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TitleDateReferenceAuthorsCall #ISSN
Gender inequalities in care production from the narratives of public health workers during the pandemic in Mar del Plata 2023 Etnografías Contemporáneas 9 (16): 140-62
  • Laura P. Sánchez
  • Paula M. Romero
  • Sonia Fuertes
  • Valeria Alonso
“Let the brothers be united...”. Processes of fission and fusion within the Moqoit Evangelio 2023 Etnografías Contemporáneas 9 (16): 36-62
  • Augustina Altman
Pandemia, práticas e vida cotidiana 2023 Etnografías Contemporáneas 9 (16): 124-39
  • Paulo César Alves
“Leave the body at home.” Digital ethnography of an anti-repression protest in times of COVID-19 2023 Etnografías Contemporáneas 9 (16): 86-110
  • Andrea Bonvillani
Violence in neighborhood social interactions. A study on conflicts between lower-class young males 2023 Etnografías Contemporáneas 9 (16): 8-35
  • Paz Cabral
Talking about care: dialogue between Dolors Comas d’Argemir and Eleonor Faur 2023 Etnografías Contemporáneas 9 (16): 210-31
  • Dolors Comas d’Argemir
  • Eleonor Faur
Islanders fight. A periodization of the socio-environmental conflict in the Islas de Santa Fe National Park (Argentina) 2023 Etnografías Contemporáneas 9 (16): 64-84
  • Brián G. Ferrero
Salud y cuidados: intersecciones entre las prácticas públicas y las dimensiones domésticas 2023 Etnografías Contemporáneas 9 (16): 114-23
  • Alfonsina Cantore
  • Mariana Lorenzetti
Cuidar: un concepto fluido para compromisos adaptables 2023 Etnografías Contemporáneas 9 (16): 232-56
  • Anita Hardon
  • Annemarie Mol
Inequalities, health and the neighborhood: ethnography from a kiosk window in pandemic times 2023 Etnografías Contemporáneas 9 (16): 164-83
  • Horacio Pereira
Restoring Mapuche ways of giving birth and being born in recovered territory 2023 Etnografías Contemporáneas 9 (16): 184-209
  • Andrea Szulc
Discipline and leadership. Notes on police specificity at the Argentine Federal Police School of Officers 2023 Etnografías Contemporáneas 9 (17): 8-24
  • José Garriga Zucal
  • Tomás Bover
Childhood cancer and commensality. An ethnographic approach to feeding during oncological treatment 2023 Etnografías Contemporáneas 9 (17): 26-50
  • Candela Rocío Heredia
Like a professional: (moving) ethnography, participation, and reflexivity in sport research in the Brazilian Amazon 2023 Etnografías Contemporáneas 9 (17): 52-85
  • Tarcízio Macedo
The ethnographic tracker's job 2023 Etnografías Contemporáneas 9 (17): 86-108
  • Francisco González Kofler
Experiencias formativas interculturales: reflexiones contemporáneas 2023 Etnografías Contemporáneas 9 (17): 112-16
  • Ana Carolina Hecht
  • Mariana García Palacios
  • Noelia Enriz
Indigenous migration and linguistic diversity. Perspectives of intercultural education in Mexico City 2023 Etnografías Contemporáneas 9 (17): 118-38
  • Nicanor Rebolledo
Plurilingualism in the Province of Chaco: planning based on the needs of speakers 2023 Etnografías Contemporáneas 9 (17): 140-54
  • Florencia Vecchione
An approach to family language policies as community training experiences of the Moqoit people of Las Tolderías 2023 Etnografías Contemporáneas 9 (17): 156-72
  • Ignacio Norberto Cassola
  • Mónica Marisel Medina
Educational practices in the context of intercultural bilingual education. The Provincial Interschool Meeting of Quichua Language and Culture, Department Figueroa (Santiago del Estero) during the COVID-19 pandemic 2023 Etnografías Contemporáneas 9 (17): 174-91
  • Nahuel Martínez
Lights and shadows. Schooling in intercultural contexts in Neuquén and Salta since the COVID-19 pandemic 2023 Etnografías Contemporáneas 9 (17): 192-218
  • Andrea Szulc
  • M. Celeste Hernández
  • Pía Leavy
Digital literacy and intercultural education. Indigenous youth in the context of virtualization of higher education 2023 Etnografías Contemporáneas 9 (17): 220-33
  • Gonzalo Víctor Humberto Soriano
  • María Macarena Ossola
A socio-anthropological analysis of the construction of leadership in the province of Misiones, Argentina 2022 Etnografías Contemporáneas (14): 8-32
  • Augusto Abdulhadi
  • Laura A. Ebenau
Performing the nation. Afrodescendence and racialized representation in theatrical artistic practices in Buenos Aires 2022 Etnografías Contemporáneas (14): 34-58
  • Francesca Rindone
  • Milena Annecchiarico
Towards the time of flowers. Temporalities and calendars in entanglements of humans and non-humans 2022 Etnografías Contemporáneas (14): 60-84
  • Myriam Fernanda Perret
