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TitleDateReferenceAuthorsCall #ISSN
The 100th volume of 'Lud' 2016 Lud 100 (): 15-16
  • Danuta Penkala-Gawęcka
H6/KVM [LUD-] 0076-1435
The Library of the Polish Ethnological Society 2016 Lud 100 (): 17-23
  • Aleksandra Michałowska
H6/KVM [LUD-] 0076-1435
The scientific archive located at the main board of the Polish Ethnological society. Collections, functions and future aims 2016 Lud 100 (): 25-37
  • Marek Szajda
H6/KVM [LUD-] 0076-1435
Ethnology in the Polish Academy of Sciences. Some thoughts on the 40th anniversary of the establishment of the Committee of Ethnological Sciences at the Polish Academy of Sciences 2016 Lud 100 (): 39-46
  • Aleksander Posern-Zieliński
  • Zbigniew Jasiewicz
H6/KVM [LUD-] 0076-1435
Mutual encounters 2016 Lud 100 (): 47-60
  • Michał Buchowski
H6/KVM [LUD-] 0076-1435
The making of reluctant socialists: class, culture and the Polish state 2016 Lud 100 (): 61-7
  • Carole Nagengast
H6/KVM [LUD-] 0076-1435
Reflections on longterm fieldwork in Poland 2016 Lud 100 (): 69-81
  • Frances Pine
H6/KVM [LUD-] 0076-1435
The Wisłok project, 1978-1985 2016 Lud 100 (): 83-92
  • Chris Hann
H6/KVM [LUD-] 0076-1435
Malinowski's legacy: reflections on ethnography in Poland, and Poland in ethnography 2016 Lud 100 (): 93-101
  • Marysia Galbraith
H6/KVM [LUD-] 0076-1435
Kierunek - wschód! A personal discovery of Poland 2016 Lud 100 (): 103-12
  • Alexandra Schwell
H6/KVM [LUD-] 0076-1435
Emigration, exile, and return: conducting anthropological research in Poland 2016 Lud 100 (): 113-21
  • Joanna Mishtal
H6/KVM [LUD-] 0076-1435
A journey to Przemyśl thanks to European academia 2016 Lud 100 (): 123-31
  • Juraj Buzalka
H6/KVM [LUD-] 0076-1435
Imagining Poland - doing fieldwork in Poland 2016 Lud 100 (): 133-41
  • Anika Keinz
H6/KVM [LUD-] 0076-1435
Exploring the 'shadow side' of ethnographic research on aging in Poland 2016 Lud 100 (): 143-52
  • Jessica C. Robbins-Ruszkowski
H6/KVM [LUD-] 0076-1435
A Ukrainian scholar in Poland: notes in the margins 2016 Lud 100 (): 153-60
  • IUliia Buĭskykh
H6/KVM [LUD-] 0076-1435
The postmodern opening in Polish socio-cultural anthropology. A project realised? 2016 Lud 100 (): 161-84
  • Katarzyna Majbroda
H6/KVM [LUD-] 0076-1435
Human-animal hybrids and chimeras in science: history and today 2016 Lud 100 (): 185-208
  • Magdalena Kozhevnikova
H6/KVM [LUD-] 0076-1435
Jewish neighbours. Social ties as recalled by inhabitants of southern Poland 2016 Lud 100 (): 209-32
  • Jacek Nowak
H6/KVM [LUD-] 0076-1435
Local interpretations of Hasidic pilgrimages to Poland and Ukraine (Lelov, Lizhensk, Uman) 2016 Lud 100 (): 233-56
  • Magdalena Zatorska
H6/KVM [LUD-] 0076-1435
Bark beetles, spruces, foresters and ecologists. The argument concerning the Białowieża Forest as a conflict among diverse visions of nature 2016 Lud 100 (): 257-65
  • Agata_Agnieszka Konczal
H6/KVM [LUD-] 0076-1435
Snake images at cemeteries on the Polish-Ukrainian border 2016 Lud 100 (): 267-75
  • Olga Solarz
H6/KVM [LUD-] 0076-1435
Zofia Cieślanka's activities diary 2016 Lud 100 (): 277-303
  • Andrzej Rataj
  • Maria Zachorowska
  • Roman Reinfuss
H6/KVM [LUD-] 0076-1435
Introduction to special section 'Experiencing and negotiating the State - an anthropological perspective' 2015 Lud 99 (): 13-18
  • Aleksander Posern-Zieliński
  • Anna Malewska-Szałygin
H6/KVM [LUD-] 0076-1435
Political power in the discourse of Kyrgyz nationalists 2015 Lud 99 (): 19-41
  • Piotr Załęski
H6/KVM [LUD-] 0076-1435
Building the state - Kazakhstan's capital city and the state as a material construct 2015 Lud 99 (): 43-63
  • Mateusz Laszczkowski
H6/KVM [LUD-] 0076-1435
Territorialising the sea. Performance of sovereignty and the role of cartography in the South China Sea 2015 Lud 99 (): 65-89
