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TitleDateReferenceAuthorsCall #ISSN
Introduction: Inuit health 2016 Etudes inuit 40 (1): 15-22
  • Christopher Fletcher
  • Mylène Riva
*H6/KUB [ETUDES-] 0701-1008
Collaborating to improve child and youth mental health in Nunavik 2016 Etudes inuit 40 (1): 23-41
  • Léna D'Ostie Racine
  • Lucie Nadeau
  • Raymond Mickpegak
  • Rémy Rouillard
  • Sarah Fraser
*H6/KUB [ETUDES-] 0701-1008
Igloolik's black box: can a circus become therapeutic space for Inuit youth? 2016 Etudes inuit 40 (1): 43-62
  • Andréanne Lemaire
  • Mélanie Vachon
  • Mélissa Sokoloff
  • Sarah Fraser
*H6/KUB [ETUDES-] 0701-1008
Going Off, Growing Strong: a program to enhance individual youth and community resilience in the face of change in Nain, Nunatsiavut 2016 Etudes inuit 40 (1): 63-84
  • Carla Pamak
  • Chris Furgal
  • Christina Hackett
  • Dorothy Angatok
  • Katie Winters
  • Rachel Hirsch
  • Tom Sheldon
  • Trevor Bell
*H6/KUB [ETUDES-] 0701-1008
Culturally safe communication and the power of language in Arctic nursing 2016 Etudes inuit 40 (1): 85-104
  • Helle Møller
*H6/KUB [ETUDES-] 0701-1008
Inuit involvement in developing a participatory action research project on youth, violence prevention, and health promotion 2016 Etudes inuit 40 (1): 105-25
  • Marika Morris
*H6/KUB [ETUDES-] 0701-1008
"Our connection makes us stronger": Inuit youth's strategies to feel comfortable in Ottawa 2016 Etudes inuit 40 (1): 127-46
  • Stéphanie Vaudry
*H6/KUB [ETUDES-] 0701-1008
Supporting food security in the far north: community greenhouse projects in Nunavik and Nunavut 2016 Etudes inuit 40 (1): 147-69
  • Annie Lamalice
  • Caroline Desbiens
  • Ellen Avard
  • Sylvie Blangy
  • Thora Herrman
  • Véronique Coxam
  • Yohann Wittrant
*H6/KUB [ETUDES-] 0701-1008
Reflections on the intercultural politics of food, diet, and nutrition research in Canadian Inuit communities 2016 Etudes inuit 40 (1): 171-88
  • Christopher Fletcher
*H6/KUB [ETUDES-] 0701-1008
Inuit principals and the changing context of bilingual education in Nunavut 2016 Etudes inuit 40 (1): 189-209
  • Cathy Lee
  • Elisapee Flaherty
  • Fiona Walton
  • Jukeepa Hainnu
  • Lena Metuq
  • Saa Pitsiulak
  • Shelley Tulloch
*H6/KUB [ETUDES-] 0701-1008
The enduring afterlife of Before tomorrow: Inuit survivance and the spectral cinema of Arnait Video Productions 2016 Etudes inuit 40 (1): 211-28
  • Dianne Chisholm
*H6/KUB [ETUDES-] 0701-1008
Introduction: Inuit school curriculum 2016 Etudes inuit 40 (2): 15-23
  • Gisèle Maheux
*H6/KUB [ETUDES-] 0701-1008
The education of Inuit youth in Nunavik: teachers' and students' perspectives 2016 Etudes inuit 40 (2): 25-46
  • Tatiana Garakani
*H6/KUB [ETUDES-] 0701-1008
A hunger to teach: recruiting Inuit teachers in Nunavut 2016 Etudes inuit 40 (2): 47-69
  • Jennifer Kadjuk
  • Karen Inootik
  • Paul Berger
  • Rebecca Jones
*H6/KUB [ETUDES-] 0701-1008
