Title | Abbreviation | Status | Current title |
Journal of the International Folk Music Council | Yb trad Music | Currently Indexed | |
Journal of the Polynesian Society | J Polynes Soc | Currently Indexed | |
Journal of visual culture | J vis Cult | Currently Indexed | |
Kobie: antropología cultural | Kobie | Currently Indexed | |
Kon-Tiki Museum occasional papers | Kon-Tiki Mus occ Pap | Currently Indexed | |
Kroeber Anthropological Society papers | Kroeber anthrop Soc Pap | Currently Indexed | |
L'homme | Homme | Currently Indexed | |
Latin American antiquity | Latin Amer Antiq | Currently Indexed | |
Law & anthropology | Law Anthrop | Currently Indexed | |
Levant | Levant | Currently Indexed | |
Lietuvos archeologija | Liet Archeol | Currently Indexed | |
Lietuvos etnologija (NS) | Liet etol | Currently Indexed | |
Lithic technology | Lithic Techn | Currently Indexed | |
Lud | Lud | Currently Indexed | |
L’Ethnographie | Ethnographie | Currently Indexed | |
L’Ethnographie: création, pratiques, publics | Ethnographie | Currently Indexed | |
Man and culture in Oceania | Peop Cult Oceania | Currently Indexed | |
Man in India | Man India | Currently Indexed | |
Man in the northeast | NE Anthrop | Currently Indexed | |
Mana: estudos de antropologia social | Mana | Currently Indexed | |
Mankind | Aust J Anthrop | Currently Indexed | |
Material religion | Mater Relig | Currently Indexed | |
Materiały archeologiczne | Mater archeol Cracow | Currently Indexed | |
Materiały archeologiczne Nowej Huty | Mater archeol Nowej Huty | Currently Indexed | |
Medical anthropology: cross-cultural studies in health and illness | Med Anthrop | Currently Indexed | |
Medicine Anthropology Theory | Medic Anthrop Theory | Currently Indexed | |
Mexicon | Mexicon | Currently Indexed | |
Midcontinental journal of archaeology | Midcont J Archaeol | Currently Indexed | |
Mitteilungen aus dem Museum für Völkerkunde | Mitt Mus Volkerk Hamburg | Currently Indexed | |
Mitteilungen der anthropologischen Gesellschaft in Wien | Mitt anthrop Ges Wien | Currently Indexed | |
Mitteilungen des Archäologischen Instituts der Ungarischen Akademie der Wissenschaften | Antaeus | Currently Indexed | |
Mitteilungen für Anthropologie und Religionsgeschichte | Mitt Anthrop ReligGesch | Currently Indexed | |
Mitteilungen zur Kulturkunde | Paideuma | Currently Indexed | |
Museum Ethnographers' Group newsletter | J mus Ethnogr | Currently Indexed | |
Museum of Far Eastern Antiquities bulletin | Mus Far East Antiq Bull | Currently Indexed | |
Narodna umjetnost | Nar Umjetn | Currently Indexed | |
Národopisný sborník | Narod Zborn | Currently Indexed | |
Národopisný zborník | Narod Zborn | Currently Indexed | |
Native South | Nat S | Currently Indexed | |
Ñawpa Pacha | Nawpa Pacha | Currently Indexed | |
Néprajzi értesítő | Nepr Ert | Currently Indexed | |
New Zealand journal of archaeology | J Pacif Archaeol | Currently Indexed | |
Newsletter Commission on Nomadic Peoples | Nomad Peopl | Currently Indexed | |
Newsletter of the New Zealand Archaeological Association | Archaeol NZ | Currently Indexed | |
Nigerian heritage: journal of the National Commission for Museums and Monuments | Niger Heritage | Currently Indexed | |
Nomadic peoples | Nomad Peopl | Currently Indexed | |
Nomadic peoples (NS) | Nomad Peopl | Currently Indexed | |
North American archaeologist | N Amer Archaeol | Currently Indexed | |
Northeast anthropology | NE Anthrop | Currently Indexed | |
Northwest anthropological research notes | J NW Anthrop | Currently Indexed |