Title | Abbreviation | Status | Current title |
Culture and cosmos | Cult Cosm | Selectively indexed | |
Demography | Demography | Selectively indexed | |
Dialectical anthropology | Dialect Anthrop | Selectively indexed | |
Enquête | Enquete | Selectively indexed | |
Enquête: anthropologie, histoire, sociologie | Enquete | Selectively indexed | |
Epigraphic Society occasional papers | Enquête: anthropologie, histoire, sociologie | Selectively indexed | |
Estudios de historia novohispana | Estud Hist novohisp | Selectively indexed | |
Ethnies | Ethnies | Selectively indexed | |
Ethnographica | Folia ethnogr | Selectively indexed | |
Ethnologia bulgarica: yearbook of Bulgarian ethnology and folklore | Ethnol bulg | Selectively indexed | |
Etnografia nowa | Etnogr now | Selectively indexed | |
Etnologia, antropologia culturale | Stud etno-antrop sociol | Selectively indexed | |
Etudes tsiganes | Etud tsig | Selectively indexed | |
Eurasia antiqua: Zeitschrift für Archäologie Eurasiens | Eurasia antiq | Selectively indexed | |
European journal of cultural studies | Eur J cult Stud | Selectively indexed | |
European review of Native American studies | Eur Rev native Amer Stud | Selectively indexed | |
Fashion Theory | Fashion Theory | Selectively indexed | |
Folia ethnographica | Folia ethnogr | Selectively indexed | |
Folklór archívum | Folkl Arch | Selectively indexed | |
Food Culture and Society: an International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research | Food Cult Soc | Selectively indexed | |
Fronteras | Fronteras Historia | Selectively indexed | |
Fronteras de la Historia | Fronteras Historia | Selectively indexed | |
Gaceta de Museos INAH | Gac Mus INAH. | Selectively indexed | |
Genava | Genava | Selectively indexed | |
Genus | Genus | Selectively indexed | |
Glasnik slovenskega etnološkega Društva | Glasn slov etnol Drus | Selectively indexed | |
Hali: the international magazine of antique carpet and textile art | Hali | Selectively indexed | |
Hawwa: Journal of women of the Middle East and the Islamic World | Hawwa | Selectively indexed | |
Himalaya: the journal of the Association for Nepal and Himalayan Studies | Himalaya J Ass Nepal Himal Stud | Selectively indexed | |
Himalayan research bulletin | Himalaya J Ass Nepal Himal Stud | Selectively indexed | |
Historia mexicana | Hist mex | Selectively indexed | |
Históricas | Historicas | Selectively indexed | |
History | Hist Afr | Selectively indexed | |
Hungarian heritage | Hung Her | Selectively indexed | |
Iberoamericana | Iberoamer | Selectively indexed | |
Incantatio: an international journal of charms, charmers and charming | Incantatio | Selectively indexed | |
India cultures | Samskriti | Selectively indexed | |
Indonesia and the Malay world | Indones Malay Wld | Selectively indexed | |
Indonesia circle | Indones Malay Wld | Selectively indexed | |
International journal of African historical studies | Int J Afr hist Stud | Selectively indexed | |
International journal of comparative sociology | Int J comp Sociol | Selectively indexed | |
International journal of cultural studies | Int J cult Stud | Selectively indexed | |
International journal of intangible heritage | Int J intan her | Selectively indexed | |
International journal of modern anthropology | Int J modern anthrop | Selectively indexed | |
International migration review | Int Migr Rev | Selectively indexed | |
International review of mission | Int Rev Mission | Selectively indexed | |
International review of missions | Int Rev Mission | Selectively indexed | |
International social science bulletin | Int social Sci J | Selectively indexed | |
International social science journal | Int social Sci J | Selectively indexed | |
Inuit art quarterly | Inuit Art Q | Selectively indexed |