  • Edyta Roszko
H6/KVM [LUD-] 0076-1435
'Fighting terrorism'. Experiences of the state practices in Dagestan, 2005-2014 2015 Lud 99 (): 91-113
  • Iwona Kaliszewska
H6/KVM [LUD-] 0076-1435
Serbian slava or krsno ime. On celebrating a family patron saint's day 2015 Lud 99 (): 115-37 [plates i-ii]
  • Nikola F. Pavković
H6/KVM [LUD-] 0076-1435
Icons by zograf painters, monasteries on Fruška Gora and Serbian national imaginary 2015 Lud 99 (): 139-59
  • Ewa Klekot
H6/KVM [LUD-] 0076-1435
Kruševo - between the sacred town of Macedonian nationalism and the first 'ethno-town' in Europe 2015 Lud 99 (): 161-84
  • Piotr Majewski
H6/KVM [LUD-] 0076-1435
Broken genealogy. The agency of women's activists in socialist Poland and Georgia, and contemporary women's movements 2015 Lud 99 (): 185-207
  • Magdalena Grabowska
H6/KVM [LUD-] 0076-1435
'Ask water for money'. Healing traditions in contemporary Russian guidebooks on magic 2015 Lud 99 (): 209-30
  • Agnieszka Gołębiowska-Suchorska
H6/KVM [LUD-] 0076-1435
Uriankhai - nomads 'tied to the Altai Mountains by an umbilical cord'. Landscape as a source of identity of the Mongolian nomads 2015 Lud 99 (): 231-51
  • Karolina Szmigielska
H6/KVM [LUD-] 0076-1435
What is play for in anthropology? Of playful aspects in a cultural anthropological research 2015 Lud 99 (): 253-70
  • Ewa Maciejewska-Mroczek
H6/KVM [LUD-] 0076-1435
Ruts and the wilderness of visuality. Blind people on sight and being visible 2015 Lud 99 (): 271-95
  • Kamil Pietrowiak
H6/KVM [LUD-] 0076-1435
Algonkini, Kikapowie, Ute and others. Rendering the names of North American indigenous groups in Polish-language scientific and popular science literature 2015 Lud 99 (): 296-319
  • Bartosz Hlebowicz
H6/KVM [LUD-] 0076-1435
Letters of Maria Czaplicka to Lev SHternberg 2015 Lud 99 (): 321-36
  • Grażyna Kubica
  • Natal'ia IAkubova
H6/KVM [LUD-] 0076-1435
The seventieth anniversary of Polish ethnographic atlas 2015 Lud 99 (): 337-46
  • Edyta Diakowska-Kohut
H6/KVM [LUD-] 0076-1435
Assigning symbolical meaning to an object and commodifying a symbol. Cuban car as a constructed cultural heritage 2015 Lud 99 (): 347-55 [plates i-iv]
  • Zuzanna Smoczyńska
H6/KVM [LUD-] 0076-1435
Troubles with tradition. The institutionalisation of language and culture of Moré in Bolivia 2015 Lud 99 (): 357-64
  • Paweł Chyc
H6/KVM [LUD-] 0076-1435
A colonised body. The idea of pishtaco of Q'ero in the Peruvian Andes 2015 Lud 99 (): 365-72
  • Anna Przytomska
H6/KVM [LUD-] 0076-1435
In memoriam: Elżbieta Bielecka-Kaczmarek (6.6.1949-14.3.2015) 2015 Lud 99 (): 451-4
  • Angelika Rejs
H6/KVM [LUD-] 0076-1435
In memoriam: Urszula Janicka-Krzywda (22.5.1949-25.1.2015) 2015 Lud 99 (): 455-9
  • Anna Spiss
H6/KVM [LUD-] 0076-1435
In memoriam: Anna Zadrożyńska (31.5.1938-30.3.2014) 2015 Lud 99 (): 461-5
  • Anna Malewska-Szałygin
  • Magdalena Radkowska-Walkowicz
H6/KVM [LUD-] 0076-1435
Introduction to special section 'On the bicentennial anniversary of Oskar Kolberg's birth' 2014 Lud 98 (): 13-16 [plate i]
  • Anna Weronika Brzezińska
H6/KVM [LUD-] 0076-1435
Methods, guidelines and practice of regional division in Oskar Kolberg's monographs 2014 Lud 98 (): 17-39
  • Katarzyna Waszczyńska
H6/KVM [LUD-] 0076-1435
Kolberg's works and methodology of folklore research 2014 Lud 98 (): 41-62
  • Piotr Grochowski
  • Violetta Wróblewska
H6/KVM [LUD-] 0076-1435
Oskar Kolberg's ideas and work as the inspiration for the modern ethnomusicologist 2014 Lud 98 (): 63-79
  • Weronika Grozdew-Kołacińska
H6/KVM [LUD-] 0076-1435
Kolberg's heritage reception and directions of its popularization 2014 Lud 98 (): 81-101
  • Anna Weronika Brzezińska
H6/KVM [LUD-] 0076-1435
Edition of the supplements to Oskar Kolberg's Lud 2014 Lud 98 (): 103-8
  • Ewa Antyborzec
H6/KVM [LUD-] 0076-1435