All the kangaroos the dog: reflections on the interspecies relations. A dialogue with the book Amor y Enfermedad by Andrea Mastrangelo 2022 Etnografías Contemporáneas (14): 86-105
  • Oscar Daniel Salomón
Introducción. Antropología del capital 2022 Etnografías Contemporáneas (14): 108-13
  • Andrés Dapuez
Fondos y activos: antropología de la riqueza y la economía de la asignación de recursos dentro de la unidad doméstica 2022 Etnografías Contemporáneas (14): 114-30
  • Jane I. Guyer
Politíca proletaria hoy: sobre los peligros y las posibilidades de la analogía histórica 2022 Etnografías Contemporáneas (14): 132-52
  • James Ferguson
The dollar as capital(s). Demonstrations and forms of class construction in the second government of Cristina Fernández de Kirchner (2011-2015) 2022 Etnografías Contemporáneas (14): 154-73
  • Mariano D. Perelman
Futures, subjects and networks. An inquiry into the investor’s role in valuation and investment processes of startup projects 2022 Etnografías Contemporáneas (14): 174-99
  • Marcos Buccellato
The ghostly objectivity of capital: a theoretical approach 2022 Etnografías Contemporáneas (14): 202-23
  • Luis Acatzin Arenas Fernández
Latin America and the people without capital 2022 Etnografías Contemporáneas (14): 224-43
  • Andrés Dapuez
Indigenous women and the public sphere: motherhood, violence and the collective female consciousness 2021 Etnografías Contemporáneas 7 (12): 8-31
  • Anabella Denuncio
The moral dilemmas of tobacco producers in Nayarit, Mexico 2021 Etnografías Contemporáneas 7 (12): 32-52
  • Lourdes Salazar Martínez
Role play in ethnographic production among the ludar “gypsies” of Mexico 2021 Etnografías Contemporáneas 7 (12): 94-116
  • Neyra Patricia Alvarado Solís
Imprinting the body with food practices: contributions to thinking about the relations between children, bodies and food in pediatric narratives 2021 Etnografías Contemporáneas 7 (12): 54-77
  • Nuria Caimmi
Lo romaní-gitano en la órbita antropológica. Inicios y perspectivas en el campo de estudios hispanoamericanos 2021 Etnografías Contemporáneas 7 (12): 80-92
  • Patricia Cecilia Galletti
Spanish reminiscense or Argentine sentiment in the Caló Gypsies of Buenos Aires. Ethnographic approach to the relationship between identity transformation and residence in space 2021 Etnografías Contemporáneas 7 (12): 118-32
  • Rafael Buhigas Jiménez
“Gypsyness” and the Rrom: representations, stereotypes and performativity in the Romani ethnic recognition process in Colombia 2021 Etnografías Contemporáneas 7 (12): 134-57
  • Esteban Acuña Cabanzo
The construction of Rrom-gadzhé alterity in Bogotá. A proposal in collaborative writing 2021 Etnografías Contemporáneas 7 (12): 158-82
  • Diego Alejandro Gómez Gómez (Xulupe)
  • Silvia Mariana Mendoza Vivas
Victims and justice: reflections on the Rromaní people of Colombia 2021 Etnografías Contemporáneas 7 (12): 184-210
  • Fredy Reyes Albarracín
  • Pablo Felipe Gómez-Montañez
To be Gypsy in the Spanish educational system: influence of the denial of Gypsy history on the self-esteem and racial esteem of the Spanish kalé 2021 Etnografías Contemporáneas 7 (12): 212-30
  • Janire Lizárraga Iglesias
School situation of the Roma: our gaze (re)creates reality 2021 Etnografías Contemporáneas 7 (12): 232-56
  • José Eugenio Abajo Alcalde
Activismos online/offline: las redes sociodigitales y los grupos políticos afroreligiosos en el conurbano bonaerense 2021 Etnografías Contemporáneas 7 (13): 124-49
  • Mariana Abalos Irazabal
“It’s like if all your ancestors and (their) energy were with you, pushing”. The energy agency in doulas and pregnant women circles 2021 Etnografías Contemporáneas 7 (13): 178-97
  • Leila Abdala
Building a community and breaking the silence. Memory and political organization in lof Campo Maripe, Neuquén 2021 Etnografías Contemporáneas 7 (13): 64-89
  • Sabrina Aguirre
“And in those waters it was submerged”. Mixed narratives about the flood and the ruins of Villa Epecuén 2021 Etnografías Contemporáneas 7 (13): 90-112
  • Wanda Balbé
The ethnographic anti-method. Challenges for a way of working 2021 Etnografías Contemporáneas 7 (13): 8-35
  • Ana Goldemberg
  • Celso Centurión
  • Ezequiel Ledesma
  • Hernán Ezequiel García
  • Hernán Ramón Paiva
  • Laura Verónica Anger
  • Lucas Gutiérrez
  • María Juana de Haro
  • Martín Figueredo
  • Renoldi Brígida
  • Romina Brabo Guerra
  • Romina Hille-brand
  • Virginia Bertotto
“Children of the same history”: memories of politics and demand for justice in H.I.J.O.S. Rosario 2021 Etnografías Contemporáneas 7 (13): 36-63
  • Augustina Cinto