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TitleDateReferenceAuthorsCall #ISSN
The social marginalisation of the largest immigrant groups in Slovenia 2010 Etnolog 20 (71): 17-30
  • Janja Žitnik Serafin
H6/KVP [ETNOLOG-] 0354-0316
On the threshold: handicapped/disabled women and social exclusion 2010 Etnolog 20 (71): 31-45
  • Urša Valič
H6/KVP [ETNOLOG-] 0354-0316
Reaching people through things: stimulating mutual relations of exchange with homeless people 2010 Etnolog 20 (71): 47-63
  • Luna Jurančič Šribar
H6/KVP [ETNOLOG-] 0354-0316
'My friend, Sri Lanka is a poor country': development and the 'new world order' in the tourist space of an island 2010 Etnolog 20 (71): 65-84
  • Boštjan Kravanja
H6/KVP [ETNOLOG-] 0354-0316
The importance of global learning to enhancing awareness about the problems of poverty in Africa 2010 Etnolog 20 (71): 85-97
  • Maja Dolinar
H6/KVP [ETNOLOG-] 0354-0316
The intangible heritage of protected natural areas 2010 Etnolog 20 (71): 101-14
  • Peter Simonič
H6/KVP [ETNOLOG-] 0354-0316
Folklorisation of the dance heritage: spatial, temporal and social dimensions of folk and folkloric dances 2010 Etnolog 20 (71): 115-34
  • Bojan Knific
H6/KVP [ETNOLOG-] 0354-0316
Tradition in a new way: folk dance heritage and folk dance groups 2010 Etnolog 20 (71): 135-48
  • Rebeka Kunej
H6/KVP [ETNOLOG-] 0354-0316
The restoration of a Carinthian bonnet from the Slovene ethnographic museum's collection of headwear 2010 Etnolog 20 (71): 151-64
  • Ana Motnikar
  • Ana Resnik
H6/KVP [ETNOLOG-] 0354-0316
Open softwear, open code, and creative commons: an option for museums and libraries as well? 2010 Etnolog 20 (71): 165-76
  • Gregor Ilaš
H6/KVP [ETNOLOG-] 0354-0316
The significance of the digital encyclopaedia DEDI to the preservation and creation of the Slovene heritage 2010 Etnolog 20 (71): 177-89
  • Boris Horvat
  • Daniel Vladušič
  • Gregor Torkar
  • Mateja Šmid Hribar
H6/KVP [ETNOLOG-] 0354-0316
How to address the museum's visitors and what to stimulate: on the permanent exhibition I, we and the others: images of my world 2010 Etnolog 20 (71): 191-212
  • Janja Žagar
H6/KVP [ETNOLOG-] 0354-0316
The audiovisual contents in the permanent exhibition I, we and the others: images of my world 2010 Etnolog 20 (71): 213-38
  • Nadja Valentinčič Furlan
H6/KVP [ETNOLOG-] 0354-0316
In memoriam: Zdravko Caharija (1928-2010) 2010 Etnolog 20 (71): 213-38
  • Polona Sketelj
H6/KVP [ETNOLOG-] 0354-0316
Handicraft and trade 1988/90 Slovenski Etnograf 33/4 (): 207-46
  • Ljudmila Bras
Viticulture in Slovenia in the 19th century 1988/90 Slovenski Etnograf 33/4 (): 61-82
  • Andrej Dular
Home archives and a survey of a farm from Spodnja Siska in the 19th century 1988/90 Slovenski Etnograf 33/4 (): 83-126
  • France Golob
Survey of the housing culture of Slovene farmers in the 19th century 1988/90 Slovenski Etnograf 33/4 (): 329-88
  • Irena Kersic
Nutrition in the 19th century in Slovenia 1988/90 Slovenski Etnograf 33/4 (): 127-205
  • Gorazd Makarovic
Roles and importance of folk art in the life of the rural population 1988/90 Slovenski Etnograf 33/4 (): 461-79
  • Gorazd Makarovic
The clothing culture of the agrarian population 1988/90 Slovenski Etnograf 33/4 (): 247-300
  • Marija Makarovic
Farmhands 1988/90 Slovenski Etnograf 33/4 (): 433-60
  • Marija Makarovic
