Anthropological Index Online

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TitleDateReferenceAuthorsCall #ISSN
Drought and development in Ethiopia 1980 International African Institute bulletin 50 (1): 7-8
  • J Holt
African studies: a debate [reply to comments on 'African studies: a debate'] 1979 International African Institute bulletin 49 (4): 3
  • A Kuper
African studies: a debate [with comments by A. Demoz and L. Sanneh] 1979 International African Institute bulletin 49 (2): 9-11
  • A Kuper
The liberation of African languages 1978 International African Institute bulletin 48 (4): 1-2
  • D Dalby
Anthropology of African music 1977 International African Institute bulletin 6 (): 2-3
  • S Akpabot
Five years of written Somali: a report on progress and prospects 1977 International African Institute bulletin 8 (): 4-5
  • B W Andrzejewski
Pierre-Francis Lacroix (1924-1977) 1977 International African Institute bulletin 7 (): 8
  • D W A
More on Khoisan classification [comment on 'Khoisan classification', by A. Barnard] 1977 International African Institute bulletin [7] (): 2-3
  • M Guenther
Archeologie et ethnologie des abords du lac Tchad 1977 International African Institute bulletin [7] (): 6
  • A M D Lebeuf
Oral traditions and Matengo political history [comment on 'Traditional history and political change among the Matengo of Tanzania', by H.W. Basehart; with a reply by H.W. Basehart] 1977 International African Institute bulletin [5] (): 2-3, 6-7
  • P M Redmond
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