Anthropological Index Online

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TitleDateReferenceAuthorsCall #ISSN
'Like in a separate state': what did it mean to be hospitalised in a Soviet psychiatric hospital? 2017 Lietuvos etnologija (NS) 17 (26): 13-41
  • Tomas Vaiseta
H6/KVT [LIETUVOS-] 1392-4028
The institution of complaints and critical citizenship in the humour journal 'The broom' 2017 Lietuvos etnologija (NS) 17 (26): 43-76
  • Neringa Klumbytė
H6/KVT [LIETUVOS-] 1392-4028
Enveloped lives: practising health and care in Lithuania 2017 Lietuvos etnologija (NS) 17 (26): 77-97
  • Rima Praspaliauskienė
H6/KVT [LIETUVOS-] 1392-4028
Gift-giving at state schools in Lithuania: between community building and economic exchange 2017 Lietuvos etnologija (NS) 17 (26): 99-123
  • Kristina Šliavaitė
H6/KVT [LIETUVOS-] 1392-4028
Ecological vulnerability and everyday experiences in the Pamarys flooded area 2017 Lietuvos etnologija (NS) 17 (26): 125-51
  • Mykolė Lukošienė
H6/KVT [LIETUVOS-] 1392-4028
'I would like to have a surprise...something unplanned.' Imaginaries of hope among young people in Ukraine 2017 Lietuvos etnologija (NS) 17 (26): 153-72
  • Brittany Anderson
  • Maryna Bazylevych
H6/KVT [LIETUVOS-] 1392-4028
Daily life and class among Macedonian workers 2017 Lietuvos etnologija (NS) 17 (26): 173-91
  • Fabio Mattioli
H6/KVT [LIETUVOS-] 1392-4028
Protest and the practice of normal life in Bulgaria 2017 Lietuvos etnologija (NS) 17 (26): 193-214
  • Elana Resnick
H6/KVT [LIETUVOS-] 1392-4028
Family and calendar holidays in Soviet Lithuania 2016 Lietuvos etnologija (NS) 16 (25): 9-34
  • Rasa Paukštytė-Šaknienė
H6/KVT [LIETUVOS-] 1392-4028
Festivalizing tradition. A fieldworker's notes from the Guča Trumpet Festival (Serbia) and the Carnival of Santa Cruz de Tenerife (Spain) 2016 Lietuvos etnologija (NS) 16 (25): 35-54
  • Waldemar Kuligowski
H6/KVT [LIETUVOS-] 1392-4028
Immigrant integration through festival: technical prowess, empowerment and inclusion in the Lily-of-the-Valley Festival in Rambouillet, France 2016 Lietuvos etnologija (NS) 16 (25): 55-68
  • Cozette Griffin-Kremer
H6/KVT [LIETUVOS-] 1392-4028
Carnival in urban protest culture: the case of Kyiv early Euromaidan 2016 Lietuvos etnologija (NS) 16 (25): 69-89
  • IUliia Buĭskykh
H6/KVT [LIETUVOS-] 1392-4028
Civic mobilization of ethnic groups in southeastern Lithuania: Belarusian, Polish and Russian voluntary organizations 2016 Lietuvos etnologija (NS) 16 (25): 91-126
  • Monika Frėjutė-Rakauskienė
H6/KVT [LIETUVOS-] 1392-4028
Cultural identities in Soviet Lithuania: the Soviet culture house and the church. The case of Gižai 2016 Lietuvos etnologija (NS) 16 (25): 127-53
  • Vidmantas Vyšniauskas
H6/KVT [LIETUVOS-] 1392-4028
Soviet industry and post-industry memories: Alytus houses building complex 2016 Lietuvos etnologija (NS) 16 (25): 155-75
  • Aušra Jurčikonytė
H6/KVT [LIETUVOS-] 1392-4028
Ethnography of life or life in ethnography? 2016 Lietuvos etnologija (NS) 16 (25): 177-95
  • Jonas Mardosa
H6/KVT [LIETUVOS-] 1392-4028
Fragmented identities: the case of Penang's Malaysian-Chinese 2015 Lietuvos etnologija (NS) 15 (24): 9-25
