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Title Abbreviation Status Current title
Ethnologica Ethnologica Currently Indexed
Ethnologie française Ethnol fr No longer indexed
Ethnology Ethnology Currently Indexed
Ethnomedizin Ethnomedizin Ceased publication
Ethnomusic forum Ethnomusic forum Currently Indexed
Ethnomusicology Ethnomusicology Currently Indexed
Ethnos Ethnos Currently Indexed
Ethos Ethos Currently Indexed
Etnía Etnia No longer indexed
Etniker u Bizkaia Etnik Bizkaia Currently Indexed
Etnofoor Etnofoor Currently Indexed
Etnograafiamuuseumi aastaraamat Aastaraamat Currently Indexed
Etnografia española Etnogr esp Ceased publication
Etnografia nowa Etnogr now Selectively indexed
Etnografia polska Etnogr polska Currently Indexed
Etnografia shqiptare Etnogr shqipt Ceased publication
Etnografías Contemporáneas Etnogr Contemp Currently Indexed
Etnográfica: revista do Centro em Rede de Investigação em Antropologia Etnografica Currently Indexed
Etnograficheskoe obozrenie Etnogr obozr Currently Indexed
Etnografija južnih Slavena u Mađarskoj Etnogr juz Slav Madar No longer indexed
Etnografija Metraštis Etnogr Metrastis No longer indexed
Etnografiya Sovet Etnogr Ceased publication
Etnografski problemi na narodnata dukhovna kultura Etnogr Probl nar dukh Kult Currently Indexed
Etnolog Etnolog Currently Indexed
Etnologia, antropologia culturale Stud etno-antrop sociol Selectively indexed
Etnologické rozpravy Etnol roz Currently Indexed
Etnološka istraživanja Etnol Istra No longer indexed
Etnološka tribina Etnol Trib Currently Indexed
Etnološki pregled Etnol Pregl Ceased publication
Etnopolis Etnopolis Ceased publication
Etnosistemi: processi e dinamiche culturali Etnosistemi Ceased publication
Etudes et documents balkaniques et méditerranéens Etud Docum balkan medit Ceased publication
Etudes inuit Etud inuit Currently Indexed
Etudes maliennes Etud malien No longer indexed
Etudes mongoles Etud mongol siberien No longer indexed
Etudes mongoles et sibériennes Etud mongol siberien No longer indexed
Etudes mongoles et sibériennes, centrasiatiques et tibétaines Etud mongol siberien No longer indexed
Etudes rurales Etud rural Currently Indexed
Etudes tsiganes Etud tsig Selectively indexed
Eurasia antiqua: Zeitschrift für Archäologie Eurasiens Eurasia antiq Selectively indexed
European journal of cultural studies Eur J cult Stud Selectively indexed
European meetings in ethnomusicology Eur Meet Ethnomusic Currently Indexed
European review of Native American studies Eur Rev native Amer Stud Selectively indexed
Evolutionary anthropology Evol Anthrop No longer indexed
Expedition Expedition No longer indexed
Experiments: annual bulletin of the Workshop for Anthropology and Communication Experiments No longer indexed