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TitleDateReferenceAuthorsCall #ISSN
Scale locality and the Caribbean historical archaeology 2009 International journal of historical archaeology 13 (1): 3-11
  • Mark W. Hauser
H6/KE [INTERNATIONAL-] 1092-7697
Considering multiscalar approaches to creolization among enslaved laborers at Estate Bethlehem, St. Croix, US Virgin Islands 2009 International journal of historical archaeology 13 (1): 12-26
  • Stephan Lenik
H6/KE [INTERNATIONAL-] 1092-7697
Domestic economy and daily practice in Guadeloupe: historical archaeology at La Mahaudière plantation 2009 International journal of historical archaeology 13 (1): 27-44
  • Heather R. Gibson
H6/KE [INTERNATIONAL-] 1092-7697
Boundaries, borders, and reference points: the Caribbean defined as geographic region and social reality 2009 International journal of historical archaeology 13 (1): 45-62
  • Marco Meniketti
H6/KE [INTERNATIONAL-] 1092-7697
Urbanity, sociability, and commercial exchange in the Barbados sugar trade: a comparative colonial archaeological perspective on Bridgetown, Barbados in the seventeenth century 2009 International journal of historical archaeology 13 (1): 63-79
  • Frederick H. Smith
  • Karl Watson
H6/KE [INTERNATIONAL-] 1092-7697
Where is the Caribbean? French colonial archaeology in the English lake 2009 International journal of historical archaeology 13 (1): 80-93
  • Kenneth G. Kelly
H6/KE [INTERNATIONAL-] 1092-7697
Variation in venues of slavery and freedom: interpreting the late eighteenth-century cultural landscape of St. John, Danish West Indies using and archaeological GIS 2009 International journal of historical archaeology 13 (1): 94-111
  • David W. Knight
  • Douglas V. Armstrong
  • Mark Hauser
  • Stephan Lenik
H6/KE [INTERNATIONAL-] 1092-7697
Scales of analysis, scales of value: archaeology at Bush Hill House, Barbados 2009 International journal of historical archaeology 13 (1): 112-26
  • Anna S. Agbe-Davies
H6/KE [INTERNATIONAL-] 1092-7697
Historical archaeology as modern-world archaeology in Argentina 2008 International journal of historical archaeology 12 (3): 181-94
  • Charles E. Orser Jr.
H6/KE [INTERNATIONAL-] 1092-7697
Archaeology of the border Fort Achiras, Córdoba (1832-1896) 2008 International journal of historical archaeology 12 (3): 195-208
  • Ana Maria Rocchietti
H6/KE [INTERNATIONAL-] 1092-7697
Corrales de Indios (lithic structures) in Tandilia, Argentina: a global study 2008 International journal of historical archaeology 12 (3): 209-47
  • Fabián Bognanni
  • Mariano Ramos
  • Matilde Lanza
  • Patricia Salatino
  • Verónica Helfer
H6/KE [INTERNATIONAL-] 1092-7697
Microwear analysis of retouched glass fragments from Fortlet Miñana, Azul, Argentina, 1860-1863 2008 International journal of historical archaeology 12 (3): 248-62
  • Facundo Gómez Romero
  • Ignacio Clemente Conte
H6/KE [INTERNATIONAL-] 1092-7697
Vices are not what they used to be: the archaeological importance of the term 'vices' in Argentinean historical military documents of the second half of the nineteenth century 2008 International journal of historical archaeology 12 (3): 263-73
  • Amelia Martínez
  • Carlos Landa
  • Emanuel Montanari
  • Julio César Spota
H6/KE [INTERNATIONAL-] 1092-7697
Historical archaeology of France in the new world 2008 International journal of historical archaeology 12 (4): 275-6
  • Elizabeth M. Scott
H6/KE [INTERNATIONAL-] 1092-7697
Between land and water: being a settler at Ile-aux-Oies in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries 2008 International journal of historical archaeology 12 (4): 277-96
  • Marcel Moussette
H6/KE [INTERNATIONAL-] 1092-7697