  • Christian Giordano
H6/KVT [LIETUVOS-] 1392-4028
Language, identity and inter-ethnic relations in southeastern Lithuania: experiences and challenges of multiculturalism in everyday contexts 2015 Lietuvos etnologija (NS) 15 (24): 27-51
  • Kristina Šliavaitė
H6/KVT [LIETUVOS-] 1392-4028
State territoriality and ethnic minorities: the case of the Polish card 2015 Lietuvos etnologija (NS) 15 (24): 53-68
  • Darius Daukšas
H6/KVT [LIETUVOS-] 1392-4028
Ethnic socialisation in the experiences of students and graduates of the Lithuanian minority in Poland 2015 Lietuvos etnologija (NS) 15 (24): 69-98
  • Katarzyna Wójcikowska
H6/KVT [LIETUVOS-] 1392-4028
Karaim calendar holidays in the context of state holidays 2015 Lietuvos etnologija (NS) 15 (24): 99-128
  • Žilvytis Šaknys
H6/KVT [LIETUVOS-] 1392-4028
Symbolic Easter dishes of the Poles in southeastern Lithuania in the second half of the 20th century and the beginning of the 21st century 2015 Lietuvos etnologija (NS) 15 (24): 129-53
  • Jonas Mardosa
H6/KVT [LIETUVOS-] 1392-4028
The downside of transparency: Europeanization, standardization and disobedient markets at the margins of Europe 2015 Lietuvos etnologija (NS) 15 (24): 155-76
  • Asta Vonderau
H6/KVT [LIETUVOS-] 1392-4028
Jorė: (re-)construction or continuity of traditions? 2015 Lietuvos etnologija (NS) 15 (24): 177-203
  • Gintarė Dusevičiūtė
H6/KVT [LIETUVOS-] 1392-4028
Introduction: museum, knowledge and ethnography 2014 Lietuvos etnologija (NS) 14 (23): 11-33
  • Auksuolė Čepaitienė
H6/KVT [LIETUVOS-] 1392-4028
Ethnography in local lore museums: some historical aspects of expression and reflections on the contemporary situation 2014 Lietuvos etnologija (NS) 14 (23): 35-67
  • Jonas Mardosa
H6/KVT [LIETUVOS-] 1392-4028
The museum as a laboratory of culture. The contribution of Maria Znamierowska-Prüfferowa to ethnographic museology 2014 Lietuvos etnologija (NS) 14 (23): 69-86
  • Hubert Czachowski
H6/KVT [LIETUVOS-] 1392-4028
Soviet Lithuanians, amber and the 'new Balts': national and regional identities in Lithuanian museums, 1940-2009 2014 Lietuvos etnologija (NS) 14 (23): 87-112
  • Eglė Rindzevičiūtė
H6/KVT [LIETUVOS-] 1392-4028
Narrative of visual ethnography: a case study of the Pitt Rivers Museum 2014 Lietuvos etnologija (NS) 14 (23): 113-35
  • Rasa Račiūnaitė-Paužuolienė
H6/KVT [LIETUVOS-] 1392-4028
The non-existent that never was: the inconsistency of contemporary San-space in Namibia 2014 Lietuvos etnologija (NS) 14 (23): 137-60
  • Goda Palekaitė
H6/KVT [LIETUVOS-] 1392-4028
The ethno-cultural movement in Soviet Lithuania: invisible alternative to the regime? 2014 Lietuvos etnologija (NS) 14 (23): 161-81
  • Ainė Ramonaitė
  • Rytė Kukulskytė
H6/KVT [LIETUVOS-] 1392-4028
Concepts of authenticity: toward cultural heritage and nationalism 2014 Lietuvos etnologija (NS) 14 (23): 183-97
  • Vida Savoniakaitė
H6/KVT [LIETUVOS-] 1392-4028
The exhibition of the Lithuanian Folk Museum 'Lithuanian bread. With your loaf you will find a table everywhere' 2014 Lietuvos etnologija (NS) 14 (23): 199-218
