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Title Abbreviation Status Current title
Leba: estudos de quaternário, pré-história e arqueologia Leba Selectively indexed
Liaudies kultura Liaud Kult Selectively indexed
Libyan studies Libyan Stud Selectively indexed
Lietuvos istorijos metraštis Liet Ist Metrastis Selectively indexed
Literatura ludowa Lit ludow Selectively indexed
Little World bulletin Little Wld Bull Selectively indexed
Lituanistica Lituanistica Selectively indexed
L’Autre: cliniques, cultures et sociétés Autre Selectively indexed
M: Museos de México y del mundo M: Mus Mex mundo Selectively indexed
Madok füzetek Madok Selectively indexed
Magallania Magallania Selectively indexed
Man J R anthrop Inst Selectively indexed
Martor: revue d'anthropologie du Musée du Paysan Roumain Martor Selectively indexed
Materiale şi cercetǎri arheologice (Serie Nouǎ) Mater Cercet arheol NS Selectively indexed
Medical anthropology newsletter Med Anthrop Q Selectively indexed
Medical anthropology quarterly Med Anthrop Q Selectively indexed
Mélanges de l'Université Saint-Joseph Melang Univ St-Jos Selectively indexed
Mélanges de la Faculté orientale Melang Univ St-Jos Selectively indexed
Memoirs of the Queensland Museum. Cultural heritage series Mem Queensl Mus cult Heritage Ser Selectively indexed
Memoirs of the Research Department of the Toyo Bunko Mem Res Dep Toyo Bunko Selectively indexed
Memoriile Comisiei de Folclor Mem Com Folcl Selectively indexed
Mesoamérica Mesoamerica Selectively indexed
Mexican studies/Estudios Mexicanos Mex Stud Selectively indexed
Micronesica Micronesica Selectively indexed
Mitteilungen der Berliner Gesellschaft für Anthropologie, Ethnologie und Urgeschichte Mitt Berl Ges Anthrop Ethnol Urgesch Selectively indexed
Munibe Munibe Selectively indexed
Museum anthropology Mus Anthrop Selectively indexed
Narodna tvorchist' ta etnohrafiya Nar Tvorch Etnohr Selectively indexed
Národopisná revue Narod Rev Selectively indexed
Národopisné aktuality Narod Rev Selectively indexed
National Cultural History Museum Research Journal Natn Cult Hist Mus Res J Selectively indexed
Nations and nationalism. Journal of the Association for the Study of Ethnicity and Nationalism Nations Nationalism Selectively indexed
Native American and Indigenous Studies Native Amer indig Stud. Selectively indexed
Native American art Native Amer art Selectively indexed
Nature and culture Nature Cult Selectively indexed
New West Indian guide New W Indian Guide Selectively indexed
News from native California News native Calif Selectively indexed
Newsletter Program in Ethnographic Film Visual Anthrop Rev Selectively indexed
Newsletter Society for the Anthropology of Visual Communication Visual Anthrop Rev Selectively indexed
Nka Journal of contemporary African art Nka: J contemp Afr arts Selectively indexed
Pacific arts Pacif Arts Selectively indexed
Pacific studies Pacif Stud Selectively indexed
Palapala Palapala Selectively indexed
Palestine exploration quarterly Palest Explor Q Selectively indexed
Papers on anthropology Pap Anthrop Tartu Selectively indexed
Paragrana: internationale Zeitschrift für historische Anthropologie Paragrana. Intern Zeit hist Anthrop Selectively indexed
Philippine quarterly of culture and society Philipp Q Cult Soc Selectively indexed
Polar: political and legal anthropology review Polar polit legal Anthrop Rev Selectively indexed
Polska sztuka ludowa Konteksty Selectively indexed
Population studies Popul Stud Selectively indexed