Reflections on development of a math program for the communities of Ivujivik and Puvirnituq in Nunavik 2016 Etudes inuit 40 (2): 71-91
  • Lily Bacon
  • Thomas Rajotte
*H6/KUB [ETUDES-] 0701-1008
Inuit-centered learning in the Inuit bachelor of education program 2016 Etudes inuit 40 (2): 93-107
  • Alanna Edmunds
  • Cathy Mitsuk
  • Cheryl Allen
  • Doris Boase
  • Felicia Edmunds
  • Frank Russell
  • Jenni-Rose Campbell
  • Joanne Voisey
  • Jodi Lyall
  • Julia Flowers
  • Marina Andersen
  • Roxanne Nochasak
  • Sylvia Moore
  • Tracey Doherty
  • Vanessa Pamak
*H6/KUB [ETUDES-] 0701-1008
Behind the scenes of Inuit curriculum development in Nunavut, 2000-2013 2016 Etudes inuit 40 (2): 109-31
  • Catherine A. McGregor
  • Heather E. McGregor
*H6/KUB [ETUDES-] 0701-1008
The university-communities partnership for the development of an Inuktitut school curriculum: avenues for work and reflections 2016 Etudes inuit 40 (2): 133-52
  • Gisèle Maheux
  • Golorya Pellerin
  • Lily Bacon
  • Passa Mangiuk
  • Sarah Angiyou
  • Véronique Paul
*H6/KUB [ETUDES-] 0701-1008
Introduction: the online future of Inuit tradition 2016 Etudes inuit 40 (2): 157-61
  • Brendan Griebel
*H6/KUB [ETUDES-] 0701-1008
Documenting linguistic knowledge in an Inuit language atlas 2016 Etudes inuit 40 (2): 169-90
  • Kumiko Marasugi
  • Monica Ittusardjuat
*H6/KUB [ETUDES-] 0701-1008
The SkinBase Project: providing 3D virtual access to indigenous skin clothing collection from the circumpolar area 2016 Etudes inuit 40 (2): 191-205
  • Anne Lisbeth Schmidt
*H6/KUB [ETUDES-] 0701-1008
Identity, community, and technology: reflections on the the Facebook Group Inuit Hunting Stories of the Day 2016 Etudes inuit 40 (2): 207-24
  • Alexander Castleton
*H6/KUB [ETUDES-] 0701-1008
Food-sharing practices online in the Facebook group Cambridge Bay News 2016 Etudes inuit 40 (2): 225-43
  • Laura Dunn
  • Pamela Gross
*H6/KUB [ETUDES-] 0701-1008
Strategies and equipment for narwahl hunting in Inglefield Fjord (Greenland) 2016 Etudes inuit 40 (2): 247-70
  • Christiane Drieux
*H6/KUB [ETUDES-] 0701-1008
To supplement or not to supplement: are Inuit getting enough vitamin D? 2016 Etudes inuit 40 (2): 271-91
  • Peter Frost
*H6/KUB [ETUDES-] 0701-1008
The Inuit in southern Labrador 2015 Etudes inuit 39 (1): 11-14
  • Amanda Crompton
  • Lisa K. Rankin
  • Marianne P. Stopp
*H6/KUB [ETUDES-] 0701-1008
Bretons, Basques, and Inuit in Labrador and northern Newfoundland: the control of martime resources in the 16th and 17th centuries 2015 Etudes inuit 39 (1): 15-36
  • Peter E. Pope
*H6/KUB [ETUDES-] 0701-1008
The Inuit archaeology of the Quebec lower north shore 2015 Etudes inuit 39 (1): 37-62
  • William W. Fitzhugh
*H6/KUB [ETUDES-] 0701-1008
Faceted Inuit-European contact in southern Labrador 2015 Etudes inuit 39 (1): 63-89
  • Marianne P. Stopp
*H6/KUB [ETUDES-] 0701-1008
Identity markers: interpreting sod-house occupation in Sandwich Bay, Labrador 2015 Etudes inuit 39 (1): 91-116
  • Lisa K. Ranking
*H6/KUB [ETUDES-] 0701-1008
