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TitleDateReferenceAuthorsCall #ISSN
Precarious times, professional tensions: the ethics of migration research and the drive for scientific accountability 2022 International migration review 56 (1): 4-32
  • Cecilia Menjivar
  • Irene Bloemraad
H6/KD [INTERNATIONAL-] 0197-9183
Toward an early warning system for monitoring asylum-related migration flows in Europe 2022 International migration review 56 (1): 33-62
  • Jakub Bijak
  • Jason Hilton
  • Joanna Napierała
  • Jonathan J. Forster
  • Marcello Carammia
H6/KD [INTERNATIONAL-] 0197-9183
A liberal region in a world of closed borders? The liberalization of asylum policies in Latin America 1990-2020 2022 International migration review 56 (1): 63-96
  • Omar Hammoud-Gallego
H6/KD [INTERNATIONAL-] 0197-9183
Navigating to the top in an egalitarian welfare state: institutional opportunity structures of second-generation social mobility 2022 International migration review 56 (1): 97-122
  • Arnfinn H. Midtbøen
  • Marjan Nadim
H6/KD [INTERNATIONAL-] 0197-9183
The impact of place of origin on international and domestic graduates' mobility in China 2022 International migration review 56 (1): 123-54
  • Keyu Zhai
  • Marta Moskal
H6/KD [INTERNATIONAL-] 0197-9183
Understanding adverse outcomes in Gulf migration: evidence from administrative data from Sri Lanka 2022 International migration review 56 (1): 155-75
  • Alison Lodermeier
  • Asanga Nilesh Fernando
H6/KD [INTERNATIONAL-] 0197-9183
Immigrant men's economic adaptation in changing labor markets: why gaps between Turkish and German men expanded, 1976-2015 2022 International migration review 56 (1): 176-205
  • Johannes Giesecke
  • Jonas Wiedner
H6/KD [INTERNATIONAL-] 0197-9183
Remittance and protests against crime in Mexico 2022 International migration review 56 (1): 206-36
  • Covadonga Meseguer
  • J. Eduardo Ibarra Olivo
  • Sandra Ley
H6/KD [INTERNATIONAL-] 0197-9183
The legacy of conflict: reconstruction and migration in the aftermath of Civil War in Tajikistan 2022 International migration review 56 (1): 237-69
  • Michelle L. O'Brien
H6/KD [INTERNATIONAL-] 0197-9183
Mass preferences for the free movement of people in Africa: a public opinion analysis of 36 countries 2022 International migration review 56 (1): 270-95
  • Steven Gordon
H6/KD [INTERNATIONAL-] 0197-9183
The map and the territory: the use of country information in asylum assessments 2022 International migration review 56 (1): 296-322
  • Tone Maia Liodden
H6/KD [INTERNATIONAL-] 0197-9183
Which integration policies work? The heterogeneous impact of national institutions on immigrants' labor market attainment in Europe 2022 International migration review 56 (2): 344-75
  • Javier Polavieja
  • Jonas Radl
  • Lucinda Platt
H6/KD [INTERNATIONAL-] 0197-9183
Does personality matter? Noncognitive skills and the male migrant wage gap in Germany 2022 International migration review 56 (2): 376-409
  • Hanna Brenzel
  • Marie-Christine Laible
H6/KD [INTERNATIONAL-] 0197-9183
Wages of skilled migrant and native employees in Germany: new light on an old issue 2022 International migration review 56 (2): 410-32
  • Oskar Jost
  • Stephan Brunow
H6/KD [INTERNATIONAL-] 0197-9183
Trajectories of spatial assimilation or place stratification? A typology of residence and workplace histories of newly arrived migrants in Sweden 2022 International migration review 56 (2): 433-62
  • Guilherme Kenji Chihaya
  • Magnus Strömgren
  • Szymon Marcińczak
  • Tiit Tammaru
  • Urban Lindgren
H6/KD [INTERNATIONAL-] 0197-9183
The life course origins of the immigrant advantage? Parental nativity, parental education, and academic achievement gaps from kindergarten to high school in the United States 2022 International migration review 56 (2): 463-98
  • Tate Kihara
H6/KD [INTERNATIONAL-] 0197-9183
