Title | Abbreviation | Status | Current title |
Practicing anthropology | Pract Anthrop | Selectively indexed | |
Prague studies in sociocultural anthropology | Prague Stud Sociocult Anthrop | Selectively indexed | |
Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society | Proc Amer philos Soc | Selectively indexed | |
Public culture | Publ Cult | Selectively indexed | |
Qualitative research | Qual Res | Selectively indexed | |
Rad vojvodanskih Muzeja | Rad vojvod Muz | Selectively indexed | |
Rapa Nui journal | Rapa Nui J | Selectively indexed | |
Rapa Nui notes | Rapa Nui J | Selectively indexed | |
Rasy i narody | Rasy Nar | Selectively indexed | |
Recherches amérindiennes au Québec | Rech amerindien Quebec | Selectively indexed | |
Res | Res | Selectively indexed | |
Research by the National Cultural History Museum | Natn Cult Hist Mus Res J | Selectively indexed | |
Revija za geografijo | Rev za geogr | Selectively indexed | |
Revista argentina de antropologia biologica | Rev argent Antrop Biol | Selectively indexed | |
Revista de etnografie si folclor | Rev Etnogr Folcl (NS) | Selectively indexed | |
Revista de etnografie şi folclor (NS) | Rev Etnogr Folcl | Selectively indexed | |
Revista de folclor | Rev Etnogr Folcl (NS) | Selectively indexed | |
Revista de Indias | Rev Indias | Selectively indexed | |
Revista do Museu de Arqueologia e Etnologia | Rev Mus Arqueol Etnol Sao Paulo | Selectively indexed | |
Revue Djiboul | Rev Djiboul | Selectively indexed | |
Rivista di etnografia | Stud etno-antrop sociol | Selectively indexed | |
Sahara: prehistory and history of the Sahara | Sahara | Selectively indexed | |
SAIL: studies in American Indian literatures | SAIL Stud Amer Indian Lit | Selectively indexed | |
Samskriti | Samskriti | Selectively indexed | |
Sarawak Museum journal | Sarawak Mus J | Selectively indexed | |
Scottish studies | Scott Stud | Selectively indexed | |
Sibirica: journal of Siberian studies | Sibirica | Selectively indexed | |
Social networks | Social Netwks | Selectively indexed | |
Social science information | Social Sci Inf | Selectively indexed | |
Sociological review | Sociol Rev | Selectively indexed | |
South African Archaeological Society newsletter | Digging Stick | Selectively indexed | |
South African journal of ethnology | Anthrop Sth Africa | Selectively indexed | |
Southeast Asian studies | SE Asian Stud | Selectively indexed | |
Southern African field archaeology | Sth Afr field Archaeol | Selectively indexed | |
Southern African humanities | Sth Afr Human | Selectively indexed | |
Southern Anthropologist. Journal of the Southern Anthropological Society | Sth Anthrop | Selectively indexed | |
Space and culture | Space Cult | Selectively indexed | |
Studi etno-antropologici e sociologici | Stud etno-antrop sociol | Selectively indexed | |
Studia africana | Stud afric | Selectively indexed | |
Studia albanica | Stud alban | Selectively indexed | |
Studia comitatensia | Stud comitat | Selectively indexed | |
Studies in Nepali history and society | Stud Nepali Hist Soc | Selectively indexed | |
Sudan notes and records | Sudan Notes | Selectively indexed | |
Suomen Museo/Finskt Museum | Suom Mus/Finskt Mus | Selectively indexed | |
SVA newsletter | Visual Anthrop Rev | Selectively indexed | |
SVA review | Visual Anthrop Rev | Selectively indexed | |
Taloha | Taloha | Selectively indexed | |
Taltalia: Revista del Museo Augusto Capdeville Rojas | Taltalia | Selectively indexed | |
Tautosakos Darbai (NS) | Tautosakos darb (NS) | Selectively indexed | |
Teaching Anthropology | Teach anthrop | Selectively indexed |