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TitleDateReferenceAuthorsCall #ISSN
A rare Native American sash and its paper label "Belt of the Indian King Phillip. From Col. Keyes." A collaborative study 2007 European review of Native American studies 21 (2): 1-8
  • Christina J. Hodge
  • Diana Loren
  • Elizabeth Perry
  • Susan Haskell
  • T. Rose Holdcraft
*H6/KUB [EUROPEAN-] 0238-1486
Eighteenth-century birchbark containers of northeastern North America 2007 European review of Native American studies 21 (2): 9-18
  • Cath Oberholtzer
*H6/KUB [EUROPEAN-] 0238-1486
In the light of the New Sweden colony: notes on Swedish pre-1800 ethnographic collections from northeastern North America 2007 European review of Native American studies 21 (2): 19-34
  • Staffan Brunius
*H6/KUB [EUROPEAN-] 0238-1486
Portraying Native America: the life and work of Henry C. Balink, 1882-1963 2007 European review of Native American studies 21 (2): 35-42
  • Pieter Hovens
*H6/KUB [EUROPEAN-] 0238-1486
Of French origin? Eight "French pipe axes" 2007 European review of Native American studies 21 (2): 43-7
  • Nikolaus Stolle
*H6/KUB [EUROPEAN-] 0238-1486
On artifacts and the management of traditional knowledge: a museum collection of Hopi pottery and its extension 2007 European review of Native American studies 21 (2): 49-57
  • Tom G. Svensson
*H6/KUB [EUROPEAN-] 0238-1486
Collecting Blackfoot: Dutchmen and Indians on the northwestern plains 2007 European review of Native American studies 21 (1): 1-8
  • Caroline Van Santen
  • Pieter Hovens
*H6/KUB [EUROPEAN-] 0238-1486
First-hand knowledge and second-hand knowledge: contemporay Blackfoot reflections on using historical sources today 2007 European review of Native American studies 21 (1): 9-18
  • Lea M. Zuyderhoudt
*H6/KUB [EUROPEAN-] 0238-1486
J.P.B. De Josselin de Jong, the return of Wenebozho, and an Ojibwe myth in Latin 2007 European review of Native American studies 21 (1): 19-24
  • Hijo J. Westra
  • Howard D. Paap
  • Mary Eggermont-Molenaar
*H6/KUB [EUROPEAN-] 0238-1486
Saving a dead language: Quinault 2007 European review of Native American studies 21 (1): 25-9
  • Grażyna J. Rowicka
*H6/KUB [EUROPEAN-] 0238-1486
The FNA and IAA: Native political action in the 1960s 2007 European review of Native American studies 21 (1): 31-8
  • Laurie Meijer Drees
*H6/KUB [EUROPEAN-] 0238-1486
Moving Indians: deconstructing the Other in moving images (1895-1915) 2007 European review of Native American studies 21 (1): 39-47
  • Nanna Verhoeff
*H6/KUB [EUROPEAN-] 0238-1486
The influence thesis revisited 2007 European review of Native American studies 21 (1): 49-53
  • Bruce E. Johansen
*H6/KUB [EUROPEAN-] 0238-1486
From the land of sky-blue water: Charles A. Eastman, Minnesota, and the 1862 U.S.-Dakota conflict 2006 European review of Native American studies 20 (1): 23-8
  • David Martinez
*H6/KUB [EUROPEAN-] 0238-1486
'Songs belong to these lands': mapping the cultural terrain in Louise Erdrich's nonfiction 2006 European review of Native American studies 20 (1): 29-34
  • David Stirrup
*H6/KUB [EUROPEAN-] 0238-1486
'Homing in the city': Sherman Alexie's perspectives on urban Indian Country 2006 European review of Native American studies 20 (1): 35-8
  • Ewelina Banka
*H6/KUB [EUROPEAN-] 0238-1486
New frontiers in American interracial history: Edna Ferber and the Indian mixed-blood 2006 European review of Native American studies 20 (1): 39-45
  • J.E. Smyth
*H6/KUB [EUROPEAN-] 0238-1486
Birdwatching in Wales and Indian territory: Consecrations of place in Osage and Pawnee ceremonies and in poems by Hopkins, Thomas, and others 2006 European review of Native American studies 20 (1): 47-51
  • Carter C. Revard
*H6/KUB [EUROPEAN-] 0238-1486
Jim Logan, the sacred setting, and the classical canon: subversion and inversion in representations of sacrality and gender by a contemporary artist 2006 European review of Native American studies 20 (1): 53-9
  • Yvonne Owens
*H6/KUB [EUROPEAN-] 0238-1486
The clouds overhead 2006 European review of Native American studies 20 (1): 5-9
  • David Treuer
*H6/KUB [EUROPEAN-] 0238-1486
Joy Harjo, Diane Glany, and Linda Hogan: the poetics and politics of place in writers of the diaspora 2006 European review of Native American studies 20 (1): 11-16
  • Annette Van Dyke
*H6/KUB [EUROPEAN-] 0238-1486
Seeing with a 'new and different eye': interactions of culture and nature in contemporary Navajo writing 2006 European review of Native American studies 20 (1): 17-22
  • Rebecca Tillett
*H6/KUB [EUROPEAN-] 0238-1486
Singing and dancing matters: performing 'indigenousness' through powwow 2006 European review of Native American studies 20 (2): 1-8
  • Joyce Hsiu-Yen Yeh
*H6/KUB [EUROPEAN-] 0238-1486
See America's Indians first! Blackfoot, German painters, and the promotion of Glacier National Park 2006 European review of Native American studies 20 (2): 9-17
  • Alexandra Ganser
*H6/KUB [EUROPEAN-] 0238-1486