National cultural frames and Muslims' economic incorporation: a comparison of France and Canada 2022 International migration review 56 (2): 499-532
  • Emily Laxer
  • Jeffrey G. Reitz
  • Patrick Simon
H6/KD [INTERNATIONAL-] 0197-9183
What shapes attitudes toward homosexuality among European Muslims? The role of religiosity and destination hostility 2022 International migration review 56 (2): 533-61
  • Antje Röder
  • Niels Spierings
H6/KD [INTERNATIONAL-] 0197-9183
Foreign accents in the early hiring process: a field experiment on accent-related ethnic discrimination in Germany 2022 International migration review 56 (2): 562-93
  • Cornelia Kristen
  • Miriam Schmaus
H6/KD [INTERNATIONAL-] 0197-9183
Mobile phone network and migration: evidence from Myanmar 2022 International migration review 56 (2): 594-614
  • Ayesha Zainudeen
  • Jorge G. Hombrados
  • Riccardo Ciacci
H6/KD [INTERNATIONAL-] 0197-9183
Food insecurity and international migration flows 2022 International migration review 56 (2): 615-35
  • Dennis Wesselbaum
  • Michael D. Smith
H6/KD [INTERNATIONAL-] 0197-9183
Immigration, sanctuary policies, and public safety 2022 International migration review 56 (3): 668-701
  • Catalina Amuedo-Dorantes
  • Mary Lopez
  • Thitima Puttitanun
H6/KD [INTERNATIONAL-] 0197-9183
From 'sea turtles' to 'grassroots ambassadors': the Chinese politics of outbound student migration 2022 International migration review 56 (3): 702-26
  • Jiaqi M. Liu
H6/KD [INTERNATIONAL-] 0197-9183
Possible citizens: migration enforcement as the performance of citizenship in the United Arab Emirates 2022 International migration review 56 (3): 727-53
  • Noora Lori
H6/KD [INTERNATIONAL-] 0197-9183
Collectivized discretion: seeking explanations for decreased asylum recognition rates in Finland after Europe's 2015 'refugee crisis' 2022 International migration review 56 (3): 754-79
  • Anne Alvesalo-Kuusi
  • Elina Pirjatanniemi
  • Elsa Saarikkomäki
  • Johanna Vanto
  • Juha Lavapuro
  • Nea Lepinkäinen
H6/KD [INTERNATIONAL-] 0197-9183
Refugee status, settlement assistance, and the educational integration of migrants' children in the United States 2022 International migration review 56 (3): 780-809
  • Bean Frank D.
  • Thoa V. Khuu
H6/KD [INTERNATIONAL-] 0197-9183
Health-care utilization of refugees: evidence from Austria 2022 International migration review 56 (3): 810-42
  • Katrin Zocher
  • Thomas Schober
H6/KD [INTERNATIONAL-] 0197-9183
Discrimination of Black and Muslim minority groups in Western societies: evidence from a meta-analysis of field experiments 2022 International migration review 56 (3): 843-80
  • Frank van Tubergen
  • Lex Thijssen
  • Marcel Coenders
  • Robert Hellpap
  • Suzanne Jak
H6/KD [INTERNATIONAL-] 0197-9183
Immigration, identity, and anonymity: intentionally masked intolerance in Ireland 2022 International migration review 56 (3): 881-910
  • Éamonn Fahey
  • Frances McGinnity
  • Matthew J. Creighton
H6/KD [INTERNATIONAL-] 0197-9183
Point of reference: a multisited exploration of African migration and fertility in France 2022 International migration review 56 (3): 911-40
  • Abigail Weitzman
  • Julia A. Behrman
H6/KD [INTERNATIONAL-] 0197-9183
Exclusionary contexts frustrate cultural integration: migrant acculturation into support for gender equality in the labor market in Western Europe 2022 International migration review 56 (3): 941-75
  • Saskia Glas
H6/KD [INTERNATIONAL-] 0197-9183
Components of context: respecifying the role of context in migration research 2022 International migration review 56 (4): 992-1029
  • Francisco Lara-García
H6/KD [INTERNATIONAL-] 0197-9183
Ireland's White paper to end direct provision (2021): migrant accommodation and control 2022 International migration review 56 (4): 1030-9
  • Liam Coakley
  • Piaras MacEinri
