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TitleDateReferenceAuthorsCall #ISSN
First temple of Vilnius - research problem 2017 Lietuvos istorijos metraštis 1 (): 5-21
  • Oksana Valionienė
H6/KVT [LIETUVOS-] 0202-3342
The army of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania in 1710-1711 2017 Lietuvos istorijos metraštis 1 (): 23-48
  • Mindaugas Šapoka
H6/KVT [LIETUVOS-] 0202-3342
Fully-entitled canons of the cathedral chapter of Vilnius diocese in the 19th century (recruitment, members and characteristics of spiritual career) 2017 Lietuvos istorijos metraštis 1 (): 49-75
  • Aldona Prašmantaitė
H6/KVT [LIETUVOS-] 0202-3342
Social aspects in the service and lifestyle of Roman Catholic clergymen of the Dioceses of Vilnius and Samogitia (Telšiai) 2017 Lietuvos istorijos metraštis 1 (): 77-118
  • Vilma Žaltauskaitė
H6/KVT [LIETUVOS-] 0202-3342
Lithuania at the beginning of the 20th century as designed by Kazys Grinius 2017 Lietuvos istorijos metraštis 1 (): 119-26
  • Darius Staliūnas
H6/KVT [LIETUVOS-] 0202-3342
Preconditions for giving prominence to the Great War in East Prussia and the Memel Territory: the loss compensation issue 2017 Lietuvos istorijos metraštis 1 (): 127-67
  • Vasilijus Safronovas
H6/KVT [LIETUVOS-] 0202-3342
Lithuania's domestic and foreign policy in the half-year of Kazys Grinius' presidency through the eyes of Swedish diplomats 2017 Lietuvos istorijos metraštis 1 (): 169-82
  • Saulius Pivoras
H6/KVT [LIETUVOS-] 0202-3342
Religious life of Roman Catholic artisans in Vilnius in the second half of the 16th century 2017 Lietuvos istorijos metraštis 2 (): 23-48
  • Darius Baronas
H6/KVT [LIETUVOS-] 0202-3342
Diplomatic contacts between the political elite of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and Moscow in the period of the third interregnum (1587) 2017 Lietuvos istorijos metraštis 2 (): 49-75
  • Marius Sirutavičius
H6/KVT [LIETUVOS-] 0202-3342
The treasury of the city of Vilnius in 1647-1794 based on the data of the revenue-expenditure books 2017 Lietuvos istorijos metraštis 2 (): 77-104
  • Mindaugas Klovas
H6/KVT [LIETUVOS-] 0202-3342
Kazys Grinius' understanding of democracy 2017 Lietuvos istorijos metraštis 2 (): 105-29
  • Justinas Dementavičius
H6/KVT [LIETUVOS-] 0202-3342
From restrictions to liberalization: characteristics of the Soviet migration policy in Vilnius region (1944-1989) 2017 Lietuvos istorijos metraštis 2 (): 131-48
  • Vitalija Stravinskienė
H6/KVT [LIETUVOS-] 0202-3342
In memoriam: Feliksas Sliesoriūnas (17.7.1931-26.6.2017) 2017 Lietuvos istorijos metraštis 2 (): 227-30
  • Ramunė Šmigelskytė-Stukienė
H6/KVT [LIETUVOS-] 0202-3342
In memoriam: Michał Giedroyć (25.10.1925-29.12.2017) 2017 Lietuvos istorijos metraštis 2 (): 231-4
  • Gintautas Sliesoriūnas
H6/KVT [LIETUVOS-] 0202-3342
Heraldry of Samogitian noble family of Bilevičius in the sixteenth - seventeenth centuries 2016 Lietuvos istorijos metraštis 1 (): 5-20
  • Gabrielė Jasiūnienė
H6/KVT [LIETUVOS-] 0202-3342
Granting citizenship of the Republic of Lithuania in Vilnius region (1939-1940) 2016 Lietuvos istorijos metraštis 1 (): 71-89
  • Vitalija Stravinskienė