Race, gender, ethos: Bodmer's Great Indian Portraits 2006 European review of Native American studies 20 (2): 19-24
  • Hartwig Isernhagen
*H6/KUB [EUROPEAN-] 0238-1486
Indigenous peoples on two continents: self-determination processes in Saami and First Nation societies 2006 European review of Native American studies 20 (2): 25-30
  • Rauna Kuokkanen
*H6/KUB [EUROPEAN-] 0238-1486
Gender roles in Native American and Saami fiction 2006 European review of Native American studies 20 (2): 31-40
  • Åsebrit Sundquist
*H6/KUB [EUROPEAN-] 0238-1486
Gendered myths: on female imagery in Tarahumara society 2006 European review of Native American studies 20 (2): 41-50
  • Evelyne Puchegger-Ebner
*H6/KUB [EUROPEAN-] 0238-1486
Åke Hultkrantz (1920-2006) 2006 European review of Native American studies 20 (2): 51-6
  • Christer Lindberg
*H6/KUB [EUROPEAN-] 0238-1486
Marketing Native North America: the promotion and sale of art and design 2005 European review of Native American studies 19 (1): 1-4
  • Jonathan C. K. King
*H6/KUB [EUROPEAN-] 0238-1486
Metal goddesses, telephone translation, and cyberspace commerce: challenges facing the Contemporary Inuit Gallery today 2005 European review of Native American studies 19 (1): 5-12
  • Michelle Lewin
*H6/KUB [EUROPEAN-] 0238-1486
Native and part of the modern world: modern Greenlandic art 2005 European review of Native American studies 19 (1): 13-18
  • Jørgen Trondhjem
*H6/KUB [EUROPEAN-] 0238-1486
A brief history of contemporary Inuit art in Britain 2005 European review of Native American studies 19 (1): 19-25
  • Ken Mantel
*H6/KUB [EUROPEAN-] 0238-1486
Princess Tom and the Alaska tourist trade, 1884-1900 2005 European review of Native American studies 19 (1): 27-30
  • Silvia Koros
*H6/KUB [EUROPEAN-] 0238-1486
Kwakwa̲ka̲'wakw spirit: our art, our culture 2005 European review of Native American studies 19 (1): 31-4
  • Andrea Sanbron
*H6/KUB [EUROPEAN-] 0238-1486
Guilty pleasures: selling Indian arts and crafts in the American Southwest 2005 European review of Native American studies 19 (1): 35-44
  • Henrietta Lidchi
*H6/KUB [EUROPEAN-] 0238-1486
Marketing Hopi jewelry in Japan: an analysis of the promotional characteristic of Hopi arts and crafts in /to Japan 2005 European review of Native American studies 19 (1): 45-8
  • Atsunori Ito
*H6/KUB [EUROPEAN-] 0238-1486
Contemporary Native American art in the twenty-first century: overcoming a legacy 2005 European review of Native American studies 19 (1): 49-54
  • Kathleen E. Ash-Milby
*H6/KUB [EUROPEAN-] 0238-1486
'I am a red-skin': the adoption of a Native American expression (1769-1826) 2005 European review of Native American studies 19 (2): 1-20
  • Ives Goddard
*H6/KUB [EUROPEAN-] 0238-1486
'Growing up it seemed I lived in two worlds': American Indian responses to government boarding schools, 1890-1940 2005 European review of Native American studies 19 (2): 21-32
  • Kristin Funke
*H6/KUB [EUROPEAN-] 0238-1486
Native Americans in higher education: the complex mission of a Native American Studies program in an Ivy League school 2005 European review of Native American studies 19 (2): 33-40
  • Jeanne Chanet-García
*H6/KUB [EUROPEAN-] 0238-1486
Healing fragile selves: emotional expression and psychotherapy among the Quebec Cree 2005 European review of Native American studies 19 (2): 41-50
  • Guy Lanoue
  • Nadia Ferrara
*H6/KUB [EUROPEAN-] 0238-1486
Ethnic identity problems in Native American and Saami fiction: differences in frequency and severity 2005 European review of Native American studies 19 (2): 51-8
  • Åsebrit Sundquist
*H6/KUB [EUROPEAN-] 0238-1486
The project for French colonial mixed blood domination of North America 2004 European review of Native American studies 18 (1): 2-4
  • Paul Beekman Taylor
*H6/KUB [EUROPEAN-] 0238-1486
Franz Boas, Primitive art, and the anthropology of art 2004 European review of Native American studies 18 (1): 5-8
  • Christian F. Feest
*H6/KUB [EUROPEAN-] 0238-1486
Animal arrays and geometric pictorials: commercial aspects of Plains painting 2004 European review of Native American studies 18 (1): 9-19
  • Arni Brownstone
*H6/KUB [EUROPEAN-] 0238-1486
From bison robes to ledgers: changing contexts in Plains drawings 2004 European review of Native American studies 18 (1): 21-9
  • Candace S. Greene
*H6/KUB [EUROPEAN-] 0238-1486
Blinded by the sun: shamanism and warfare in the Little Shield Ledger 2004 European review of Native American studies 18 (1): 31-40
  • Winfield Coleman
*H6/KUB [EUROPEAN-] 0238-1486
Drawing life's changes: late nineteenth-century Plains drawings from Hampton Institute and Carlise Indian School 2004 European review of Native American studies 18 (1): 41-51
  • Joyce Szabo
*H6/KUB [EUROPEAN-] 0238-1486
The 'Tall Bear' ings in the William Blackmore collection at the British Museum 2004 European review of Native American studies 18 (2): 1-12
  • Colin F. Taylor
*H6/KUB [EUROPEAN-] 0238-1486