"They have gone back to their country": French landscapes and Inuit encounters in 18th century southern Labrador 2015 Etudes inuit 39 (1): 117-40
  • Amanda Crompton
*H6/KUB [ETUDES-] 0701-1008
Missionaries, merchants, and Inuit entrepreneurs: an examination of trade relations along the Labrador coast 2015 Etudes inuit 39 (1): 141-64
  • Amelia Fay
*H6/KUB [ETUDES-] 0701-1008
Labrador Inuit and their arrow shafts 2015 Etudes inuit 39 (1): 165-88
  • Greg Mitchell
*H6/KUB [ETUDES-] 0701-1008
English-Inuit hostilities at Cape Charles (Labrador) in 1767 2015 Etudes inuit 39 (1): 189-99
  • Hans J. Rollmann
*H6/KUB [ETUDES-] 0701-1008
L'héritage culturel inuit au Labrador méridional au XIXe siècle 2015 Etudes inuit 39 (1): 201-24
  • Paul Charest
*H6/KUB [ETUDES-] 0701-1008
Being and becoming Inuit in Labrador 2015 Etudes inuit 39 (1): 225-42
  • John C. Kennedy
*H6/KUB [ETUDES-] 0701-1008
Introduction: Patrick Plumet and the archaeology of Nunavik and Labrador 2015 Etudes inuit 39 (2): 9-11
  • Yves Labrèche
*H6/KUB [ETUDES-] 0701-1008
The Tuvaaluk and Torngat archaeological projects: review and assessment 2015 Etudes inuit 39 (2): 27-60
  • William W. Fitzhugh
*H6/KUB [ETUDES-] 0701-1008
The initial phase of computerization of the Tuvaaluk program (1975-1982) 2015 Etudes inuit 39 (2): 97-116
  • Jean-François Moreau
*H6/KUB [ETUDES-] 0701-1008
Revisiting the chronology of two Palaeoeskimo sites from Ivujivik (Nunavik) 2015 Etudes inuit 39 (2): 117-44
  • Murielle Nagy
*H6/KUB [ETUDES-] 0701-1008
Physical representation of the chaîne opératoire for processing of hides at Palaeoeskimo sites in Nunavik 2015 Etudes inuit 39 (2): 173-203
  • Marie-Michelle Dionne
*H6/KUB [ETUDES-] 0701-1008
Critical review of interpretation of Thule-Dorset interactions in Nunnavik and Nunatsiavut 2015 Etudes inuit 39 (2): 205-31
  • Yves Labrèche
*H6/KUB [ETUDES-] 0701-1008
Hommage familal 2015 Etudes inuit 39 (2): 305-6
  • Yanaël Plummet
*H6/KUB [ETUDES-] 0701-1008
Sivunitsatinnut ilinniapunga: Inuit archaeology and learning 2015 Etudes inuit 39 (2): 259-83
  • Jrène Rahm
  • Pierre M. Desrosiers
*H6/KUB [ETUDES-] 0701-1008
On the "Viking" presence in Nunavik: much ado about nothing! 2015 Etudes inuit 39 (2): 285-93
  • Daniel Gendron
*H6/KUB [ETUDES-] 0701-1008
Geoarchaeology of contact-period Inuit communal houses in Labrador 2015 Etudes inuit 39 (2): 233-58
  • Andréanne Couture
  • James Woollett
  • Najat Bhiry
  • Yves Monette
*H6/KUB [ETUDES-] 0701-1008
La contribution de Patrick Plumet à l'archéologie québecoise 2015 Etudes inuit 39 (2): 307-8
  • Gilles Tassé
*H6/KUB [ETUDES-] 0701-1008
Chemins d'étoiles 2015 Etudes inuit 39 (2): 308-9
  • Yolande Simard-Perrault
*H6/KUB [ETUDES-] 0701-1008
Introduction: Inuit cultures, governance et cosmopolitics 2014 Etudes inuit 38 (1-2): 15-21
  • Frédéric Laugrand
*H6/KUB [ETUDES-] 0701-1008
Silatuniq: respectful state of being in the world 2014 Etudes inuit 38 (1-2): 23-31
  • Betsy Annahatak
*H6/KUB [ETUDES-] 0701-1008