Title | Abbreviation | Status | Current title |
Human organization | Hum Org | Currently Indexed | |
Human problems in British central Africa | Afr social Res | No longer indexed | |
Human problems in central Africa | Afr social Res | No longer indexed | |
Human relations | Hum Relat | No longer indexed | |
Human science | J anthrop Surv India | No longer indexed | |
Humanitas | Humanitas | No longer indexed | |
Hungarian heritage | Hung Her | Selectively indexed | |
Ibero-amerikanisches Archiv | Ibero-amer Arch | No longer indexed | |
Iberoamericana | Iberoamer | Selectively indexed | |
IBLA | IBLA | No longer indexed | |
ICSSR newsletter | ICSSR Newsl | No longer indexed | |
Idaho archaeologist | Idaho Archaeol | No longer indexed | |
If è: annals of the Institute of Cultural Studies | If e | No longer indexed | |
Ife African studies | Ife Afr Stud | Ceased publication | |
Iglesia, pueblos y culturas | Igles Puebl Cult | No longer indexed | |
Il Polo | Polo | No longer indexed | |
Ilha: revista de antropologia | Ilha | No longer indexed | |
Iliria | Iliria | No longer indexed | |
Illapa: revista del Instituto de Investigaciones Museológicas y Artísticas de la Universidad Ricardo Palma | Illapa | No longer indexed | |
In the field: the bulletin of the Field Museum of Natural History | Field Mus Bull | No longer indexed | |
Incantatio: an international journal of charms, charmers and charming | Incantatio | Selectively indexed | |
India cultures | Samskriti | Selectively indexed | |
Indian anthropologist | Indian Anthrop | Currently Indexed | |
Indian journal of physical anthropology and human genetics | Indian J phys Anthrop hum Genet | No longer indexed | |
Indiana | Indiana | Currently Indexed | |
Indigenous affairs | Indig Aff | Ceased publication | |
Indigenous knowledge and development monitor | Indig Knowl Dev Monit | No longer indexed | |
Indigenous nations studies journal | Indig natns Stud J | Ceased publication | |
Indigenous perspectives | Indig Persp | Currently Indexed | |
Indilinga | Indilinga | Currently Indexed | |
Indonesia | Indonesia | No longer indexed | |
Indonesia and the Malay world | Indones Malay Wld | Selectively indexed | |
Indonesia circle | Indones Malay Wld | Selectively indexed | |
Informa | Informa | Ceased publication | |
Informes antropológicos | Inf antrop | No longer indexed | |
Inner Asia | Inner Asia | Currently Indexed | |
Institute for the Conservation of Cultural Material bulletin | ICCM Bull | No longer indexed | |
Institute of Maya Studies journal | Inst Maya Stud J | Ceased publication | |
Internation folklore review | Int folkl Rev | Ceased publication | |
International African Institute bulletin | IAI Bull | No longer indexed | |
International journal of African historical studies | Int J Afr hist Stud | Selectively indexed | |
International journal of American linguistics | Int J Amer Ling | Currently Indexed | |
International journal of anthropology | Int J Anthrop | Currently Indexed | |
International journal of comparative sociology | Int J comp Sociol | Selectively indexed | |
International journal of cultural studies | Int J cult Stud | Selectively indexed | |
International journal of historical archaeology | Int J hist Archaeol | No longer indexed | |
International journal of intangible heritage | Int J intan her | Selectively indexed | |
International journal of Middle East studies | Int J Mid E Stud | No longer indexed | |
International journal of modern anthropology | Int J modern anthrop | Selectively indexed | |
International migration review | Int Migr Rev | Selectively indexed |