Anthropological Index Online

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Journal search results

Title Abbreviation Status Current title
Tebtebba Tebtebba Selectively indexed
Textile history Text Hist Selectively indexed
Textile: the journal of cloth and culture Text J cloth Cult Selectively indexed
The Anthropologist: international journal of contemporary and applied studies of man Anthropologist. Intern J cont app Stud Man Selectively indexed
The contemporary Pacific Contemp Pacif Selectively indexed
The digging stick Digging Stick Selectively indexed
The journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute (New Series) J R anthrop Inst Selectively indexed
The journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute incorporating Man J R anthrop Inst Selectively indexed
The northern review Nth Rev Selectively indexed
Theory, culture and society: explorations in critical social science Theory Cult Soc Selectively indexed
Thule: rivista italiana di studi americanistici Thule Selectively indexed
Tidsskrift for kulturforskning Tids Kulturfor Selectively indexed
Time and mind Time Mind Selectively indexed
Time and society Time Soc Selectively indexed
Tourist studies Tourist Stud Selectively indexed
Trabalhos de antropologia e etnologia Trab Antrop Etnol Selectively indexed
TRACE: travaux et recherches dans les Amériques du centre Trace Selectively indexed
Traditional dwellings and settlements review: journal of the International Association for the Study of Traditional Environments Trad Dwelling Settlement Rev Selectively indexed
Traditiones: zbornik Instituta za Slovensko narodopisje Traditiones: acta Inst ethn Slov Selectively indexed
Transforming anthropology Transform Anthrop Selectively indexed
Tribal Art Tribal Art Selectively indexed
Tuhinga. Records of the Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa Tuhinga Selectively indexed
Vanyajati Vanyajati Selectively indexed
Vestsi Akademii Navuk Belarusi. Seryia humanitarnykh navuk Vestsi Akad Navuk Belarusi Ser human Navuk Selectively indexed
Vestsi Akademii Navuk Belarusi. Seryya hramadskikh navuk Vestsi Akad Navuk Belarusi Ser human Navuk Selectively indexed
Vestsi Akademii Navuk BSSR. Seryya hramadskikh navuk Vestsi Akad Navuk Belarusi Ser human Navuk Selectively indexed
Visual anthropology review Visual Anthrop Rev Selectively indexed
Whispering wind Whisper Wind Selectively indexed
Wicazo Sa review Wicazo Sa Rev Selectively indexed
World of tribal arts Tribal Art Selectively indexed
Zambezia Zambezia Selectively indexed
Zambezia: the education supplement Zambezia Educ Suppl Selectively indexed
Zhivaia Starina (NS) Zhiv Star (NS) Selectively indexed