Title | Abbreviation | Status | Current title |
Arqueológicas | Arqueologicas | Currently Indexed | |
Arts & cultures | Arts cult | Currently Indexed | |
Arv: Nordic yearbook of folklore | Arv Nordic Yb Folkl | Currently Indexed | |
Asian anthropology | Asian Anthrop | Currently Indexed | |
Asian Ethnology | Asian Ethnol | Currently Indexed | |
Asian Ethnology | Asian folklore studies | Currently Indexed | |
Asian Ethnology | Folklore studies | Currently Indexed | |
Asian music | Asian Music | Currently Indexed | |
Asian perspectives | Asian Persp | Currently Indexed | |
Australian Aboriginal studies | Aust Aborig Stud | Currently Indexed | |
Australian archaeology | Aust Archaeol | Currently Indexed | |
Australian Institute of Aboriginal Studies newletter | Aust Aborig Stud | Currently Indexed | |
Azania | Azania | Currently Indexed | |
Bantu studies | Afr Stud | Currently Indexed | |
Beads | Beads | Currently Indexed | |
Beáscna: journal of folklore and ethnology | Beascna | Currently Indexed | |
Behavior science notes | Cross-cult Res | Currently Indexed | |
Behavior science research | Cross-cult Res | Currently Indexed | |
Beiträge zur Volkskunde der Ungarndeutschen | Beitr Volksk Ungarndt | Currently Indexed | |
Berytus | Berytus | Currently Indexed | |
Biennial review of anthropology | Annu Rev Anthrop | Currently Indexed | |
Biométrie humaine et anthropologie | Biometr hum Anthrop | Currently Indexed | |
Biométrie humaine revue de la Société de Biométrie humaine | Biometr hum Anthrop | Currently Indexed | |
Biotypologie | Biometr hum Anthrop | Currently Indexed | |
Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi Ciências humanas | Bol Mus Para Emílio Goeldi Cienc Hum | Currently Indexed | |
Boletín | Bol Soc Invest Arte rup Boliv | Currently Indexed | |
Boletín bibliográfico de antropología americana | Bol Antrop amer | Currently Indexed | |
Boletín de antropología | Bol Antrop Antioquia | Currently Indexed | |
Boletín de antropología americana | Bol Antrop amer | Currently Indexed | |
Boletin de arqueologia PUCP | Bol Arqueol | Currently Indexed | |
Boletín del Instituto de Antropología Universidad de Antioquia | Bol Antrop Antioquia | Currently Indexed | |
Boletín del Museo chileno de Arte precolombino | Bol Mus chil Arte precolomb | Currently Indexed | |
British journal of Ethnomusicology | Ethnomusic forum | Currently Indexed | |
Bulgarska etnografiya | Bulg Etnol | Currently Indexed | |
Bulgarska etnologiia | Bulg Etnol | Currently Indexed | |
Bulletin de l'Association française des Anthropologues | J Anthrop | Currently Indexed | |
Bulletin de la Société d'Anthropologie de Bruxelles | Anthrop Praehist | Currently Indexed | |
Bulletin de la Société royale belge d'Anthropologie et de Préhistoire | Anthrop Praehist | Currently Indexed | |
Bulletin de la Société suisse des Américanistes | Bull Soc suisse American | Currently Indexed | |
Bulletin de l’Institut et Musée d’Ethnographie | Bulg Etnol | Currently Indexed | |
Bulletin du Musée d'Anthropologie Préhistorique de Monaco | Bull Mus Anthrop prehist Monaco | Currently Indexed | |
Bulletin of the Department of Archaeology and Anthropology National Taiwan University | J Archaeol Anthrop | Currently Indexed | |
Bulletin of the Ethnographic Museum in Beograd | Bull ethnogr Mus Beograd | Currently Indexed | |
Bulletin of the Hokkaido Museum of Northern Peoples | Bull Hokkaido Mus nth Peopl | Currently Indexed | |
Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association | J Indo Pacif archaeol | Currently Indexed | |
Bulletin of the Institute of Ethnology | Taiwan J Anthrop | Currently Indexed | |
Bulletin of the National Museum of Ethnology | Bull Natn Mus Ethnol Osaka | Currently Indexed | |
Bulletin of the National Museum of Nature and Science, Series D. Anthropology | Bull Natn Mus Nat Sci Series D Anthrop | Currently Indexed | |
Bulletin of the National Science Museum: Series D anthropology | Bull Natn Mus Nat Sci Series D Anthrop | Currently Indexed | |
Bulletin of the Research Center for Canadian Ethnic Studies | Canad ethnic Stud | Currently Indexed |