063-5769 | |||
Cuban merchants, slave trade knowledge, and the Atlantic world, 1790s-1820s | 2006 | Colonial Latin American historical review 15 (3): 225-51 | *H6/KUL [COLONIAL-] | 1063-5769 | |||
Plantaciones, matrimonios y familias de esclavos en la Cuba colonial, 1750-1850 | 2006 | Colonial Latin American historical review 15 (3): 253-82 | *H6/KUL [COLONIAL-] | 1063-5769 | |||
What Isabel did not say: mistresses and domestic female slaves in nineteenth century Havana | 2006 | Colonial Latin American historical review 15 (3): 252-309 | *H6/KUL [COLONIAL-] | 1063-5769 | |||
Exorcising the storm: revisiting the origins of the repression of La Escalera conspiracy in Cuba, 1843-44 | 2006 | Colonial Latin American historical review 15 (3): 311-26 | *H6/KUL [COLONIAL-] | 1063-5769 | |||
Indios blancos: nascent polities and social convergence in the Ayopaya rebellion, alto Perú (Bolivia), 1814-1821 | 2006 | Colonial Latin American historical review 15 (4): 345-75 | *H6/KUL [COLONIAL-] | 1063-5769 | |||
Un rostro local de la monarquía hispánica: justicia y equipamiento politico del territorio al sureste de Charcas, siglos XVI y XVII | 2006 | Colonial Latin American historical review 15 (4): 376-418 | *H6/KUL [COLONIAL-] | 1063-5769 | |||
New discoveries about an old manuscript: the date, place of origin, and role of the Parecere de Fray Bartolomé de las Casas in the making of the new laws of the Indies | 2006 | Colonial Latin American historical review 15 (4): 419-41 | *H6/KUL [COLONIAL-] | 1063-5769 | |||
"De muy malas intenciones y de perversas entrañas...": la imagen de la plebe en los preámbulos de la independencia de Chile, 1800-1810 | 2005 | Colonial Latin American historical review 14 (4): 337-68 | *H6/KUL [COLONIAL-] | 1063-5769 | |||
"Because I was drunk and the devil had tricked me": pulque, pulquerías, and violence in the Mexico City uprising of 1692 | 2005 | Colonial Latin American historical review 14 (4): 369-401 | *H6/KUL [COLONIAL-] | 1063-5769 | |||
"Los indios de Chile se mueren de risa": los enemigos de España en la frontera sur del virreinato del Perú en el siglo XVII | 2005 | Colonial Latin American historical review 14 (4): 370-22 | *H6/KUL [COLONIAL-] | 1063-5769 | |||
A house of miracles: origins of the Sanctuary of Santa Rosa in late seventeenth-century Lima | 2005 | Colonial Latin American historical review 14 (1): 1-23 | *H6/KUL [COLONIAL-] | 1063-5769 | |||
La muerte en el discurso propagandístico de los conflictos bélicos del siglo XVIII en España y en la América Hispana | 2005 | Colonial Latin American historical review 14 (1): 25-48 | *H6/KUL [COLONIAL-] | 1063-5769 | |||
Poder y pirotecnia, artesanos y mapuches: apogeo barroco de las proclamaciones reales en Santiago de Chile, 1760-1789 | 2005 | Colonial Latin American historical review 14 (1): 49-78 | *H6/KUL [COLONIAL-] | 1063-5769 | |||
The Spanish search for Teguayo: New Mexico and the Yuta country, 1678-1778 | 2005 | Colonial Latin American historical review 14 (2): 135-51 | *H6/KUL [COLONIAL-] | 1063-5769 | |||
Nuevos temas de historia económica y social de Cuba, siglo XIX: diversificación y economías externas | 2005 | Colonial Latin American historical review 14 (2): 153-90 | *H6/KUL [COLONIAL-] | 1063-5769 | |||
Exploring parish registers in colonial Minas Gerais, Brazil: ethnicity in São José do Rio das Montes, 1780-1810 | 2005 | Colonial Latin American historical review 14 (3): 212-44 | *H6/KUL [COLONIAL-] | 1063-5769 | |||
Imágenes de honor mancillado en Córdoba del Tucumán, 1750-1797 | 2005 | Colonial Latin American historical review 14 (3): 245-80 | *H6/KUL [COLONIAL-] | 1063-5769 | |||
La Texas colonial entre Pedro de Rivera y el marqués de Rubí, 1729-1772: aportaciones económicas al sistema presidial | 2005 | Colonial Latin American historical review 14 (3): 281-311 | *H6/KUL [COLONIAL-] | 1063-5769 | |||
Caciques, encomenderos y santuarios en el Nuevo Reino de Granada: reflexiones metodológicas sobre la ficción en los archivos: el proceso del cacique de Tota, 1574-1575 | 2004 | Colonial Latin American historical review 13 (2): 113-45 | *H6/KUL [COLONIAL-] | 1063-5769 | |||
Asuntos de familia, cuestiones de poder: la 'concordia' en el cabildo de La Rioja, gobernación del Tucumán, 1708 | 2004 | Colonial Latin American historical review 13 (2): 147-71 | *H6/KUL [COLONIAL-] | 1063-5769 | |||
Crossing the international border: an historiographical view of bureaucrats, historians, and their search for Francisco de Coronado's 1540 route into Arizona | 2004 | Colonial Latin American historical review 13 (2): 173-90 | *H6/KUL [COLONIAL-] | 1063-5769 | |||
Viticultura y movilidad social: Provincia de Cuyo, Reino de Chile, siglo XVIII | 2004 | Colonial Latin American historical review 13 (3): 217-47 | *H6/KUL [COLONIAL-] | 1063-5769 | |||
The apothecary in seventeenth- and eighteenth-century New Spain: historiography and case studies in medical regulation, charity and science | 2004 | Colonial Latin American historical review 13 (3): 249-85 | *H6/KUL [COLONIAL-] | 1063-5769 | |||
Los señores de la coca y el obispado del Cuzco: la disputa en torno a los dizmos de la coca durante el siglo XVI | 2004 | Colonial Latin American historical review 13 (3): 249-315 | *H6/KUL [COLONIAL-] | 1063-5769 | |||
Demographic patterns in the Jesuit missions of the Río de la Plata region: the case of Corpus Christi Mission, 1622-1802 | 2004 | Colonial Latin American historical review 13 (4): 337-66 | *H6/KUL [COLONIAL-] | 1063-5769 | |||
Curacas, mandones, alcaldes y curas: legitimidad, autoridad y coerción en los pueblos de indios de Santiago del Estero, siglos XVII y XVIII | 2004 | Colonial Latin American historical review 13 (4): 367-97 | *H6/KUL [COLONIAL-] | 1063-5769 | |||
Missing idolatry: mid-colonial interactions between parish priests and Indians in the diocese of Areqiupa | 2004 | Colonial Latin American historical review 13 (4): 399-421 | *H6/KUL [COLONIAL-] | 1063-5769 |