Identity formation at a French colonial outpost in the North American interior 2008 International journal of historical archaeology 12 (4): 297-318
  • Michael S. Nassaney
H6/KE [INTERNATIONAL-] 1092-7697
From ethnogenesis to ethnic segmentation in the Wabash valley: constructing identity and house in Great Lakes fur trade society 2008 International journal of historical archaeology 12 (4): 319-37
  • Rob Mann
H6/KE [INTERNATIONAL-] 1092-7697
From Grand Dérangement to Acadiana: history and identity in the landscape of south Louisiana 2008 International journal of historical archaeology 12 (4): 338-59
  • Mark A. Rees
H6/KE [INTERNATIONAL-] 1092-7697
Beyond the visual: considering the archaeology of the colonial sounds 2008 International journal of historical archaeology 12 (4): 360-9
  • Diana DiPaolo Loren
H6/KE [INTERNATIONAL-] 1092-7697
Beneath the rising sun: "frenchness" and the archaeology of desire 2008 International journal of historical archaeology 12 (4): 370-87
  • Richard Weyhing
  • Shannon Lee Dawdy
H6/KE [INTERNATIONAL-] 1092-7697
Creole culture of the Caribbean: historical archaeology in the French West Indies 2008 International journal of historical archaeology 12 (4): 388-402
  • Kenneth G. Kelly
H6/KE [INTERNATIONAL-] 1092-7697
Historical archaeology and the slave ship 2008 International journal of historical archaeology 12 (1): 1-5
  • Jane Webster
H6/KE [INTERNATIONAL-] 1092-7697
Slave ships and maritime archaeology: an overview 2008 International journal of historical archaeology 12 (1): 6-19
  • Jane Webster
H6/KE [INTERNATIONAL-] 1092-7697
Seventeenth-century vehicle of the middle passage: archaeological and historical investigations on the Henrietta Marie shipwreck site 2008 International journal of historical archaeology 12 (1): 20-38
  • Corey Malcom
  • David D. Moore
H6/KE [INTERNATIONAL-] 1092-7697
The wreck of he ex-slaver James Matthews 2008 International journal of historical archaeology 12 (1): 39-52
  • Graeme Henderson
H6/KE [INTERNATIONAL-] 1092-7697
The Trouvadore Project: the search for a slave ship and its cultural importance 2008 International journal of historical archaeology 12 (1): 53-70
  • Nigel Sadler
H6/KE [INTERNATIONAL-] 1092-7697
New fathoms in scientific exploration: the Deepwrecks Project 2008 International journal of historical archaeology 12 (2): 71-4
  • Annalies Corbin
  • Sheli O. Smith
H6/KE [INTERNATIONAL-] 1092-7697
The US government's role in deepwater archaeology: the Deep Gulf Wrecks Project 2008 International journal of historical archaeology 12 (2): 75-81
  • Christopher E. Horrell
  • Dave Ball
  • Jack B. Irion
H6/KE [INTERNATIONAL-] 1092-7697
The 2004 Deepwrecks Project: analysis of World War II era shipwrecks in the Gulf of Mexico 2008 International journal of historical archaeology 12 (2): 82-102
  • Daniel J. Warren
  • Robert A. Church
H6/KE [INTERNATIONAL-] 1092-7697
Sound methods: the necessity of high-resolution geophysical data for planning deepwater archaeological projects 2008 International journal of historical archaeology 12 (2): 103-19
  • Daniel J. Warren
  • Robert A. Church
H6/KE [INTERNATIONAL-] 1092-7697
Microbiology of concretions, sediments and mechanisms influencing the preservation of sumberged archaeological artifacts 2008 International journal of historical archaeology 12 (2): 120-32
  • D. Roy Cullimore
  • Lori A. Johnston
H6/KE [INTERNATIONAL-] 1092-7697
Through the sea snow: the central role of videography in the Deep Gulf Wrecks mission 2008 International journal of historical archaeology 12 (2): 133-45
  • Dennis Aig
  • Keene Haywood
H6/KE [INTERNATIONAL-] 1092-7697
Looking over the archaeologists' shoulders: web-based public outreach in the Deep Wrecks Project 2008 International journal of historical archaeology 12 (2): 146-56
  • Andrew W. Hall
