Title | Abbreviation | Status | Current title |
Tebtebba | Tebtebba | Selectively indexed | |
Textile history | Text Hist | Selectively indexed | |
Textile: the journal of cloth and culture | Text J cloth Cult | Selectively indexed | |
The Anthropologist: international journal of contemporary and applied studies of man | Anthropologist. Intern J cont app Stud Man | Selectively indexed | |
The contemporary Pacific | Contemp Pacif | Selectively indexed | |
The digging stick | Digging Stick | Selectively indexed | |
The journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute (New Series) | J R anthrop Inst | Selectively indexed | |
The journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute incorporating Man | J R anthrop Inst | Selectively indexed | |
The northern review | Nth Rev | Selectively indexed | |
Theory, culture and society: explorations in critical social science | Theory Cult Soc | Selectively indexed | |
Thule: rivista italiana di studi americanistici | Thule | Selectively indexed | |
Tidsskrift for kulturforskning | Tids Kulturfor | Selectively indexed | |
Time and mind | Time Mind | Selectively indexed | |
Time and society | Time Soc | Selectively indexed | |
Tourist studies | Tourist Stud | Selectively indexed | |
Trabalhos de antropologia e etnologia | Trab Antrop Etnol | Selectively indexed | |
TRACE: travaux et recherches dans les Amériques du centre | Trace | Selectively indexed | |
Traditional dwellings and settlements review: journal of the International Association for the Study of Traditional Environments | Trad Dwelling Settlement Rev | Selectively indexed | |
Traditiones: zbornik Instituta za Slovensko narodopisje | Traditiones: acta Inst ethn Slov | Selectively indexed | |
Transforming anthropology | Transform Anthrop | Selectively indexed | |
Tribal Art | Tribal Art | Selectively indexed | |
Tuhinga. Records of the Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa | Tuhinga | Selectively indexed | |
Vanyajati | Vanyajati | Selectively indexed | |
Vestsi Akademii Navuk Belarusi. Seryia humanitarnykh navuk | Vestsi Akad Navuk Belarusi Ser human Navuk | Selectively indexed | |
Vestsi Akademii Navuk Belarusi. Seryya hramadskikh navuk | Vestsi Akad Navuk Belarusi Ser human Navuk | Selectively indexed | |
Vestsi Akademii Navuk BSSR. Seryya hramadskikh navuk | Vestsi Akad Navuk Belarusi Ser human Navuk | Selectively indexed | |
Visual anthropology review | Visual Anthrop Rev | Selectively indexed | |
Whispering wind | Whisper Wind | Selectively indexed | |
Wicazo Sa review | Wicazo Sa Rev | Selectively indexed | |
World of tribal arts | Tribal Art | Selectively indexed | |
Zambezia | Zambezia | Selectively indexed | |
Zambezia: the education supplement | Zambezia Educ Suppl | Selectively indexed | |
Zhivaia Starina (NS) | Zhiv Star (NS) | Selectively indexed |