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Title Abbreviation Status Current title
Practicing anthropology Pract Anthrop Selectively indexed
Prague studies in sociocultural anthropology Prague Stud Sociocult Anthrop Selectively indexed
Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society Proc Amer philos Soc Selectively indexed
Public culture Publ Cult Selectively indexed
Qualitative research Qual Res Selectively indexed
Rad vojvodanskih Muzeja Rad vojvod Muz Selectively indexed
Rapa Nui journal Rapa Nui J Selectively indexed
Rapa Nui notes Rapa Nui J Selectively indexed
Rasy i narody Rasy Nar Selectively indexed
Recherches amérindiennes au Québec Rech amerindien Quebec Selectively indexed
Res Res Selectively indexed
Research by the National Cultural History Museum Natn Cult Hist Mus Res J Selectively indexed
Revija za geografijo Rev za geogr Selectively indexed
Revista argentina de antropologia biologica Rev argent Antrop Biol Selectively indexed
Revista de etnografie si folclor Rev Etnogr Folcl (NS) Selectively indexed
Revista de etnografie şi folclor (NS) Rev Etnogr Folcl Selectively indexed
Revista de folclor Rev Etnogr Folcl (NS) Selectively indexed
Revista de Indias Rev Indias Selectively indexed
Revista do Museu de Arqueologia e Etnologia Rev Mus Arqueol Etnol Sao Paulo Selectively indexed
Revue Djiboul Rev Djiboul Selectively indexed
Rivista di etnografia Stud etno-antrop sociol Selectively indexed
Sahara: prehistory and history of the Sahara Sahara Selectively indexed
SAIL: studies in American Indian literatures SAIL Stud Amer Indian Lit Selectively indexed
Samskriti Samskriti Selectively indexed
Sarawak Museum journal Sarawak Mus J Selectively indexed
Scottish studies Scott Stud Selectively indexed
Sibirica: journal of Siberian studies Sibirica Selectively indexed
Social networks Social Netwks Selectively indexed
Social science information Social Sci Inf Selectively indexed
Sociological review Sociol Rev Selectively indexed
South African Archaeological Society newsletter Digging Stick Selectively indexed
South African journal of ethnology Anthrop Sth Africa Selectively indexed
Southeast Asian studies SE Asian Stud Selectively indexed
Southern African field archaeology Sth Afr field Archaeol Selectively indexed
Southern African humanities Sth Afr Human Selectively indexed
Southern Anthropologist. Journal of the Southern Anthropological Society Sth Anthrop Selectively indexed
Space and culture Space Cult Selectively indexed
Studi etno-antropologici e sociologici Stud etno-antrop sociol Selectively indexed
Studia africana Stud afric Selectively indexed
Studia albanica Stud alban Selectively indexed
Studia comitatensia Stud comitat Selectively indexed
Studies in Nepali history and society Stud Nepali Hist Soc Selectively indexed
Sudan notes and records Sudan Notes Selectively indexed
Suomen Museo/Finskt Museum Suom Mus/Finskt Mus Selectively indexed
SVA newsletter Visual Anthrop Rev Selectively indexed
SVA review Visual Anthrop Rev Selectively indexed
Taloha Taloha Selectively indexed
Taltalia: Revista del Museo Augusto Capdeville Rojas Taltalia Selectively indexed
Tautosakos Darbai (NS) Tautosakos darb (NS) Selectively indexed
Teaching Anthropology Teach anthrop Selectively indexed