H6/KD [INTERNATIONAL-] 0197-9183
The effect of immigrant integration policies on public immigration attitudes: evidence from a survey experiment in the United Kingdom 2022 International migration review 56 (4): 1040-68
  • Michael Neureiter
H6/KD [INTERNATIONAL-] 0197-9183
Spatial assimilation at a halt? Intergenerational persistence in neighborhood contexts among immigrant minorities in Norway 2022 International migration review 56 (4): 1069-106
  • Are Skeie Hermansen
  • Gunn Elisabeth Birkelund
  • Pål Oskar Hundebo
H6/KD [INTERNATIONAL-] 0197-9183
Gendered and stratified family formation trajectories in the context of Latin American migration 1950 to 2000 2022 International migration review 56 (4): 1107-40
  • Andrés F. Castro Torres
  • Edith Y. Gutierrez-Vazquez
H6/KD [INTERNATIONAL-] 0197-9183
Transnational parenthood and migrant subjective well-being in Italy 2022 International migration review 56 (4): 1141-66
  • Francesca Tosi
  • Roberto Impicciatore
H6/KD [INTERNATIONAL-] 0197-9183
Badante or bride? Patterns of female migration in Italy, Japan, Korea, and Spain 2022 International migration review 56 (4): 1167-94
  • Margarita Estévez-Abe
  • Tiziana Caponio
H6/KD [INTERNATIONAL-] 0197-9183
Implications of the Rohingya relocation from Cox's Bazar to Bhasan Char, Bangladesh 2022 International migration review 56 (4): 1195-205
  • Ayesha Siddika
  • Md. Didarul Islam
H6/KD [INTERNATIONAL-] 0197-9183
The tradeoff of temporariness: economic and social impacts of H-2A status on Mexican migrant men 2022 International migration review 56 (4): 1206-35
  • Shelby O'Neill
H6/KD [INTERNATIONAL-] 0197-9183
Does aid drive migration? Evidence from a shift-share instrument 2022 International migration review 56 (4): 1236-54
  • Dennis Wesselbaum
  • Hamish Fitchett
H6/KD [INTERNATIONAL-] 0197-9183
When diaspora politics meet global ambitions: diaspora institutions amid China's geopolitical transformations 2022 International migration review 56 (4): 1255-79
  • Jiaqi M. Liu
H6/KD [INTERNATIONAL-] 0197-9183
Class background, reception context, and intergenerational mobility: a record linkage and surname analysis of the children of Irish immigrants 2020 International migration review 54 (1): 4-34
  • Dylan Shane Connor
H6/KD [INTERNATIONAL-] 0197-9183
Migration policy and immigrants' labor market performance 2020 International migration review 54 (1): 35-57
  • Massimiliano Tani
H6/KD [INTERNATIONAL-] 0197-9183
The decline in earnings of childhood immigrants in the United States 2020 International migration review 54 (1): 58-82
  • Hugh Cassidy
H6/KD [INTERNATIONAL-] 0197-9183
Modeling American migration aspirations: how capital, race, and national identity shape Americans' ideas about living abroad 2020 International migration review 54 (1): 83-119
  • Amanda von Koppenfels Klekowski
  • Helen B. Marrow
H6/KD [INTERNATIONAL-] 0197-9183
Are movers more egalitarian than stayers? An intergenerational perspective on intra-household financial decision-making 2020 International migration review 54 (1): 120-46
  • Şebnem Eroğlu
H6/KD [INTERNATIONAL-] 0197-9183
The return of citizenship? An empirical assessment of legal integration in times of radical sociolegal transformation 2020 International migration review 54 (1): 147-76
  • Athina Vlachantoni
  • Chris Moreh
  • Derek McGhee
H6/KD [INTERNATIONAL-] 0197-9183
Social networks and transnational social fields: a review of quantitative and mixed-methods approaches 2020 International migration review 54 (1): 177-204
  • Ashton M. Verdery
  • José Luis Molina
  • Miranda Jessica Lubbers
H6/KD [INTERNATIONAL-] 0197-9183
Macroeconomic fluctuations in home countries and immigrants’ well-being: new evidence from Down Under 2020 International migration review 54 (1): 205-32
  • Alan S. Duncan
  • Ha Trong Nguyen
H6/KD [INTERNATIONAL-] 0197-9183