Health culture of the rural population 1988/90 Slovenski Etnograf 33/4 (): 481-528
  • Marija Makarovic
Stavbarstvo depriviligiranih druzbenih slojev na Slovenskem v devetnajstem stoletju 1988/90 Slovenski Etnograf 33/4 (): 301-28
  • Ivan Sedej
Vsakdanje zivljenje vecinskega prebivalstva na Slovenskem v 19. stoletju 1988/90 Slovenski Etnograf 33/4 (): 7-23
  • Ivan Sedej
Decisive and other essential economic developments in the history of branches of agriculture in Slovenia in the 19th century 1988/90 Slovenski Etnograf 33/4 (): 25-60
  • Inja Smerdel
Summary on certain developments and phenomena in the sphere of social culture in Slovenia in the 19th century 1988/90 Slovenski Etnograf 33/4 (): 389-431
  • Tanja Tomazic
Bibliography of folk medicine manuscripts and notes from Slovene ethnic territory 1983/7 Slovenski Etnograf 31 (): 31-74
  • Milan Dolenc
Konservatorska dokumentacija orodij in strojev za ciscenje omlacenega zita [grain sifting tools and machinery; English summary] 1983/7 Slovenski Etnograf 31 (): 211-42
  • France Golob
Building prefabs of the Far East, kept in the Museum of Non-[European] Cultures in the Goricane castle 1983/7 Slovenski Etnograf 31 (): 101-22
  • Tine Kurent
Reconstruction of [a] mill from 1524 1983/7 Slovenski Etnograf 31 (): 75-100
  • Gorazd Makarovic
The culture of health as exemplified by a village in Dolenjsko 1983/7 Slovenski Etnograf 31 (): 9-30
  • Marija Makarovic
Orehenkova hisa v Mojstrani 1983/7 Slovenski Etnograf 31 (): 203-9
  • Anka Novak
From the archives of [the] Slovene Ethnographic Museum in Ljubljana. Statistic forms of the 1st field team (Sentjurij - Skocjan) 1983/7 Slovenski Etnograf 31 (): 123-80
  • Alenka Simikic
'Dolinc's sledges' of Stara Loka 1983/7 Slovenski Etnograf 31 (): 181-202
  • Inja Smerdel
Crafts collection 1980/2 Slovenski Etnograf 32 (): 27-39, [237-8]
  • Ljudmila Bras
The technical department [of the Slovenian Ethnographic Museum] 1980/2 Slovenski Etnograf 32 (): 159-67, [248-9]
  • France Golob
Settlements, architecture and interior collection 1980/2 Slovenski Etnograf 32 (): 40-68, [238-40]
  • Irena Keršič
6O years of the Slovenian Ethnographic Museum 1980/2 Slovenski Etnograf 32 (): i-v, [234]
  • Boris Kuhar
The library [of the Slovenian Ethnographic Museum] 1980/2 Slovenski Etnograf 32 (): 184-9, [251]
  • Marija Lah
Folk art collection 1980/2 Slovenski Etnograf 32 (): 87-112, [242-3]
  • Gorazd Makarovič
Textile collection 1980/2 Slovenski Etnograf 32 (): 69-86, [240-2]
  • Marija Makarovič
Documentary department 1980/2 Slovenski Etnograf 32 (): 168-83, [249-50]
  • Alenka Simikič
Folk economy 1980/2 Slovenski Etnograf ():
  • Inja Smerdel
The non-European collections of the Museum Goričane [Yugoslavia] 1980/2 Slovenski Etnograf 32 (): 125-58, [245-8]
  • Pavia Strukelj
Social culture 1980/2 Slovenski Etnograf 32 (): 113- , [243-5]
  • Tanja Tomažič
The floating of wood on the Savinja river 1977 Slovenski Etnograf 30 (): 61-74
  • A Bas
Lime-kilns at Podpec pri Krimu 1977 Slovenski Etnograf 30 (): 75-92
  • L Bras
Keramicno gradivo iz zijalk na Lepi glavi in Dolgi njivi 1977 Slovenski Etnograf 30 (): 113-20
  • T Bregant
The influence of natural conditions of the soil and of socio-historical conditions upon life of shepherds in natural shelters in the alpine pastures in the Kamnik alps 1977 Slovenski Etnograf 30 (): 93-112, 121-2
  • T Cevc