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Title Abbreviation Status Current title
Jahrbuch der Staatlichen Ethnographischen Sammlungen Sachsen Jb staat Ethnogr Samm Sachsen Currently Indexed
Jahrbuch des Linden-Museums Tribus Currently Indexed
Jahrbuch des Museums für Völkerkunde zu Leipzig Jb staat Ethnogr Samm Sachsen Currently Indexed
Jahresbericht des Württembergischen Vereins für Handelsgeographie und Förderung deutscher Interessen im Auslande E.V. Tribus Currently Indexed
Japanese journal of ethnology Jap J Ethnol Currently Indexed
Journal African archaeology J Afr Archaeol Currently Indexed
Journal de la Société des Africanistes J Afric Currently Indexed
Journal de la Société des Américanistes J Soc American Currently Indexed
Journal des africanistes J Afric Currently Indexed
Journal des anthropologues J Anthrop Currently Indexed
Journal for the anthropological study of human movement J anthrop Stud hum Move Currently Indexed
Journal fünf Kontinente J funf kontin Currently Indexed
Journal of African archaeology monograph series J Afr archaeol mono ser Currently Indexed
Journal of African history J Afr Hist Currently Indexed
Journal of American folklore J Amer Folkl Currently Indexed
Journal of anthropological archaeology J anthrop Archaeol Currently Indexed
Journal of anthropological research J anthrop Res Currently Indexed
Journal of archaeological science J archaeol Sci Currently Indexed
Journal of archaeology and anthropology J Archaeol Anthrop Currently Indexed
Journal of biosocial science J biosocial Sci Currently Indexed
Journal of California and Great Basin anthropology J Calif Gt Basin Anthrop Currently Indexed
Journal of California anthropology J Calif Gt Basin Anthrop Currently Indexed
Journal of cognition and culture J cognition Cult Currently Indexed
Journal of contemporary ethnography J contemp Ethnogr Currently Indexed
Journal of ethnobiology J Ethnobiol Currently Indexed
Journal of ethnology and folkloristics J Ethno Folkor Currently Indexed
Journal of field archaeology J field Archaeol Currently Indexed
Journal of folklore research J folkl Res Currently Indexed
Journal of Haitian studies J Haiti Stud Currently Indexed
Journal of human evolution J hum Evol Currently Indexed
Journal of Indo-European studies J Indo-Eur Stud Currently Indexed
Journal of Indo-Pacific archaeology J Indo Pacif archaeol Currently Indexed
Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Anthropology J Latin Amer Carib Anthrop Currently Indexed
Journal of Latin American anthropology J Latin Amer Carib Anthrop Currently Indexed
Journal of legal pluralism and unofficial law J legal Plur Currently Indexed
Journal of linguistic anthropology J ling Anthrop Currently Indexed
Journal of material culture J mater Cult Currently Indexed
Journal of Mediterranean studies J Medit Stud Currently Indexed
Journal of museum ethnography J mus Ethnogr Currently Indexed
Journal of northwest anthropology J NW Anthrop Currently Indexed
Journal of Pacific Archaeology J Pacif Archaeol Currently Indexed
Journal of religion in Africa J Relig Afr Currently Indexed
Journal of social archaeology J social Archaeol. Currently Indexed
Journal of the Anthropological Society of Nippon Anthrop Sci Currently Indexed
Journal of the Anthropological Society of Oxford J anthrop Soc Oxf (NS) Currently Indexed
Journal of the Anthropological Society of Oxford (NS) J anthrop Soc Oxf (NS) Currently Indexed
Journal of the Anthropological Society of Tokyo Anthrop Sci Currently Indexed
Journal of the Folklore Institute J folkl Res Currently Indexed
Journal of the Gypsy Lore Society Romani Stud Currently Indexed
Journal of the Indian Anthropological Society J Indian anthrop Soc Currently Indexed