H6/KE [INTERNATIONAL-] 1092-7697
After the fanfare: education, the lasting legacy 2008 International journal of historical archaeology 12 (2): 157-80
  • Annalies Corbin
  • Sheli O. Smith
H6/KE [INTERNATIONAL-] 1092-7697
Silent voices, hidden lives: archaeology, class and gender in the CMS missions, Bay of Islands, New Zealand, 1814-1845 2007 International journal of historical archaeology 11 (1): 1-31
  • Angela Middleton
H6/KE [INTERNATIONAL-] 1092-7697
Father Julien Vidal and social transformation of a small Polynesian village (1787-1930): historical archaeology at Massacre Bay, American Samoa 2007 International journal of historical archaeology 11 (1): 32-59
  • Frederic B. Pearl
  • Sandy Loiseau-Vonruff
H6/KE [INTERNATIONAL-] 1092-7697
The political economy of exile in the Great Dismal Swamp 2007 International journal of historical archaeology 11 (1): 60-97
  • Aaron M. Henry
  • Daniel O. Sayers
  • P. Brendan Burke
H6/KE [INTERNATIONAL-] 1092-7697
Mombasa Island: a maritime perspective 2007 International journal of historical archaeology 11 (2): 99-121
  • Rosemary McConkey
  • Thomas McErlean
H6/KE [INTERNATIONAL-] 1092-7697
Early medieval trade on Japan's southern frontier and its effect on Okinawan state development: grey stoneware of the East China Sea 2007 International journal of historical archaeology 11 (2): 122-51
  • Richard Pearson
H6/KE [INTERNATIONAL-] 1092-7697
Analogy or erasure? Dialectics of religious transformation in the early Doctrinas of the Colca Valley, Peru 2007 International journal of historical archaeology 11 (2): 152-82
  • Steven A. Wernke
H6/KE [INTERNATIONAL-] 1092-7697
A report on historical archaeology publications in Latin America 2007 International journal of historical archaeology 11 (2): 183-91
  • Pedro Paulo A. Funari
H6/KE [INTERNATIONAL-] 1092-7697
"Resurrected men" in Dallas: the illegal use of black bodies as medical cadavers (1900-1907) 2007 International journal of historical archaeology 11 (3): 193-220
  • M. James Davidson
H6/KE [INTERNATIONAL-] 1092-7697
On the edge of improvement: Rathlin Islans and the modern world 2007 International journal of historical archaeology 11 (3): 221-40
  • W. Forsythe
H6/KE [INTERNATIONAL-] 1092-7697
Missionization and economic change in the Pimería Alta: the zooarchaeology of San Augustín de Tucson 2007 International journal of historical archaeology 11 (3): 241-68
  • Barnet Pavao-Zuckerman
  • Vincent M. LaMotta
H6/KE [INTERNATIONAL-] 1092-7697
A syndetic approach to identification of the historic misison site of San Cayetano de Tumacácori 2007 International journal of historical archaeology 11 (3): 269-96
  • Deni J. Seymour
H6/KE [INTERNATIONAL-] 1092-7697
Concealed communities: the people at the margins 2007 International journal of historical archaeology 11 (4): 297-303
  • Rob Young
  • Sam Turner
H6/KE [INTERNATIONAL-] 1092-7697
Peopling the recent past in the Serra de l'Altmirant: shepherds and farmers at the margins 2007 International journal of historical archaeology 11 (4): 304-21
  • Joan Seguí
  • Josep Gisbert Santonja
  • Neil Christie
  • Paul Beavitt
  • Victoria Gil Senís
H6/KE [INTERNATIONAL-] 1092-7697
Tracing the busy gap rogues 2007 International journal of historical archaeology 11 (4): 322-35
  • Jim Crow
H6/KE [INTERNATIONAL-] 1092-7697
The writing on the wall: the concealed communities if the East Yorkshire horselads 2007 International journal of historical archaeology 11 (4): 336-57
  • Kate Giles
  • Melanie Giles
H6/KE [INTERNATIONAL-] 1092-7697
Materiality and mutable landscapes: rethinking seasonality and marginality in rural Ireland 2007 International journal of historical archaeology 11 (4): 358-78
  • Audrey Horning
H6/KE [INTERNATIONAL-] 1092-7697