H6/KVT [LIETUVOS-] 0202-3342
In memoriam: Alfred Erich Senn (12.4.1932-8.3.2016) 2016 Lietuvos istorijos metraštis 1 (): 163-8
  • Alfonsas Eidintas
H6/KVT [LIETUVOS-] 0202-3342
Why were Lithuanian peasants of the 16th century not fluent in the Ruthenian langauge? 2016 Lietuvos istorijos metraštis 2 (): 27-50
  • Artūras Dubonis
H6/KVT [LIETUVOS-] 0202-3342
Lithuanian textbooks on letter writing 2016 Lietuvos istorijos metraštis 2 (): 169-79
  • Regina Laukaitytė
H6/KVT [LIETUVOS-] 0202-3342
Vilnius mourning ceremonies on the death of Maria Josepha and Augustus III 2014 Lietuvos istorijos metraštis 1 (): 37-46
  • Bernadetta Manyś
H6/KVT [LIETUVOS-] 0202-3342
'Bureaucracy' of Vilnius artisan guilds in the 19th century: structure, functions and traditions 2014 Lietuvos istorijos metraštis 1 (): 47-66
  • Virgilijus Pugačiauskas
H6/KVT [LIETUVOS-] 0202-3342
Germs of mass culture in photograph collections of the Kretinga and Palanga branches of the Tiškevičius family 2014 Lietuvos istorijos metraštis 1 (): 67-93
  • Juozapas Paškauskas
H6/KVT [LIETUVOS-] 0202-3342
Promotion of emigrants' tourism to Lithuania in 1927-1939 2014 Lietuvos istorijos metraštis 1 (): 117-37
  • Juozas Skirius
H6/KVT [LIETUVOS-] 0202-3342
In memoriam: Stasys Vansevičius (6.1.1927-20.4.2014) 2014 Lietuvos istorijos metraštis 1 (): 181-5
  • Jevgenij Machovenko
H6/KVT [LIETUVOS-] 0202-3342
In memoriam: Sigitas Jegelevičius (10.1.1938-22.2.2014) 2014 Lietuvos istorijos metraštis 1 (): 187-91
  • Algis Kasperavičius
H6/KVT [LIETUVOS-] 0202-3342
The structure of the sacral space in Lithuanian cities in the middle ages and in the early modern period 2014 Lietuvos istorijos metraštis 2 (): 5-34
  • Oksana Valionienė
H6/KVT [LIETUVOS-] 0202-3342
Reflections of the genealogical identity of the Polish families living in Samogitia in anthroponymy: motif of origin (second half of the 16th - 18th century) 2014 Lietuvos istorijos metraštis 2 (): 61-95
  • Jonas Drungilas
H6/KVT [LIETUVOS-] 0202-3342
Changes in the relationship between Vilnius religious communities in the 1840s-1850s 2014 Lietuvos istorijos metraštis 2 (): 155-74
  • Vytautas Petronis
H6/KVT [LIETUVOS-] 0202-3342
In memoriam: Linas Saldukas (1.5.1970-1.9.2014) 2014 Lietuvos istorijos metraštis 2 (): 231-3
  • Egidijus Aleksandravičius
H6/KVT [LIETUVOS-] 0202-3342
In memoriam: Irena Petrauskienė (2.2.1927-26.12.2014) 2014 Lietuvos istorijos metraštis 2 (): 235-8
  • Ingė Lukšaitė
H6/KVT [LIETUVOS-] 0202-3342
In memoriam: Algirdas Šidlauskas (31.1.1924-2.10.2014) 2014 Lietuvos istorijos metraštis 2 (): 239-43
  • Algirdas Narbutas
H6/KVT [LIETUVOS-] 0202-3342
Lithuanian nationalism and the question of the prospective capital (end of the 19th - beginning of the 20th century) 2013 Lietuvos istorijos metraštis 1 (): 85-99
  • Darius Staliūnas
H6/KVT [LIETUVOS-] 0202-3342
Under the cover of sports: radical right-wing movement and sports organization 'Geležnis vilkas' in Lithuania (1928-1930) 2013 Lietuvos istorijos metraštis 1 (): 101-20
  • Vytautas Petronis
H6/KVT [LIETUVOS-] 0202-3342