  • Janina Samulionaitė
  • Sigita Žukauskaitė
H6/KVT [LIETUVOS-] 1392-4028
The digitization of museum holdings at Lithuania's Folk Museum: the possibilities of a new dissemination 2014 Lietuvos etnologija (NS) 14 (23): 219-34
  • Inga Levickaitė-Vaškevičienė
H6/KVT [LIETUVOS-] 1392-4028
Pokalbis su Oksfordo universiteto vizualinės antropologijos profesoriumi Marcusu Banksu 2014 Lietuvos etnologija (NS) 14 (23): 235-45
  • Marcus Banks
  • Rasa Račiūnaitė-Paužuolienė interv
H6/KVT [LIETUVOS-] 1392-4028
In memoriam: Vitalis Morkūnas (1.11.1929-2014) 2014 Lietuvos etnologija (NS) 14 (23): 275-6
  • Žilvytis Šaknys
H6/KVT [LIETUVOS-] 1392-4028
On ethnographic facts, personal names of informants, and the discipline 2013 Lietuvos etnologija (NS) 13 (22): 169-78
  • Auksuolė Čepaitienė
H6/KVT [LIETUVOS-] 1392-4028
Mobile livelihoods: a case study of Lithuanian international long-haul truck drivers 2013 Lietuvos etnologija (NS) 13 (22): 81-102
  • Will Gordon
H6/KVT [LIETUVOS-] 1392-4028
Contemporary immigrants from Lithuania in a transnational space: the case of New York 2013 Lietuvos etnologija (NS) 13 (22): 9-33
  • Ieva Kripienė
H6/KVT [LIETUVOS-] 1392-4028
The 'return to Lithuania' experiences of young Lithuanians who graduated abroad 2013 Lietuvos etnologija (NS) 13 (22): 35-57
  • Liutauras Labanauskas
H6/KVT [LIETUVOS-] 1392-4028
'Indianism' in Lithuania: re-enchantment of the world through 'playing Indians' 2013 Lietuvos etnologija (NS) 13 (22): 123-44
  • Saulius Matulevičius
H6/KVT [LIETUVOS-] 1392-4028
Administrative reform and its consequences in the tribal states of 2000 in India 2013 Lietuvos etnologija (NS) 13 (22): 103-21
  • Robert Parkin
H6/KVT [LIETUVOS-] 1392-4028
'In the right place at the right time': the constructions of home in the process of migration 2013 Lietuvos etnologija (NS) 13 (22): 59-79
  • Vitalija Stepušaitytė
H6/KVT [LIETUVOS-] 1392-4028
Village doctors and their practice from the point of view of folk religion in Belarus 2013 Lietuvos etnologija (NS) 13 (22): 145-68
  • Tacjana Volodzina
H6/KVT [LIETUVOS-] 1392-4028
Modern transformation of Ukrainian folk religiosity 2012 Lietuvos etnologija (NS) 12 (21): 31-50
  • Halina Bondarenko
H6/KVT [LIETUVOS-] 1392-4028
Lithuanian Poles: constructing ethnic and national identity in border areas 2012 Lietuvos etnologija (NS) 12 (21): 167-93
  • Darius Daukšas
H6/KVT [LIETUVOS-] 1392-4028
The development of biblical and hagiographic plots in traditional Lithuanian folklore 2012 Lietuvos etnologija (NS) 12 (21): 123-44
  • Aušra Kairaitytė
H6/KVT [LIETUVOS-] 1392-4028
Introduction to the ethnology of religion, folk religion and folk piety: paradigms and research content 2012 Lietuvos etnologija (NS) 12 (21): 9-29
  • Jonas Mardosa
H6/KVT [LIETUVOS-] 1392-4028
Sacred and profane aspects of Palm Sunday verba: the dimension of gender 2012 Lietuvos etnologija (NS) 12 (21): 75-103
  • Jonas Mardosa
H6/KVT [LIETUVOS-] 1392-4028
Topography of anthroponyms and toponyms in ethnographic texts: methodological approach 2012 Lietuvos etnologija (NS) 12 (21): 195-214
  • Irma Šidiškienė
H6/KVT [LIETUVOS-] 1392-4028