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TitleDateReferenceAuthorsCall #ISSN
An unusual stone artifact from northwestern Owyhee county 1991 Idaho Archaeologist 14 (2): 37-8
  • James L. Huntley
The Jarbidge rock art site: pictographs in the high desert country of southwestern Idaho 1991 Idaho Archaeologist 14 (2): 17-32
  • Kelly A. Murphey
A preliminary report on test excavations at Clover creek (10-EL-22), King Hill, Idaho 1990 Idaho Archaeologist 13 (1): 1-14
  • M G Plew
  • R T Gould
West Clover Clovis 1990 Idaho Archaeologist 13 (1): 15-17
  • G L Titmus
  • J C Woods
Archaeological test excavation at Deep creek rockshelter (10-OE-1859), Owyhee county, Idaho 1990 Idaho Archaeologist 13 (2): 21-5
  • M G Plew
Two aboriginal metal projectiles from Swiss valley, near King Hill, Idaho 1989 Idaho Archaeologist 12 (): 17-18
  • Mark G Plew
Aviator's cave 1989 Idaho Archaeologist 12 (): 23-8
  • E S Lohse
Dagger falls: a preliminary report 1989 Idaho Archaeologist 12 (): 3-13
  • Richard N Holmer
Projectile point fracture patterns and inferences about tool function 1988 Idaho Archaeologist 11 (): 3-7
  • James C Woods
An archaeological test excavation at the Cromwell site (1O-OE-2792), the middle Snake river, Owyhee county, Idaho 1988 Idaho Archaeologist 11 (): 13-17
  • James L Huntley
Archaeological investigation at Patrol point (1O-IH-16O3), a site in the mountains of the Nez Perce national forest 1987 Idaho Archaeologist 10 (): 27-34
  • Mary Anne Davis
Is there such a thing as a Shoshonean pottery-making tradition? 1987 Idaho Archaeologist 10 (): 9-11
  • B Robert Butler
X-ray mineralogy and geologic source of a prehistoric pipe from the Doublespring site (1O-CR-29), east-central Idaho 1987 Idaho Archaeologist 10 (): 35-7
  • Cluer L Morris
  • J Kelly Cluer
A possible atlatl weight from northwestern Owyhee county, Idaho 1987 Idaho Archaeologist 10 (): 13-15
  • Russell T Gould
Aboriginal culture history through linguistics and archaeology in the Great Basin 1987 Idaho Archaeologist 10 (): 3-8
  • Ruth Gruhn
A Clovis point from Long valley, Idaho 1987 Idaho Archaeologist 10 (): 41-2
  • Nicholas H Petersen
The Blue lakes Clovis 1987 Idaho Archaeologist 10 (): 39-40
  • Gene L Titmus
The dating of 'Salmo gairdnerii' and non-salmonid remains from Nahas cave 1987 Idaho Archaeologist 10 (): -20
  • Mark G Plew
An aboriginally worked brass bipoint from Three Island crossing 1987 Idaho Archaeologist 10 (): 17-18
  • Kevin Meyer
  • Mark G Plew
Anadromous fish remains from Schellbach cave no. 1, southwestern Idaho 1987 Idaho Archaeologist 10 (): 23-6
  • Max G Pavesic
  • W I Follett
  • William P Statham
An ethno-historical Shoshone narrative: Pie nimmin naakkanna, 'How we lived long ago' 1986 Idaho Archaeologist (): 3-13
  • Jon P Dayley
The Demoss burial locality: preliminary observations 1986 Idaho Archaeologist (): 31-40
  • others
  • Thomas J Green
Native American utilization of onion 1986 Idaho Archaeologist (): 25-7
  • Glenda King
Two aboriginal fish traps from the Snake River Canyon near Twin Falls, Idaho 1986 Idaho Archaeologist (): 15-
  • Daniel S Meatte
Evidence for the historic occurrence and aboriginal utilization of caribou in southern Idaho 1986 Idaho Archaeologist (): 41-2
  • Daniel S Meatte
An Archaic biface cache from Lower Rock creek, Twin Falls county, Idaho 1986 Idaho Archaeologist (): 21-4
  • James C Woods
  • Mark G Plew
A review of the Simon Clovis collection 1985 Idaho Archaeologist (): 3-8
  • Gene L Titmus
  • James C Woods
Good medicine: a rabbit skin rope, twill-twined basketry, and a buckskin pouch from McGee Mountain, Nevada 1985 Idaho Archaeologist (): 23-6
  • Donald R Tuohy
The Timmerman hill Folsom 1985 Idaho Archaeologist (): 37-8
  • Gene L Titmus
Fired clay cylinders from Deep Creek rockshelter, southwest Idaho 1985 Idaho Archaeologist (): 39-40
  • James C Woods
  • Mark G Plew
Test excavations at the Kueney site (lO-TF-527): a middle Archaic site in the South hills country [Idaho] 1985 Idaho Archaeologist (): 27-36
  • James C Woods
  • Mark G Plew
A Clovis fluted projectile point from southwest Idaho 1985 Idaho Archaeologist (): 13-14
  • James L Huntley
An Eden point from the Owyhee mountains 1985 Idaho Archaeologist (): 41
  • Thomas J Green
Comments on ceramic vessel wall strengths 1985 Idaho Archaeologist (): 15-17
  • John S Curtis
The rediscovery of Pence-Duerig and Hanging Valley caves, south-central Idaho and the probable provenience of the pottery reported from the former site 1985 Idaho Archaeologist (): 9-12
  • B Robert Butler
Towards a time sensitive projectile point typology for southwest Idaho 1984 Idaho Archaeologist (): 15-30
  • Joel Boaz
Experimental studies in ceramic vessel wall strength 1984 Idaho Archaeologist (): 9-14
  • J Kelly Cluer
And then there were none: a condition report on fourteen sites in central Idaho, fifteen years after they were recorded 1984 Idaho Archaeologist (): 31-5
  • Joseph G Gallagher
A Folsom point from the Owyhee mountains of southwestern Idaho 1984 Idaho Archaeologist (1/2): 45-6
  • Jeanne M Moe
Archaeological test excavations at the Hemmert site (lO-BL-14), southeastern Idaho 1984 Idaho Archaeologist (): 2-8
  • Mark G Plew
Prehistory of the Owyhee country: a preliminary overview 1984 Idaho Archaeologist (1/2): 47-54
  • Mark G Plew
The cone and anvil method: a new technique for quantifying ceramic vessel wall strength 1983 Idaho Archaeologist (): 9-14
  • J Kelly Cluer
Strategies for the preservation of archaeological sites in Idaho 1983 Idaho Archaeologist (): 1-3
  • Thomas J Green
A report on test excavations at lO-OE-1838 south-central Owyhee county, Idaho 1983 Idaho Archaeologist (): 4-8
  • Mark G Plew
Archaeological investigations along the east and south forks of the Owyhee river 1982 Idaho Archaeologist (1/2): 25-32
  • James C Woods
  • Mark G Plew
Thin section analysis of pottery from site lO GG l, southcentral Idaho 1982 Idaho Archaeologist (): 9-16
  • Mark G Plew
Diversity and variability in the prehistory of southwestern Idaho 1982 Idaho Archaeologist (1/2): 1-10
  • Kenneth M Ames
Comments on the Tucannon phase 1982 Idaho Archaeologist (): 1-8
  • Kenneth M Ames
Why did you dig so many holes?: machine coring in southeastern Idaho 1982 Idaho Archaeologist (): 1-5
  • Mark Druss
House form and variability at Givens Hot Springs, southwest Idaho 1982 Idaho Archaeologist (1/2): 33-44
  • Thomas J Green