Information versus illustration: the norms and practice of image application in the present-day Lithuanian historical culture 2013 Lietuvos istorijos metraštis 1 (): 121-42
  • Rūta Šermukšnytė
H6/KVT [LIETUVOS-] 0202-3342
In memoriam: Algirdas Varnas (27.11.1949-26.2.2013) 2013 Lietuvos istorijos metraštis 1 (): 191-4
  • Ilona Vaškevičiūtė
H6/KVT [LIETUVOS-] 0202-3342
The betrayals of the sovereign as the source of the concept of a crime in Lithuania 2013 Lietuvos istorijos metraštis 2 (): 49-63
  • Andrej Ryčkov
H6/KVT [LIETUVOS-] 0202-3342
Formal aspects of diplomatic contacts in the first interregnums (1572-1576) 2013 Lietuvos istorijos metraštis 2 (): 65-85
  • Marius Sirutavičius
H6/KVT [LIETUVOS-] 0202-3342
In memoriam: Vyatautas Berenis (12.9.1963-27.12.2013) 2013 Lietuvos istorijos metraštis 2 (): 237-42
  • Arvydas Pacevičius
H6/KVT [LIETUVOS-] 0202-3342
Feliks Mykhaĭlovych SHabul'do (21.4.1941-4.5.2012) 2012 Lietuvos istorijos metraštis 1 (): 209-10
  • Borysas Čerkasas
H6/KVT [LIETUVOS-] 0202-3342
Illegitimate children in the society of the Grand Ducy of Lithuania in the 16th-18th century: legal status and opportunities 2012 Lietuvos istorijos metraštis 2 (): 41-57
  • Martynas Jakulis
H6/KVT [LIETUVOS-] 0202-3342
Vytautas Merkys (5.5.1929-25.7.2012) 2012 Lietuvos istorijos metraštis 1 (): 203-7
  • Rimantas Miknys
H6/KVT [LIETUVOS-] 0202-3342
The Jews and the consumption of blood: manifestations of a superstition in Lithuania in the 19th century 2012 Lietuvos istorijos metraštis 1 (): 51-80
  • Darius Staliūnas
H6/KVT [LIETUVOS-] 0202-3342
Relationships between Polish and Russian population of east and southeast Lithuania in 1944-1964 2012 Lietuvos istorijos metraštis 2 (): 125-38
  • Vitalija Stravinskienė
H6/KVT [LIETUVOS-] 0202-3342
The Roman Catholic clergy: definition of the estate and construction of identity. The dioceses of Samogitia (Telšiai) and Vilnius in the last decades of the 19th - early 20th century (continuation) 2012 Lietuvos istorijos metraštis 1 (): 81-102
  • Vilma Žaltauskaitė
H6/KVT [LIETUVOS-] 0202-3342
Economy development conceptions in the 16th-17th century (before 1861) in search of the typologization of Lithuanian socio-economic history 2012 Lietuvos istorijos metraštis 2 (): 59-81
  • Darius Žiemelis
H6/KVT [LIETUVOS-] 0202-3342
Identity and identification in historical research of the 19th century: theoretical approach 2011 Lietuvos istorijos metraštis 2 (): 51-68
  • Tamara Bairašauskaitė
H6/KVT [LIETUVOS-] 0202-3342
Cultural elite (intellectuals) and the system in Lithuania in the period of late socialism: from 'nomenklatura' to 'otherness' 2011 Lietuvos istorijos metraštis 2 (): 111-30
  • Vilius Ivanauskas
H6/KVT [LIETUVOS-] 0202-3342
Defining the late socialism in the context of cultural activities 2011 Lietuvos istorijos metraštis 1 (): 97-112
  • Vilius Ivanauskas
H6/KVT [LIETUVOS-] 0202-3342
Domas Butėnas (9.4.1926-6.3.2011) 2011 Lietuvos istorijos metraštis 1 (): 153-7
  • Sigitas Jegelevičius
H6/KVT [LIETUVOS-] 0202-3342
Problems of the identification of the nobility: the example of Józefs and Szymons Zabiełłos 2011 Lietuvos istorijos metraštis 1 (): 19-32
  • Monika Jusupowić
H6/KVT [LIETUVOS-] 0202-3342